2023 Service Stars  | Individual

Gisella La Delfa

She provides all-around “excellent service” “to assist with any client situation.”
  • Recordkeeper
    John Hancock
  • Client Company
    Automated Retirement Plans Inc.
  • Company Industry
    Financial services
  • Client Headquarters
    Fairfax, Virginia
  • Plan Assets/Participants
    $10MM – $25MM/Not reported

BIO: Gisella La Delfa, senior client account representative, has been with John Hancock for 23 years. Previously she worked at Scotia Bank in Canada, where she was officer in charge and responsible for tellers and customer service.

Automated Retirement Plans Inc. is a firm providing third-party administration and/or pension consulting services to about 100 401(k) plans. When a client service issue arises at one of those, Diane Kelley, a TPA specializing in compliance and administration, knows whom to call. Senior Client Account Representative Gisella La Delfa at John Hancock has worked with her for over 15 years—on eight plans currently—and “[Gisella] really goes the extra mile to help the client and the TPA resolve the [problem],” Kelley says.

“If a client puts the wrong amount of money in the wrong category, which is kind of a typical problem, your average account rep will send you a form,” Kelley says. “But Gisella will go into an explanation of what has to be done, and minor issues get resolved completely, correctly and promptly. She’s very respectful of the TPA’s time and the client’s time.”

Of the plans ARPI serves, primarily as TPA, John Hancock recordkeeps for about 40% of them. “We prefer to use John Hancock because they’re very careful; they’re very supportive of the client and the TPAs; they have a great education service; and they have a good participant experience,” Kelley says. “We feel they deliver the best overall client experience of the recordkeepers out there, and Gisella is probably the best client account rep they have, in my opinion. She really stands out.”

“My job mainly entails working with TPAs and plan sponsors, to make sure plans run smoothly, and helping when questions come up,” La Delfa says. This can mean, for instance, educating them on new product features, explaining how to use the website or walking them through forms.

“We’re really all working for the participants, to help them make the most of the plan and save for retirement,” she says.

Kimberly Lankford

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