A Little Friday File Fun

In Berlin, Germany, a thief broke into the new interior ministry headquarters days before staff moved in—and stole the toilet seats. In addition, the thief stole the faucets and toilet paper holders. “Many of the toilets are unusable. The atmosphere is rather strained,” said an employee who chose to remain anonymous, according the UK’s The Telegraph.

In Aspen, Colorado, a man accused of violating a restraining order came into court and placed a stuffed owl on the table in front of him. According to UPI, the man told the judge: “He’s a very sensitive guy, has law degrees from Yale, Harvard and Stanford. I think he’ll be able to represent me before a public defender comes online.”

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In Seattle, Washington, a couple checked online and discovered they had a lottery ticket worth $1 million. Their luck could have turned sour when a thief broke into their car, where the lottery ticket was laying in plain view. However, the thief stole only a pair of sunglasses sitting on top of the ticket and left the ticket in the car.

In Knoxville, Tennessee, a Delta flight from Philadelphia to Atlanta was diverted to Knoxville about 2 p.m. Tuesday due to weather in Georgia. Soon Twitter was abuzz with reports that the captain and crew had ordered pizza for the whole plane, according to the Associated Press. Delta spokesman Morgan Durrant said the pizza party was part of a new airline policy. “It’s part of an effort company-wide when weather disrupts our operation to get food and beverages to delayed customers,” Durrant told CNN.

In Chongqing, China, the goalkeeper for the Chongqing Lifan soccer team was sipping on his water bottle next to the goal during a game when a midfielder for the Lianoning Whowin team kicked the ball into the untended goal. UPI reports that the goalkeeper, who apologized to the team in private, was fined $8,064 for missing the goal, which cost Chongqing their lead and led to the game finishing in a tie.

In Quincy, Illinois, a couple, married for 59 years and having 12 children, welcomed their 100th grandchild recently. They have 53 grandchildren, 46 great-grandchildren, and the birth of a great-great-grandson on April 8 brought the total to 100.

Some of this guy’s animal impressions are amazing.

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I thought scarecrows were supposed to scare birds AWAY from gardens.

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Ways to trick your sense of touch.

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UBA Provides Guide for DOL Health Plan Audits

The likelihood of a group health plan audit by the Department of Labor is increasing, UBA says.

United Benefit Advisors (UBA) released a resource guide meant to walk employers through the process of an audit of group health plans from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL).

The white paper, “Don’t Roll the Dice on Department of Labor Audits,” includes information about how to prepare for an audit, the best way to acclimate staff to the audit process, what the DOL wants, and the most important elements of complying with requests.

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“When it comes to a DOL audit, prevention is certainly warranted, but it’s not a matter of ‘if’ you’re ever going to get audited, it’s a matter of ‘when,’” says Jeff Hadden, Partner at LHD Benefit Advisors, a UBA Partner Firm.

Hadden says 12 of his clients received DOL audits of their group health plans in the past 20 years. Of those 12, nine went through the audit process in the previous two years. “That’s a significant increase and a harbinger that more audits are likely to come from the DOL,” says Hadden.

According to Hadden, it takes approximately one to two weeks to properly prepare for an audit, depending on the size of the business and how well they are organized. Part of that preparation is building an audit binder with known documents.

Josie Martinez, Senior Partner and General Counsel at UBA Partner Firm EBS Capstone, says the following steps should be taken if a health plan sponsors has been selected to be audited:

  • Call the DOL Phone Number: Call the DOL phone number listed on the letter and request an extension. If granted, this additional time is vital and should be used to your advantage to help prepare.
  • Get Specific Information About the Audit: Find out what the focus of the investigation will be. While it will usually review an organization’s entire history, there will often be one thing of particular focus (e.g. the claims and appeals process). Important questions to ask include: What are the time periods of the review? What are the names of any people who the auditor wants to interview? “You only want to provide exactly what the auditor wants and nothing more,” says Martinez.
  • Call Your Attorney and Your Broker: “Last, but certainly not least,” says Deanna Johnson, Director of Compliance at UBA Partner Firm Benefit Insurance Marketing, “call your attorney and your broker’s office and give them a heads-up.”

By planning ahead, conducting a self-audit, educating appropriate staff, and resolving any issues, an employer should be able to face a DOL audit with absolute confidence, UBA says.

Download the white paper at http://bit.ly/1FZrNZj.



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