Committee Hears Arguments for Action Against Fiduciary Rule

A congressional subcommittee heard testimony about the proposed bipartisan principles that go head to head with the fiduciary proposal.

The omnibus spending bill to fund the entire government is nearing its final stages—the due date is December 11—and one section might well address the fiduciary proposal by the Department of Labor (DOL).

Using the bipartisan legislative principles to govern retirement advice released in November as a springboard, the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions (HELP) held a hearing about these principles and their place in retirement advice.

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Brad Campbell, counsel at Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP and former assistant secretary for employee benefits security at the DOL, gave testimony at the hearing, praising the principles as expanding access to advice while protecting investors.

One of the takeaways from the hearing, Campbell tells PLANSPONSOR, is the bipartisan concern in Congress that the DOL’s proposal has some serious problems. “The question will be, does that translate into Congressional action in the upcoming omnibus bill?” he says.

Possibilities range from defunding the DOL’s ability to pursue the rule to asking for another round of comments, to rifle-shot bits of legislation that would direct the DOL to do or not do certain things, Campbell says, noting the DOL’s fiduciary proposal is just one of many issues.

“The key takeaway is there’s bipartisan interest in where the DOL is going, and how they are they going to get there,” he says. That interest could translate into some changes in the proposal as it now stands.

NEXT: Proposal hinders effective retirement planning, lawmaker says

Many workers rely on financial advisers to help them save for a sustainable retirement, according to Representative Phil Roe (R-Tennessee), because retirement security is a complicated process. “As policymakers, we should be doing everything we can to ensure workers are able to effectively plan for life after leaving the workforce,” Roe said in the hearing. “Unfortunately, we’re here today because a proposal from the [DOL] is threatening to make it harder for workers to do that.”

Rachel A. Doba, president of an Indiana engineering firm with 15 employees, said in testimony she maintains a 401(k) plan for her workforce, working with the same adviser since 2011. “He is a trusted part of my team,” she said. “Not only do I trust him to help me with implementing and maintaining my retirement plan, but also my employees trust him to provide educational materials that will help them make sound financial decisions. I am convinced that without the financial adviser most of my employees would not participate in the 401(k) plan and would not receive the benefit of the matching contribution.”

Jules Gaudreau, president of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, expressed approval of a bipartisan legislative alternative to the DOL proposal, saying it would “protect retirement savers’ investment choices, their access to professional advice and education, and their hard‐earned savings.”

But Marilyn Mohrman-Gillis, managing director of public policy and communications of the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, registered support for the DOL’s fiduciary proposal, calling the department’s process fully open and comprehensive.

NEXT: The DOL defends its process

“The re-proposed rule is fully consistent with the principles of a true fiduciary standard under ERISA [Employee Retirement Income Security Act],” Mohrman-Gillis said. “Congressional intervention in the DOL rulemaking process is unnecessary and will only serve to delay or derail this long overdue reform needed to protect and preserve Americans’ retirement savings.”

Campbell said the hearing addressed substantive issues and was a good opportunity for members to understand where the problems are. “The notion that it’s either the DOL approach or nothing,” he said. “The hearing illustrates there are other alternatives. Seems to me there’s bipartisan concern that while the DOL has held a lot of hearings and gotten a lot of comments, we don’t know where they are going to end up.”

In a statement shared with PLANSPONSOR and other media outlets, the DOL reiterated its position on the fiduciary proposal as written. “The cost of continued inaction is too high: conflicted retirement advice costs Americans $17 billion per year,” says a DOL spokesman, emphasizing the more-than-five years’ effort that the department has put into addressing the problem, including “substantial outreach, thousands of comments, four days of public hearings, and conducting over a hundred meetings with a variety of stakeholders.”

Ironically, said the DOL spokesman, the efforts by these members of Congress “jettison the transparency and inclusiveness they correctly demanded, instead favoring a process of closed-door deliberations dominated by lobbyists and industry insiders.” The result would be a product that is “ultimately less protective of middle-class retirement savers.”

The spokesman also criticized the bipartisan effort for undermining public confidence in the rulemaking process. Instead, the DOL spokesman said, “members of Congress who are genuinely interested in protecting the savings of America’s workers should wait to see the results of the Department’s incredibly open and thorough process before proposing legislation on this issue.”

Retirees Share Realities with Younger Generations

Workers should save more, earlier to prepare for retiring sooner than planned and to meet the competing financial priorities in retirement.

In research from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, retirees shared actionable insights about what they would have done differently in preparing themselves for retirement.

