A Little Friday File Fun

In Fruitland Park, Florida, a man called 911 to report a harassing phone call he received. While on the phone, he told the dispatcher he had big muscles and asked her if she was single. The Orlando Sentinel reports that the dispatcher commented to the man that he sounded dru.nk, and he hung up. However, he called back two more times and asked if the dispatcher was single. Police found the man and arrested him for making the bogus 911 calls. But, the man was not done. When police placed him in handcuffs, he allegedly told an officer he wanted to head bu.tt the officer and kill him. Then, he spit onto an officer’s head and said he would kill the officer.

In Uniontown, Pennsylvania, a man reported to the police station to be fingerprinted for a charge of drun.ken driving he received for causing an accident in January. According to the Associated Press, he drove there, and was dru.nk.

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In Vigo, Galacia, Spain, a woman has been claiming ownership of part of the sun since 2010 when she threatened to bill solar power users. The 54-year-old registered the star in her name at a notary office in Spain, before opening an eBay account selling square-metre plots for one euro each. Two years later, eBay pulled her listings, saying they violated its intangible goods policy, and her account was blocked. She threatened to sue, and now one Spanish court has recognized her claim. According to sky News, a trial will take place next month, with the woman demanding around £7,500 for payments she says she has not received. She has rejected an attempt by eBay to settle the case out of court.

In Cape Coral, Florida, a man climbed atop a marked sheriff’s office SUV and performed a dance routine to songs including Hall & Oates’ “Rich Girl” and Supertramp’s “Goodbye Stranger.” He was arrested on charges of disturbing the peace and criminal mischief. He told deputies a “woman with fangs” came to his door and told him a human sacrifice involving vampires was imminent. “Therefore, [he] made the conscious decision to get the Sheriff of Nottingham to help him stop the slaughter of small children,” the Cape Coral police report of the April 7 incident states, according to UPI.

In New York, New York, a man whose first name is God has settled a lawsuit with a credit reporting agency that had refused to recognize his name as legitimate. Under the agreement reached in Brooklyn federal court, Equifax will enter the man’s name into its database, the Associated Press reports. He now has an impressive 820 credit score. The Russian native is a Brooklyn jewelry store owner who is named after his grandfather. He says it’s a relatively common name in Russia.

In Sargodha, Pakistan, eyewitnesses say two alleged sui.cide bom.bers were sitting on benches in a street close to a roundabout with vests on, and had a discussion that soon turned into an altercation. BGR Media reports that during the fist fight, one of the vests exploded, killing one of the suspected bom.bers and injuring the other. No one else was injured.

In Beijing, China, a man filed a lawsuit against a television show actress who he says stared at him too intensely through his TV set. The man claims the gaze caused him spiritual damage. The Associated Press report about the lawsuit says regulations making it more difficult for courts to reject lawsuits took effect May 1.

In St. Johnsbury, Vermont, a man showed up on time for jury duty and joined other prospective jurors before the start of the selection process. According to the Associated Press, deputies directed him to an empty court room to meet with the judge. The judge told him he could be held in contempt of court, but instructed him to leave, because he was wearing a prisoner costume. The man said the juror instructions do not specify clothing restrictions.

I bet this teacher, who is retiring this year, won’t be spending retirement in a rocking chair.

If you can't view the below video, try https://youtu.be/TxC0CyoXj-M

Crashing through your garage door is an odd bucket list item, but I can see how this would be fun.

If you can't view the below video, try https://youtu.be/GSdAbm3kvYc

In Raleigh, North Carolina, a little girl OWNS IT during a dance routine to Aretha Franklin’s “Respect.”

If you can't view the below video, try https://youtu.be/y9vto-eWPaY

Behavioral Finance Q&A with Shachar Kariv – Part 2

In the second half of a conversation with PLANSPONSOR, U.C. Berkeley Economics Department Chair Shachar Kariv discusses the importance of defining and driving “financial rationality” among workplace savers.

Shachar Kariv is the Benjamin N. Ward Professor of Economics and the Economics Department Chair at the University of California, Berkeley. Like other thought leaders, Kariv believes behavioral finance is redefining the way people save and invest money, especially for retirement.

He admits retirement readiness and decision theory aren’t exactly the standard fare for economists in his position—but the trillions of dollars Americans have saved in the form of tax-qualified retirement assets comprise a critical piece of the U.S. investing landscape, he says. Beyond this, it is vital for a healthy economic future that Americans save enough to take financial responsibility for themselves and their families in retirement.

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Finally—unlike economic challenges that so commonly break down by income quartile or political affiliation—everyone who hopes to retire one day, at any income level, must confront the difficult task of giving up resources today for the benefit of one’s future self.


Q: Why do you think the fields of financial services and retirement planning are only now getting serious about the role of behavioral psychology and decision architecture?

Well, these ideas have been around for a long time, but they are becoming more important in a world where financial services consumers drive their own choices and are presented with so much more choice and control than they had in the past.

The underlying ideas are not new. The first American Nobel Laureate in economics was the great Paul Samuelson, who worked for a long time out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1947 he wrote a book called Foundations of Economic Analysis. Now, the titles of most books in our field tend to oversell the content in the book—but this is an apt title for the work Samuelson accomplished in his writing about modern economics and financial decisionmaking.

