DuPont de Nemours, Inc

Plan nameDuPont de Nemours, Inc
LocationWilmington, DE
Asset size ($mm)$3,500
IndustrySpecialty Products – manufacturing
Participation rate96%
Average deferral rate10.4%
# of funds offered15
Investment reviewQuarterly
True-up matchYes
Match vesting periodImmediately upon enrollment
EligibilityImmediately upon hire
Default deferral rate6%
Default investmentManaged Account
Automatic escalationOpt-out
Systematic withdrawalsYes
Fee equalizationYes
Match rate100% of first 6% of salary
% receiving full match>75%
Maximum employer contribution9%
Financial education 
Investing strategiesYes
College saving 
Credit/Debt management 
Tax/Estate planning 
Retiree health costs/savings optionsYes
RecordkeeperBank of America -Merrill
Note: Match rates and employer contributions are simplified for reporting purposes and may have other attributes (e.g., caps/limits, tiers, etc.) not listed here.
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