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AtPrime Offers Economy-Priced Version of Pension Inspector
December 14, 2009 ( - AtPrime Media, Inc., the sponsor of the @Prime! Pension Inspector Suite, has introduced a new economy-priced addition - The Market Research Platinum Edition.
According to a press release, the Pension Inspector Market Research Platinum Edition:
- Delivers performance results, from more than 40 Qualified Retirement Plan categories, from official data filed by plan sponsors to the IRS and DoL within the Annual Plan Report Form 5500;
- Is designed for plan participants, plan professionals, government agencies, marketers, plan sponsors and plan administrators, and affords the user computer desktop access, plus performance results to more than 1,000,000 qualified plans and key plan contact information;
- Includes beginner and advanced modes, that have been integrated into the framework of the service to simplify use; and
- Includes special formulas to provide better insight into plan performance, including average plan earnings and average plan direct expense queries.
The @Prime! Pension Inspector Suite also includes the
free Standard Edition, and subscription Compare and Rank Edition (see New Online Tool Allows Anyone to Compare Plans). The three-program suite
provides the user access up to six years of plan performance, which includes
spreadsheets, graphs, and color coding of key performance results, plus, three
years of market research data which is user tailored to any zip code, plan
type, tax preparer, CPA, or enrolled actuary.
The Market Research Platinum Edition is offered free as a one-year subscription when the user purchases a one-year subscription of the Pension Inspector Compare and Rank Edition for $199 – a savings of more than 50% from the standard combo subscription rate of $400 (offer expires December 31, 2009). Both subscription editions allow the user to save results to their laptop or desktop computer – which may include key plan contact information – that is Skype friendly, the press release said.