Cisco Study Finds Substantial Telecommuting Benefits

June 26, 2009 ( - In a study of almost 2,000 of its own employees, tech giant Cisco said those who telecommute experienced a significant increase in work-life flexibility, productivity, and overall satisfaction.

A Cisco news release said the company also reaps substantial benefits. According to Cisco’s Internet Business Services Group, the company’s global strategic consulting arm, the company has generated an estimated annual savings of $277 million in productivity by allowing employees to telecommute and telework.

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According to the announcement, Cisco telecommuters recognize the benefits gained by their work program:

  • Approximately 69% of the employees surveyed cited higher productivity when working remote, and 75% of those surveyed said the timeliness of their work improved.
  • By telecommuting, 83% of employees said their ability to communicate and collaborate with co-workers was the same as, if not better than, it was when working onsite.
  • 67% of survey respondents said their overall work quality improved when telecommuting.
  • An improved quality of life through telecommuting was cited by 80% of survey respondents.
  • Telecommuting can also lead to a higher employee retention rate, as more than 91 % of respondents say telecommuting is somewhat or very important to their overall satisfaction.

Cisco has a large number telecommuters/remote workers:

  • 40% of Cisco employees say they are not located in the same city as their manager.
  • The average Cisco employee now telecommutes two days per week.
  • 60% of the time saved by telecommuting is spent working and 40% is spent on personal time.

Cisco conducted the survey in late 2008. Some 1,992 Cisco employees across five regions (Asia Pacific, emerging markets, European markets, Japan and U.S./Canada) participated in the study.