Reflecting on their working years, many retirees say they:

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  • Wish that they would have saved more on a consistent basis (76%);
  • Wish they had been more knowledgeable about retirement saving and investing (68%);
  • Would have liked to have received more information and advice from their employers about how to achieve their retirement goals (53%);
  • Waited too long to concern themselves with saving and investing for retirement (48%); and
  • Should have relied more on outside experts to monitor and manage their retirement savings (41%).

The research found the actual experience of retirees does not match the expectations of pre-retirees. For example, 67% of pre-retirees ages 50 and older are planning to work past age 65 or do not plan to retire. Their expected retirement age is 67 (median). However, the majority of retirees (60%) retired sooner than planned, 66% of them did so for employment-related reasons such as organizational changes, job loss, unhappiness with job/career or received a buyout. Twenty-seven percent did so due to health reasons and 11% for family responsibilities (e.g., becoming a caregiver). Only 16% retired because they found they had saved enough or received a windfall.

Among retirees who retired later than planned, most (61%) did so for financial reasons or the need for benefits. Forty-four percent say they delayed retirement for reasons of enjoyment.

NEXT: Income in retirement

Retirees (89%) and pre-retirees (83%) most frequently cite Social Security as a current source/expected source of income in retirement. As an indicator of the shifting retirement landscape, retirees (42%) are more likely to cite income from a company-funded pension plan than pre-retirees (31%). On the other hand, pre-retirees (67%) are more likely than retirees (37%) to expect income from self-funded retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and IRAs. In addition, 39% of pre-retirees are expecting income from working in retirement compared to only 6% of retirees.

Retirees (61%) and pre-retirees (37%) most frequently cite Social Security as their expected primary source of income in retirement; however, the difference in response levels is significant. Pre-retirees (25%) are much more likely than retirees (10%) to expect income from 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and IRAs as their primary source of income in retirement. Eleven percent of pre-retirees are expecting to primarily rely on income from continuing to work in retirement.

Eighty-nine percent of retirees are currently receiving Social Security benefits. The median age at which they started receiving benefits is 62. Retirees report having a total annual household income of $32,000 (estimated median); however, a wide disparity exists between those who are married ($48,000 estimated median) and those who are unmarried ($19,000).

By comparison, pre-retirees report higher levels of income ($71,000) including those who are married ($84,000) and unmarried ($35,000).

The total household savings in retirement accounts is $135,000 (estimated median) among pre-retirees; however, the survey found a wide disparity between those who are married ($177,000) and unmarried ($48,000). Among retirees there is also a wide disparity in retirement savings between the married ($225,000) and unmarried ($53,000).

NEXT: Competing financial priorities

"Today's retirees envision spending decades in retirement, albeit with limited savings and means," says Catherine Collinson, president of TCRS. Among retirees, their greatest fears about retirement are declining health that requires long-term care and that Social Security will cease to exist in the future (44%). Among pre-retirees, the most frequently cited fear is outliving their savings and investments (43%).

Retirees are expecting a long retirement of 28 years (median), with 41% expecting a retirement of more than 30 years. Retirees plan to live to age 90 (median), although it should be noted that 43% of retirees are not sure how long they plan to live.

Few retirees (16%) strongly agree that they built a large enough retirement nest egg. Twenty percent say they are continuing to save for retirement.

Retirees identify a myriad of competing financial priorities including just getting by / covering basic living expenses (42%), paying health care expenses (37%), paying off mortgages (21%), creating an inheritance or financial legacy (16%), funding long-term care expenses (9%), contributing to an education fund (6%) and funding assisted living expenses (4%). One-quarter of retirees cite paying off credit card debt as a financial priority. 

"One of the most important things within reach that retirees and pre-retirees can do is formulate a financial plan to identify opportunities, vulnerabilities, and ways to address them," says Collinson. The study found only 10% of retirees and 14% of pre-retirees have a written strategy which may include government retirement benefits (i.e., Social Security and Medicare), on-going living expenses, a budget, savings and income needs, health care costs and other factors.

Collinson adds that today’s workers have very different expectations about when and how they will retire when compared to those already in retirement, expecting to gradually transition into retirement by reducing hours or working in a different capacity. But, few pre-retirees in the study say that their employers currently offer this as an option. Moreover, while most employers sponsor plans and offer benefits to help their employees save for retirement, many pre-retirees say they are offered assistance such as financial education, counseling or seminars to help them transition into retirement. “By updating business practices and offering retirement transition assistance, employers can play a valuable role in helping their employees retire while, at the same time, optimizing succession planning and overall workforce management,” she tells PLANSPONSOR.

The research report is here.
