A Not-So-Virtual NewsDash Birthday Card

October 25, 2010 (PLANSPONSOR.com) – This month marks the 11th anniversary of the launch of PLANSPONSOR’s NewsDash. 

A couple of weeks back I gave readers an opportunity to participate in a “virtual” birthday card – but since then, a number of readers have expressed an interest in reading the card – and here we are. 

Along with the comments, I asked respondents a couple of questions.   

For more stories like this, sign up for the PLANSPONSOR NEWSDash daily newsletter.

Most of the respondents were long-time readers; nearly a quarter (24.2%) had been reading for 8-10 years, another one-in-five (19.7%) for more than a decade, and 21.2% for 6-8 years.  Among the rest: 

10.6% – 4-6 years

12.1% – 2-4 years

3.0% – 1-2 years

Another 4.5% had been reading for less than a year, the rest – couldn’t remember.

Most (65.2%) read the dash first thing in the morning, 10.6% are mid-morning viewers, roughly 6% each split between lunchtime and late afternoon – and the rest opted for “all of the above.”

I asked for suggestions to improve the Dash – and there were several interesting ones.  There was a suggestion to list the events in “on this day” in chronological order, a suggestion to include the EAFE index alongside the other stock indexes in Market Mirror, and one reader asked to not put the YouTube videos in Friday Files (a number of firms, particularly in the financial services sector, block those, and this reader said that having them there just left them worrying about what they were missing).  We had readers who wanted more headlines, some who wanted less content – but the vast majority said they loved things just the way they were (including the reader who reader suggested “DO NOT ever discontinue the “Small Talk”). 

The reality is that the NewsDash is constantly evolving in little ways, generally because an individual reader like you made a suggestion to me – either online or in person at one of our events – and I hope you continue to do so.  I don’t act on every suggestion – but I listen and think about each one (if you have a suggestion, email me at nevin.adams@assetinternational.com).

Thanks again for all your continued support (and suggestions) over the years! 


"Happy Birthday NewsDash!!  I look forward to reading you everyone morning before I start my day!!

Thank you!!"

"Happy Birthday NewsDash! How about re-running that first issue so we can see it?  And don't forget my birthday on January 14--I'll be 50!"

Happy Birthday NewsDash

I love News Dash!!!!!

I believe I've been a reader since almost the very beginning! Congratulations on a job well done!

I can't tell you how much I look forward to reading NewsDash every morning.  I enjoy participating in your surveys and seeing what my colleagues think.  Best wishes on your 11th birthday, I hope you keep going for a long, long time.

Happy Birthday and congratulations on 11 years, keep up the great work.  Looking forward to many more years of thoughful reporting on the DC business.

I remember when the Dash was orange and we liked it that way. Looking forward to the day Santa Claus Conquers the Martians becomes everyone's favorite Christmas movie. Though that may take another 11 years.

Has it really only been 11 years? Seems like NewsDash has always been around! It been there to greet me every morning through job changes and inter-state moves. Thanks for staying relevant and interesting! NewsDash - you are looking good!

Happy 11th Birthday, NewsDash!

Happy Birthday to NewsDash and congratulations, Nevin on this successful venture. (Perhaps you could celebrate at Tommy Nevins Pub when your out Chicago way next.)

Happy Birthday NewsDash!  Thank you for all you do and have done to keep us informed!

Congratulations on your birthday!  I'm a daily reader and always get at least one piece of information that is either pertinent to our business, interesting, or funny!  Thanks for doing what you do!  Hope you have another 11 years - at least! 

Happy Birthday !  I look forward to many more (of this great newsletter).

Happy Birthday!  Thanks for bringing us the best news every day.

Happy Birthday!  During all the years (10+) I have been a reader, I have now worked for four companies, plus some "unemployed" time.  I find NewsDash to be the single most succinct and complete way to stay on top of what is going on in employee benefits.  Keep up the great work.  May you have continued success for...as long as there is something called employee benefits.

Fresh, relevant and fun. Happy Birthday, NewsDash!

Happy Birthday Nevin.

"Many happy ""birthdays"" to come.  I do so enjoy reading your ""newspaper"" to get the highlights of what is happening out there in the world! 

You do a great job!"

Happy BDay NewsDash!  Please save me a slice of some virtual cake...

"Thank you for being both consistent and innovative, in providing important, pertinent information that always provides an added value.

Congratulations!  This is one of my favorite early morning reads.  Best wishes for another 11 and 11 more after that, and another 11, etc.

