Actions to Comply With SECURE Act Should Already Be Underway

Though more guidance is expected for certain provisions of the SECURE Act, there are some that are urgent for plan sponsors to address.

The SECURE Act was passed into law on December 20, 2019.

David Whaley, partner at Thompson Hine LLP in Cincinnati, Ohio, explains that the law is a collection of singular ideas that have been floating around for a long time that have been consolidated into one act. While there have been some who have likened it to the passage of the Pension Protection Act (PPA) of 2006, Whaley says the SECURE Act is not a full modification of retirement programs. For example, the acceptance of open multiple employer plans (MEPs) is unrelated to the change in required minimum distributions (RMDs), which is unrelated to the ability to adopt a retirement plan by the time of filing the employer’s tax return.

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Whaley notes that the majority of the law’s provisions are effective for plan years beginning after 12/31/2019. So, preparations should already be underway.

There are three provisions plan sponsors should get a handle on immediately, according to Barb van Zomeren, senior vice president of ERISA [Employee Retirement Income Security Act] at Ascensus in Brainerd, Minnesota. “The increase in the age for RMDs, the elimination of the ability of certain beneficiaries to stretch IRA payments over their lifetime, and the exception to the 10% early distribution penalty for distributions for birth or adoption of a child are the most urgent for plan sponsors to address,” she says.

Van Zomeren explains that if an individual is born on or after July 1, 1949, he will turn 70 ½ in 2020, so he won’t have to take an RMD until he turns age 72. However, those who turned 70 ½ in 2019 will fall under old rules; they will get their initial RMD April 1, 2020, and will continue to get distributions each year.

She says plan sponsors should be aware of how the provision applies to those in RMD status and those who will have to wait, and they need to explain it to participants. Plan sponsors likely rely on their service providers for help in processing distributions, and many service providers are asking the IRS for relief on RMDs because they have to program their systems for rolling over RMDs and taking taxes, according to van Zomeren.

As for the elimination of the stretch IRA, van Zomeren says it is important for participants and beneficiaries to understand the change to a 10-year payout period. She notes there are exceptions in the law for chronically ill and disabled participants. Plan service providers will need to be able to handle payouts in the near-term as beneficiary payouts actually occur.

The SECURE Act permits participants in qualified defined contribution (DC) plans and IRAs to elect a penalty-free in-service withdrawal of up to $5,000 within one year following the birth or adoption of a child and allows later repayment of such withdrawals (effective for distributions made after December 31, 2019). “At this point, I understand the elimination of the distribution penalty for birth or adoption to be optional, but we need clarification on this,” van Zomeren says. “Also, clarification is needed on the open-ended repayment period.” She also says plan sponsors and service providers need to understand whether the 20% withholding on distributions applies. “This is one of the provisions for which more guidance is needed before plan sponsors want to let participants take advantage of the feature.”

Other provisions effective in 2020

According to attorneys at Sidley Austin LLP, other provisions of the SECURE Act that are effective in 2020 include:

  • permanent nondiscrimination testing relief with respect to benefit accruals and benefits, rights and features provided to a closed class of participants in defined benefit (DB) plans that have been closed to new participants and the ability of closed DB plans to aggregate testing with DC plans;
  • a fiduciary safe harbor with respect to the selection of an insurer to provide a guaranteed retirement income contract under which a fiduciary is deemed to have satisfied its prudence requirement regarding selection of an insurer if a plan fiduciary satisfies certain specified conditions in selecting an insurer. The SECURE Act expressly notes that, to satisfy this safe harbor, a fiduciary is not required to select the lowest cost contract. This provision does not have a stated effective date.;
  • participants are permitted to transfer annuities that are no longer authorized to be held as investment options under a qualified DC plan to another eligible employer plan or IRA;
  • the annual notice requirement for nonelective 401(k) safe harbor plans—those plans that provide a nonelective employer contribution of at least 3% of each eligible employee’s compensation—is eliminated;
  • plans are allowed to be amended to become nonelective 401(k) safe harbor plans at any time before the 30th day before the close of the plan year; also they are allowed to be amended to become nonelective 401(k) safe harbor plans after that date if the plan is amended to provide a nonelective employer contribution of at least 4% of each eligible employee’s compensation and the amendment is made by the last day for distributing excess contributions for the plan year (generally, the last day of the next plan year);
  • qualified automatic contribution arrangement (QACA) safe harbor plans are allowed to increase the cap on automatically raising payroll contributions from 10% to 15% of an employee’s paycheck, with the option to opt out;
  • the deadline for employers to adopt new retirement plans for the preceding taxable year is extended until the due date of the employer’s tax return;
  • the distribution of qualified plan loans through credit cards or similar arrangements is prohibited;
  • the maximum age permitted for making contributions to a traditional IRA is repealed, thus permitting individuals to make IRA contributions after age 70-1/2;
  • temporary tax relief for certain qualified disaster distributions from retirement plans; and
  • an increase in the penalties for failure to file Form 5500, withholding notices and annual registration of certain plans.

