Career Changes Top New Year's Resolutions

December 19, 2003 ( - Six out of 10 (61%) visitors to online career posting Web site say finding a new job is New Year resolution number one.

Career changes were high on the list of 2004 New Year’s resolutions. Overall,’s Monster Meter online poll found 93% of Americans plan to look for a new job next year, perhaps not surprising given that the survey’s respondents are visiting an online career site.

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Other career goals contained in employee list of resolutions included work-related “improve my work life balance” (13%) and “become more organized” (7%). However, both of those feel behind the ever-popular “lose weight” aspiration, cited by 19% of the poll’s respondents.

A change of workplace scenery may be high on employee minds with a perception that the economy is “finally turning the corner.” More than half (56%) of the respondents see improvement in the months ahead.

Even with an improving economy, and ostensibly padded corporate bottom lines, employees are not optimistic about the prospects of a holiday bonus. Three-quarters of those canvassed do not expect to receive a holiday bonus this year and 65% said their company is not planning on handing out bonuses at all this year.

The results of this Monster Meter are based on 18,406 votes cast by Monster users from December 8 to December 9, 2003 on
