The Cooper Companies

Location Pleasanton, California
Asset Size $144 million
Number of Participants 1,885
Business Health Care
Participation Rate91%
Avg Deferral Rate8.00%
Number of Funds18
Investment ReviewTwice a year
Fee ReviewAnnually
Fee EqualizationYes
Auto-Enrollment Rate4%
Auto-Escalation Rate 1%
Default InvestmentTarget-date (index)
Retirement Income OfferingNone
Vesting PeriodImmediately
Match Rate 50% of the first $7,400 contributed
% Receiving Full Match>10%–25%
True-Up MatchYes
Financial Education 
Investing strategiesx
College savingx
Credit/debt mgmtx
Tax/estate planningx
Retiree health costs/savings optionsx
ProviderTransamerica Retirement Solutions
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