Van Zomeren says there are other provisions of the SECURE Act that encourage retirement plan access and additional participation. For one, there is a new start up credit for the adoption of an automatic enrollment feature in DC plans for first three years it’s maintained. There is also a credit for adopting a retirement plan, from $500 to $5000 depending on the number of employees and number of non-highly compensated employees (NHCEs).

She adds that, the provision of being able to adopt a new plan as late as the employer’s tax filing deadline, including extension, would allow an employer, for example, to adopt a profit sharing plan and make it a 401(k) at a later time once it sees how profits are doing.

Plan amendments

According to van Zomeren, one section included in the SECURE offers a remedial amendment period. It allows plan sponsors to make changes immediately, but they have until the end of the 2022 plan year to adopt an amendment. This will mostly apply to those provisions that are optional and not required.

Whaley explains that amendments for any required modifications are not required to be incorporated into the plan document until the modification shows on the cumulative list from the IRS, at which time the agency will provide the date by which amendments have to be adopted.

Van Zomeren says as recordkeepers address any changes to their systems to comply with the law, plan sponsors can expect education from them about the provisions of the SECURE Act and how they will impact sponsors’ plans. Plan sponsors will be informed of additional features they may consider for plan design, as well as what kind of documentation and amendments need to be made.

“Right now, plan sponsors should educate themselves [about SECURE Act provisions], prioritize which are impactful immediately and consider others for plan design,” van Zomeren says. “Considering the law was enacted late in last year with a January 1, 2020, effective date, there will be additional guidance and relief [the retirement plan industry] should watch for.”

Are You Investing With the Right Objective in Mind?

Ryan McGlothlin and Michael Clark, with River and Mercantile, say it’s imperative to first understand the nature of future cash requirements to be able to hone in on the type of investment risk that should be in a given portfolio.

Fundamental to investment success is a clear objective. In many cases, institutional investors articulate this objective as a fixed investment rate of return (ROR), for instance 7%. But such an approach can overlook a fundamental aspect of institutional investing: Investment returns will ultimately be distributed as cash flows. Focusing on only the ultimate targeted return is insufficient if the investor wants to achieve its goals, as level of return is just one component. In this article, we look at the considerations an institutional investor should keep in mind and how a targeted return approach falls short.

There are many types of institutional investors, and each has different objectives to consider. On one end of the spectrum are frozen defined benefit (DB) pension plans, where there is a great deal of certainty as to when cash will be distributed. On the other end are endowments with a mission to support an organization long into the future but with an increasing cash payment requirement along the way. Ideally, the investment objective of an institution will reflect where that investor falls on the spectrum; it will also depend on the nature and timing of the payments that need to be made in the future and the ability of the institution to handle any shortfall.

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Unfortunately, many institutions don’t seem to make this observation as part of their investment objective and, thus, their asset allocation process. For example, the vast majority of vested U.S. pension liabilities, both corporate and public, are not inflation-linked. Almost no corporate pension plans have cost of living adjustments (COLAs). The picture is more complex for public pension plans, but the majority do not have automatic COLAs. Because these liabilities are not inflation-linked, it can be counterproductive to invest in assets designed to respond well to inflation, such as bonds with relatively short maturities.

