CHAMBERplan Now Available through Edward Jones

May 1, 2001 ( - SunAmerica Inc announced that Edward Jones, a distributor of investment products, plans to offer SunAmerica's small business 401(k) plan through Jones' nationwide network of investment representatives.

SunAmerica’s CHAMBERplan for Retirement was designed to meet the needs of small businesses and is endorsed by the US Chamber of Commerce as a benefit for members with fewer than 100 employees.

The CHAMBERplan offers small businesses:

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  • comprehensive administrative services
  • on-site enrollment
  • a variety of investment options within a group variable annuity issued by SunAmerica’s life companies
  • access to money managers
  • Internet account access.

SunAmerica has partnered with Automatic Data Processing to provide recordkeeping and other administrative services for The CHAMBERplan.