Nevin- you and your team do a great job of making this a 'one stop shop' for all things benefits related!  Congratulations + know that your daily end result is definitely appreciated!

"Nevin, I love this daily publication.  You and your staff (or maybe that's you, too :)) do an amazing job of laying out the hot topics and making them readable and enjoyable for all of us.

Thanks for staying at it all these years.  Wishing you a happy birthday/anniversary, and hoping for many more.

"Happy birthday, Nevin and team -- and thanks for providing an informative, entertaining, and extremely well-written newsletter.  You've managed to take information that, frankly, isn't all that sexy, and make it interesting. 

I should also tell you that I particularly look forward to your weekly surveys, and consider it a challenge to try to write something pithy enough in the comments that'll make your ""editor's choice"" (I've been successful a time or two!). 

Kudos to all of you on an exceptional job!"

Happy birthday, Nevin!

"Here's hoping for a continued presence in the Employee Benefits field.  Your insights and information bring a welcome perspective to a complicated and ever changing field.  Happy Birthday"

"Happy Birthday!  This is truly one of the best sources of information that I enjoy reading.  I hope you  have many more birthdays! 


Happy Birthday PlanSponsor Magazine!  Here's to another successful 11 years!

Happy Birthday NewsDash!  I wish you many more years of exceptional articles, webinars, and providing timely information.

Happy Birthday, NewsDash.  As a "charter" subscriber from my days at GM, I have rarely missed a day of at least seeing if there was something relevant in the headlines.  Keep up the good work of remaining current and relevant.

Happy Birthday, NewsDash!  You are my daily friend and I learn a lot from you.  Nevin is the best!  Here's to many more great years of sharing.

I enjoy starting my day with NewsDash. The news helps keep me informed. The Friday Files (and, let's face it, some of the news) keeps me amused.

Happy birthday!! Eleven years of publishing a daily item as comprehensive, insightful and engaging as NewsDash probably should be measured in dog years. 🙂

Happy birthday NewsDash! Thanks for keeping us well informed -- and for the fun headlines!

Congratulations on producing a product that is among the best available anywhere.

Hey, a11: Thanks for the many years of news, data, commentary and the odd chuckle. It's how I start my day. Oh, yeah, keep it up. 

Thank you for your vast wealth of knowledge.  I love coming in in the morning and reading my Plansponsor email and feel like I know something before the rest of the world.

Keep 'em coming! Happy birthday!

Congrats and a hearty THANK YOU!  Even though I subscribe to several newsletters, yours is one I always read, no matter how little time I have for such things on any particular day.

Happy Birthday NewsDash!  Keep up the good work!

Congratulations on a great run for your first 11 years -- and best wishes for the coming year and beyond.

Thanks for the daily electronic compilation - has become part of my "must" reading.  Factual and appreciate the closing humor on which to continue to the day!

Happy Birthday NewsDash...thanks for being a part of my day for the past eight years! Patricia

Thank you for your continued efforts to keep us updated with financial and retirement plan news.  Here's to a mutually healthy and prosperous year and many more to come!

Great resource! I look forward to the next ten years.

Thanks for all the years of useful information!  It's a great supplement to the magazine.  And often good for a chuckle ("Fee Tell Position," clever!).  Keep it up!

Happy Birthday, NewsDash! (By the way, our plan was born the same year.) I always appreciate the valuable news, sensible commentary, and entertaining (sometimes hilarious) Friday features and survey comments.

Happy Birthday ND!!!

Thanks for producing and distributing NewsDash. I have been receiving this newsletter since it began.

This is an amazing news source for me!  Thank you! 

You are an amazing editor! You bring us such a variety of information and your style keeps it fun. I sometimes get a little behind, but this is my favorite "lunch at my desk" reading. I especially look forward to the Friday files. Keep up the good work!

"Happy!, Birthday! (and anniversary for some, people)

I can't believe it! You still are my favorite as always, and for so long: *****

happy!!!!! Birthday!"

"What an amazing past 11 years - It has been as much fun reading your Monday musing, the Tuesday Trivia, the Wednesday surveys and the Friday files as reading the real purpose of the newsdash

Congrats on 11 great years and I look forward to many many more years!  Anne"

Happy Birthday NewsDash!  Always timely and relevant information!

Happy Birthday, NewsDash.  Thanks for keeping me informed and keeping me smiling all these years.

Wow - that long!  You deliver so much value to so many readers.  As investment advisors, you deliver tremendous value and continue to evolve dynamically as technology and the industry's issues evolve.  Thank you!

Great with my morning coffee! Thanks and keep it up!  
