Communications Key to Increasing Recordkeeper Trust

Retirement plan participants’ trust and overall satisfaction with recordkeepers fell from 2015 to 2016, a study suggests.

Generalized retirement plan participant trust levels in financial institutions fell from 13% in 2015—Top Box rating of “can just about always trust them to do the right thing”—to only 8% in 2016, according to the National Association of Retirement Plan Participants (NARPP’s) 2016 Participant Trust & Engagement Study.

Trust in one’s respective retirement plan recordkeeper held steady (but still low) at 26% in 2016 (28% in 2015).

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Confidence in the people running financial institutions was down slightly (20% to 17%) yet unchanged for the recordkeeper, at 40% in both years. On a mildly positive note, those indicating they have had a bad experience with their recordkeeper dropped from 12% to just 7%.

Overall recordkeeper satisfaction scores dropped somewhat from 2015 (41%) to 2016 (36%). The key drivers of overall satisfaction were trust, education, and partnering.

New in this year’s study, trust in financial planners/advisers was only at 9%, meaning participants felt they could “just about always trust them to do the right thing”. Also new, trust in one’s employer registered at a level similar to that of the recordkeeper at 24%.

While still low, scores for satisfaction regarding the information they receive from their recordkeeper’s communication programs has gone up from 38% to 43% “very satisfied”. Factors such as “Information presented to me is always in my best interest” (48%), “Fee information is presented in a way that is easy to understand” (45%), and “the materials are relevant to my personal financial situation” (44%) received moderate scores, but are still below 50%. Only 28% of participants said materials provided by their recordkeeper “motivate me to take action.”

NEXT: Keys to increasing trust and information satisfaction

According to the study report, “Cracking the code on participant engagement in retirement planning,” recordkeeper trust among participants is created by a number of overlapping factors. Among these, communication style with the participant is pre-eminent.

Specifically, the single-most powerful driver of recordkeeper trust (four times stronger than the second most powerful driver) is presenting information to participants in a way that is perceived as being in their best interests. The second most powerful driver of recordkeeper trust is presenting information in a way that motivates people to take an action. Maintaining a positive message (i.e. messages that avoid a fearful or negative tones) is essential, NARPP says. Information such as low projections of retirement replacement ratios and probability of not running out of money may be eroding trust.

The third most important driver of recordkeeper trust is presenting fee information in a way that is easy to understand and is linked to feeling comfortable with financial planning for the future. These are both a function of communication styles and are completely within the control of the recordkeeper and plan sponsor. Lastly, recordkeeper trust has the potential to be lowered by materials containing complicated financial language. When participants don't understand what is being said to them, trust plummets.

The factors driving participants’ satisfaction with the information provided to them by recordkeepers, in order of impact, are:

  • The information presented to me is always in my best interest;
  • The materials are relevant to my personal financial situation;
  • Fee information is presented in a way that is easy to understand;
  • The materials motivate me to take action; and
  • The materials do not contain complicated financial language.
The 2016 study included responses from 5,092 randomly selected participants actively contributing to their defined contribution (DC) retirement plans.

Even 'Softer' Fiduciary Rule Will Challenge Providers

One veteran retirement plan adviser predicts the real impact of the new DOL fiduciary rule will take shape over the long-term—and firms' initial attempts at compliance may not represent their final approach.

Industry consensus has it that the Department of Labor (DOL) significantly softened key aspects of the final fiduciary rule published earlier this month, especially those pertaining to commissions and revenue sharing, but one long-term adviser warns the department’s apparent step back may turn out to be more rhetoric than substance, especially over the medium and long term.

Anthony Domino Jr., an adviser with Associated Benefits Consultants LLC, started in the retirement planning advisory business during the 1980s, and during his 20-plus years in the business he has seen the regulatory paradigm shift substantially, with different agencies taking over the momentum and driving the compliance conversation at any given time. Right now the DOL is obviously at the fore, he notes, given its years-long effort to create a new and far stricter fiduciary rule for Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plans.

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“At other times SEC or FINRA have driven the conversation, and that will be the case again in the future,” Domino tells PLANADVISER. “What has most surprised me in recent weeks, watching the fiduciary rule publication play out in the trade press and the wider media, is just how successful the DOL has been at marketing this final rule as something that will be workable in the end for participants and for providers.”

According to Domino, the preponderance of industry press reports have concluded that the DOL has “pretty much entirely taken the teeth away from the most controversial aspects of this rule,” namely those that would restrict the compensation practices of non-fiduciary brokers selling to ERISA plans on commission. But Domino personally does not think that is necessarily the case, warning “there is still going to be some painful disruption for advisers and providers coming out of the hundreds of pages of final rulemaking, even with a more workable best-interest contract (BIC) exemption.”

In short, despite what the DOL says about how it has softened the rule’s requirements through various exemptions and other specific changes compared with proposed versions of the rulemaking, Domino expects more and more advisers and providers will realize they will have problems complying—or with remaining adequately profitable while complying. And even among those who can find a way to comply by using the BIC exemption, “it will be increasingly uncomfortable and burdensome to have to constantly present this to clients and explain why you are not becoming a fiduciary.”

“It goes back to the overall tone of the rule and to the longer-term intentions of the DOL,” Domino adds. “Even with the softened final rule, they clearly favor level-fee work and are doing whatever they can to make more advisers and brokers work under a level-fee arrangement, through this regulation and potentially more regulation in the future.”

NEXT: Unintended consequences 

Thinking generally about the rulemaking and the adaptability of the marketplace, Domino feels most firms will be able to shift and remain compliant in the short term with the new fiduciary rule, “but what worries me more than the short term is the long term,” he says. 

“I'm not worried about the impact this week, this month or this year. I'm wonder about my son taking over this business as the DOL implies that advice is inherently untrustworthy and that advice is not worth the cost,” Domino explains. “I worry that the DOL is creating an environment of distrust in the idea of a traditional adviser. Add this to the problems we have all talked about regarding the cost-versus-value equation and the ongoing fee compression issues, and you can see some real challenges ahead for the traditional way of doing business.”

Domino explains that many brokers and advisers who are not fiduciaries right now are generally open to the idea of becoming a fiduciary under the final rule, but what seriously complicates the matter is that no adviser is an island.

“Advisers are going to be limited in terms of how they can respond by the way their service provider partners decide to respond,” Domino explains. “I have heard from some of my fellow advisers that their brokerage platforms are not going to be interested in taking on fiduciary status for clients that have less than $100,000 or even $200,000 in their accounts. It just won’t be worth it from a risk-reward perspective.”

In this sense, Domino feels a lot of the potential unintended consequences the advisory industry had been discussing leading up to the publication of the final fiduciary rule “are still highly relevant.” In particular he will be watching to see how his firm and the competition can make the sale and service of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) work under the new fiduciary rule. “That’s one area in particular where compliance is going to be a real challenge, even with the softer final rule,” Domino warns.

He predicts one approach advisers may widely have to take will be to segment clients in new ways according to their assets and their willingness to pay extra fees—flat or otherwise—for fiduciary service. “So in our example above, clients with less than $100,000 are much more likely to be candidates for robo advice or call center advice,” Domino predicts. “This is the sense in which I worry the final rule may cut down on the type of one-on-one advice we know to be most effective in preparing people for retirement.”
