A Little Friday File Fun (11/07)

November 7, 2008 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - They say that a picture is worth a thousand words...

OK, so there aren’t many pictures this week.  Thanks for stopping by to check these out.

– – – in Adelaide, Australia , an unnamed 16-year-old boy broke into an office here – – – which turned out to be the back of the Parks Police Station here – – – which turned out to be occupied at the time – – – officials were not sure as to his motives, but as for his unfortunate timing, they noted that he may have had “a bit too much to drink” – – –

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– – – In Trans Mara, Kenya , a luxury SUV broke down outside a police station here – – – officers came out to assist – – – and were surprised when the occupants took off on foot – – – they searched the vehicle – – – and found it packed with about $20,000 worth of mari.juana – – –

– – – In Beach Park, Illinois , Mayor Milton Jensen had been asked to use the city’s emergency telephone calling system to alert residents about a bomb threat at Beach Park Middle School – – – now Mayor Jensen was at home recording the message when – – – right at the end – – – his wife said on the intercom “you idiot” – – – Mayor Jensen checked – – – but he didn’t think that comment made it onto the recording – – – that was sent to 7,000 residents – – – (there was no maliciousness in the comment – she made the remark because the mayor had slipped a joke in between songs on her iPod) – – –

– – – In Trelleborg, Sweden , an unnamed 49-year-old woman has lost her case to have a speeding ticket dismissed – – – she said she was forced to drive 53 mph in a 43 mph zone – – – because of her “digestive issues” – – –

– – – In Halifax, Nova Scotia , two unnamed men, aged 51 and 53, broke into an apartment here about 3:30 in the morning, demanding cash – – – the resident told the burglars that he didn’t have any cash – – – but offered to go to an ATM to get some – – – they agreed – – – and waited in the apartment for him – – – while he left and called police – – –

– – – In Omaha, Nebraska , officers investigating a robbery at G’s Mini Mart here – – – noticed the door had been pried open – – – inside they spotted a pack of cigarettes on the floor behind the counter – – – and near the cooler they found a piece of the handle from a case of Bud Light – – – now, missing from the cooler were two cases of Busch Light and a case each of Bud Light and Keystone beer – – – a search outside the convenience store turned up a can of cold Bud Light – – – and officers followed a trail of full beer cans to a nearby house – – – where they found Mickey Mangan, 18, Kyle Wilson, 18, and an unnamed 16-year old – – – as well as the aforereferenced beer – – – and a crowbar – – –

Your Halloween can't be complete until you see a 750-pound pumpkin - - - dropped onto a waterbed from 80 feet in the air.

If you can't view the above video, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS52uzLO514

It was 73 years ago this week (November 5, 1935) that the game "Monopoly" was introduced by Parker Brothers Company.  

In honor of the occasion, we've found some interesting trivia about the game, including the three most-landed-on properties, and the longest Monopoly game ever played.   MORE at http://www.planadviser.com/article.php/3129

TRIVIAL PURSUITS:   It's (unfortunately) not all that unusual presidential campaign promises to be cast aside once the White House is won.   What was Woodrow Wilson's somewhat ironic 1916 reelection campaign slogan?  


Woodrow Wilson's campaign slogan was "He kept us out of war" when he ran for re-election in 1916 against Charles Evans Hughes. However, just five months after his re-election, he asked congress to declare war on the Central Powers, sending the United States into World War I.