It remains foundational today—he basically laid the ground for what we talked about earlier as the Theory of Revealed Preferences. He sketched out some of the earliest models that we can use to see what people’s preferences are when it comes to allocating risk—and he was big on the idea of letting the data reveal this, of looking at people’s real historical choices and behaviors to distill or boil down their true preferences.

Moreover, he did something even more interesting for the context of this conversation. He suggested that many market participants—individuals and institutions—do not actually have any consistent risk preferences to reveal. This will be familiar to your plan sponsor and adviser readers. Some participants in plans are simply incoherent about their own financial situation, so they are unable to rationally or consistently solve the various trade-offs at work in financial decisionmaking. This is one of the challenges the defined contribution retirement planning model is running straight into today. 

Q: Is it right to assume that participants who struggle with defining their risk preferences will always do worse in the savings effort?

Not necessarily, and I’ll explain. One of the attacks most commonly leveled against economists and certain economic theories is that we make our judgements based on the assumption that the financial choices people make are driven by their rationality. I think this is unfair criticism, because any good economist knows people often rely on emotions or they simply make an uninformed choice when it comes to their finances. Solid economic theory takes this into account.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that, as economists, we’re not talking about rationality in the common usage—most people do not really know what economists mean when they talk about “rationality.” They equate the rational choice with the objectively best choice—but that is not what we are talking about in economics. The definition of rationality for economists goes like this: “You are a rational financial market participant if you have preferences that guide your behavior.”

You can see from this that an individual might have a preference that works against his ultimate best interest—for example he may take on less investment risk than he needs to have a good chance of funding an adequate income replacement ratio in retirement—but by our definition this does not mean he is irrational.

I think it is good in general for people to have reasons underlying their economic decisions, but having this element of rationality does not always or even generally mean that an individual will make the right or the best decision based on their objective circumstances. In fact, it can be more challenging to get a rational person on track in the retirement savings effort than it is to get an irrational person on track. If the former has strong psychological biases underlying his reason-driven decisionmaking, it will be hard for a plan sponsor or adviser to push him towards the more appropriate choice.

Q: Can you talk more about how this applies to the daily work of plan sponsors and advisers?

As you know, a lot of the ongoing theoretical work in behavioral finance and retirement plan services more broadly is dedicated to some form of the rationality question—and whether participants should have decisions made for them. This is an area where I am working with a firm called Capital Preferences to really build out a sensible approach for addressing this thinking in the real world of retirement plan administration. For us, the important step for plan sponsors and advisers to take is to try and define how rational their plan participants are, and then to think about what the answer might mean for important plan design decisions.

At Capital Preferences, we are able to deliver this type of an insight because of the careful construction of the "risk and ambiguity” games we use in place of things like portfolio risk questionnaires. In our games, we ask individuals to make a series of theoretical decisions, which are loosely structured like retirement investments. Importantly, we structure the series questions in the game so that, if a person is answering their questions in a rational way and according to a fixed set of principals held in the mind, there should be a pattern in their answers that bears this out.

I’ll give you an example. If you were a rational financial decisionmaker and you told me in one of these games that you preferred a given Portfolio A over another Portfolio B, and then you went on to tell me that you also preferred Portfolio C over Portfolio B, you should not then go on to tell me that you preferred Portfolio C over Portfolio A. When we run a person through a series of these tests like this, we very quickly start to see just how much inconsistency (i.e., irrationality) a given individual displays.

If I’m a financial adviser or a plan sponsor, and I see that you answer all these questions rationally, the question then becomes, does this person’s set of preferences line up with what I believe is their best interest? If so—great—but if not, are there steps I can take from a plan design or educational perspective that will better align one’s preference with one’s best interest?  

If a participant, on the other hand, displays a lot of inconsistency, we have to ask how we can help the individual better understand their own circumstances and their wants and needs. Then we can turn to aligning their rationality and their best interest.

Q: Do you think the movement of this thinking into the financial services mainstream will improve the defined contribution retirement system and lead to more retirement wealth?

There are a few observations we can make that would suggest improving economic rationality will boost retirement plan performance in general. I explain this by first noting that U.S. households with very similar demographic characteristics across metrics like age, location, yearly income and the number of family members—they tend to vary quite widely in terms of their current wealth and their perception of financial well-being or anticipated hardship in retirement.

The question is, then, how can we explain the wealth stratification when these families are working off the same income base and presumably are facing the same expense demands? Outside of academia people are satisfied to say one’s success in wealth accumulation will be determined by the quality of their financial decisions—in the end the people that make higher quality financial decisions will accumulate more wealth. This sounds like a good explanation—but academics like myself, we want to go deeper. What does it actually mean to make financial decisions that are of high quality?

It’s not a concept that is very well defined at present—not least because people have very different goals for how much money they would like to make and how much money they need to be “happy” or “successful.” The key insight we have found after running many of these risk and ambiguity analyses is that, even after we control for income levels and other important factors, our measure of economic rationality helps explain the wealth stratification in a way other factors can’t.  

“The scientific way of saying this: ‘One standard deviation from the mean score of consistency with economic rationality in our experiments is associated with 15% more household wealth.’ In other words, the more consistency one displays in financial decision making, the better off we would expect them to be.”