In fact, higher inflation would likely lead to higher interest rates. Higher interest rates, all else equal, should lead to higher future investment returns, making it easier to fund expected future cash flows. For most pension plans, inflation is an opportunity not a risk. It is deflation, coupled with lower nominal interest rates, that’s the key risk for most DB plans.

Conversely, endowments and foundations, as well as individuals, have a great deal of sensitivity to inflation, as their expected future cash outflows need to increase in real—i.e., after inflation—terms. Rising inflation is therefore an appropriate key risk for an endowment to try and mitigate. Therefore, it could be practical to see investments whose objective is to keep pace with inflation as part of an endowment fund’s strategy.

This one example demonstrates how there is no one-size-fits-all approach for institutional investors. Yet, when we look at the institutional investment landscape, we see, for example, many defined benefit pension plans, particularly in the public sector, that seem to invest with little or no regard to the fundamental nature of their liabilities.

The simplest example of apparent misallocation by pension plans is how they treat fixed income. Most institutional investors view fixed income as an “off-risk” or “low-risk” asset class that provides diversification from equity returns. Many public DB plans use relatively short maturity bonds for their off-risk fixed-income allocations, but is this really the most appropriate off-risk asset?

As we mentioned before, it’s imperative to first understand the nature of future cash requirements to be able to hone in on the type of investment risk that should be in a given portfolio. As an example, pension plan cash flows will be paid many years in the future. These future cash flows can be met, in part, by investing in bonds that will mature when the cash is required. This means the true off-risk asset for a pension plan, so long as the future cash flow is not subject to changes due to inflation, is a portfolio of bonds invested to match a portion of a plan’s future expected cash outflows.

The shorter-maturity bonds that most public pension plans, and many corporate pension plans, invest in provide a reasonable amount of asset value stability as part of a diversified portfolio and won’t suffer too badly in an inflationary environment. But they provide a poor hedge against deflation, or even just “low-flation,” which leads to lower future expected investment returns—actually the key risk for most pension plans.

Many pension plan sponsors and their advisers have fallen into the trap of looking at traditional portfolio diversification metrics and have, in fact, failed to consider the investment problem they are trying to solve. Or, even worse, they may look to peers who may have very different liability profiles, to gauge whether they are investing properly.

This also can be clearly seen with regards to alternative asset classes such as hedge funds. Absolute return hedge funds typically target returns of cash plus 2% to 3%. When cash yields were 3% to 5%, these funds could produce decent top-line performance with low correlation to equities and bonds. However, when cash yields are below 2%, as they have been for most of the past 10 years, then these investments are challenged to be able to meet the investment return that most pension plans need—a requirement driven by how the value of pension liabilities will grow. Many plan sponsors were sold on these investments because of their seeming ability to provide diversification as well as positive returns, especially if interest rates rise. But most pension plans don’t need more return when rates rise—they need it when rates fall. Again, sponsors have been misled by portfolio allocation strategies that neglect to account for the fundamental nature of what the institution is trying to achieve.

It is no secret that investing well over the long term can be a difficult task. Unforeseen events will inevitably blow an institutional investor off track. However, the task is made easier when the correct path is taken at the outset. That path will largely be driven by having a thorough understanding of the cash flows to be paid in the future as well as how those cash flows may change in different economic environments. Some liability/cash flow risks such as inflation/deflation can be mitigated through the investment strategy, and some such as mortality cannot. Knowing the difference and the sensitivity to getting things right or wrong will go a long way to producing a better investment process—one that has a higher likelihood of producing a successful outcome. If institutional investors separate their stated investment objective from their future cash requirements—i.e., their liability profile—they do so at their own peril.

Ryan McGlothlin is a managing director in River and Mercantile (R&M)’s Boston office and leads the U.S. investment business. Michael Clark is a managing director in R&M’s Denver office and is the 2019/2020 president of the Conference of Consulting Actuaries.

This feature is to provide general information only, does not constitute legal or tax advice, and cannot be used or substituted for legal or tax advice. Any opinions of the author do not necessarily reflect the stance of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) or its affiliates.
