Considering Public Plans for Private-Sector Workers

Will this solution create new problems?

At the White House Conference on Aging earlier this year, President Obama noted that he has put forth proposals to provide retirement savings plan access for American workers, but in the absence of Congressional action, states are leading the charge

He announced that, by the end of the year, the Department of Labor (DOL) will publish a proposed rule clarifying how states can move forward in creating retirement plans for private-sector workers.

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“We really applaud the DOL and the president for addressing what we believe is one of the most important topics for American workers today, and that is the low percentage of working Americans that have retirement plan access through their employers,” says Fredrik Axsater, head of global defined contribution (DC) at State Street Global Advisors (SSGA). “This is an important step forward on this issue.”

State solutions to filling the coverage gap are “uniquely American,” says Lynn Dudley, senior vice president for global retirement and compensation policy for the American Benefits Council. “It may be one of those things that’s so far left it’s right—because it’s very individualized. It’s not crazy to see a world where people have their own personal financial security plan and it includes their health care and their retirement, and they don’t necessarily think of this as a government entitlement, they think of it as something that they are building.”

NEXT: What the proposal must address

Before participants can build that future, though, the guidelines need to clear a few hurdles, Axsater says. First, “participant and plan sponsor success should be made easier”—i.e., by optimizing the plans’ design. “State plans should encourage, for example, automaticity. That’s the way to use inertia in the right way of helping people, nudging people to participate in the plan and to save more,” he says. To make saving easier, simplify the fund lineup. “We know that too many choices is overwhelming, so listen carefully to some of the choice architecture that’s been done.”               

Second, “Participant and plan sponsor failures should be made more difficult,” according to Axsater. Getting and keeping participants—and their savings—in the plan is not just about facilitating enrollment but also limiting leakage. “Find ways to make it a little bit more burdensome for participants to withdraw assets from the plan, or reduce some of the cash distributions,” he says. If participants do take loans or hardship withdrawals, or if they are going to leave the plan and/or move to a new employer, “make loan repayments easier and plan-to-plan transfers more operationally efficient and seamless.”

Finally, Axsater says, these plans will require “superior, ongoing governance” in order to be effective. “As participants’ needs change, as their priorities change, as markets evolve, these plans [must] have the ability to evolve and improve over time.”

Dudley adds, “The big thing is they need to outline what the administrative steps would be [to implement these plans], and employers need to be aware that it’s applicable to them.”

NEXT: Creating new problems

“We don’t see [state solutions] as a silver bullet,” Axsater adds, “and this also can raise some issues on its own.” For example, how will these plans serve employers and employees across state lines? “It’s important to look at pros and cons and the trade-offs that will be involved.”

Dudley says, “Their number one issue is they need to be able to be fair. Their number two issue is [companies] need to run their business, and they can’t have so much complexity that it is adding administrative costs”—costs the participants would have to pay.

“Not only do [employers] have to track and comply with the law, but they have to track the source of the money and the earnings on the source,” Dudley says. “And one reason that’s problematic is that, in the future, states will try and tax the retirement money because it was source-driven.”

How different will individual state’s plans be, Axsater asks. “For employers that may have people across multiple states, that would be a challenge,” he says. What policy would dictate a retiree’s decision to move out of state when he exits the work force?

If a person lives and works in one state, has savings put into a retirement plan and grows his assets there, what percentage of the assets can be attributed to his time working in that state? “You have to do these complicated calculations for every person,” Dudley points out, “and then you get prone to making mistakes.”

“It’s important then, that these plans, as they emerge, consider the entire ecosystem,” Axsater says. The problem is not just one of access and investment, “it’s also about strong communication support, strong engagement with participants” and, eventually, “helping them with the transition from savings to distribution.”

“You don’t want to preclude innovation,” Dudley says, “but you don’t want to create bureaucracy for the sake of bureaucracy, and you don’t want to treat people differently.”

NEXT: Closing the gap

“We talk about the ‘Great Divide’—that there are some really strong practices that are used by the mega plans, the largest employers in the U.S., and the lack of access, the lack of retirement savings for smaller plans,” Axsater says. “I think that the state plans initiative is a way of addressing the great divide, but it’s part of a broader agenda here in terms of how to get more people to be able to save, and make it easier for them to save and have the type of retirement that they want.”

In terms of access, he says, far more large employers offer plans than do smaller companies. Fewer people enroll in those smaller plans, and those who do participate do so at a lower rate and have smaller balances overall.                      

The impact of state-run plans on employer-sponsored plans will largely depend on the plan’s size, Axsater predicts. “The impact for the mega market is limited,” he says, while for smaller plans it is “potentially significant.”

“It’s not that employers aren’t respectful of the challenge of creating access,” Dudley notes, “it’s that it has to be administratively feasible, they have to get credit for what they’re doing, and they have to be able to be fair.”

Given that federal-level solutions have been slow on the uptake—see myRA, among others—“The states are in various stages of trying out legislation in a whole range of retirement- and compensation- related efforts,” says Dudley. This recent initiative, “is part of a larger policy trend.” She sees concern for the fact that a lot of people are moving from job to job—and in the future that may continue on a more significant scale.

NEXT: Challenges to filling the coverage gap

“There’s not only job turnover over people’s careers,” she says, which already is very different from most Baby Boomer’s job history, “but it’s also the way they work.” Many more people have only part-time or project-based work, she says, “There need to be some options to fill the gap.” A lot of companies may have thought state plans were not relevant to them if they already had a plan in place, but that is only true so far as they have full coverage.                     

“I think companies that are already offering very robust retirement plans are thinking that, so far, at the state level, they would be excepted from [new legislation] because they’re already offering very robust plans,” Dudley says. “To the extent that they have employees that are part-time or contingent, then I think that they’re ok with having to comply with states as long as they can do it in a reasonable way.” The problem arises in a “situation where they have to go state by state and there are different rules”—i.e., for the type of plan offered or contribution made.

The emergence of these plans may lead employers to rethink their retirement benefit offering, Dudley warns, and policymakers likely will struggle to do this in a way that will not cut off jobs.

“It’s important to consider the entire ecosystem here to make sure that we don’t have any unintended consequences from the individual state initiatives,” Axsater adds. “State plans can offer a very easy way to provide access to retirement savings,” he says, but before they can meaningfully affect potential savers, policymakers must ask themselves: “What are the needs of individual investors?”

“I don’t know exactly how we’re going to figure this one out,” Dudley concludes. “It’s a tough nut to crack.”

SURVEY SAYS: Stuck in a Prior Decade

Last week, I asked NewsDash readers, “Are you stuck in a prior decade?”

I also asked readers if they feel younger than they are.

The majority of responding readers (62.3%) indicated they are not stuck in a prior decade. Among those who are, the biggest proportion (15.9%) is stuck in the 80s. More than 7% are stuck in the 70s, while 5.8% are stuck in the 90s, 4.3% are stuck in the 60s, 2.9% are stuck in the 00s, and 1.4% are stuck in the 50s.

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The vast majority of responding readers feel younger than they are, with 42.9% feeling up to 10 years younger and 40% feeling more than 10 years younger. More than 4% said they feel older than they are and 12.9% said they feel exactly their age.

Many of the readers who left comments said that while they are not totally stuck in another decade, there are aspects of prior decades—music, clothes, values, etc.—they prefer. Others commenting about feeling younger than they are note that their bodies are not in agreement with their minds. I feel ya! Some point out that they feel younger… until their child or a Millennial coworker snaps them back into reality. To the commenter concerned that I was dissing my good friend about his 80s preferences, we joke about it together and each feel very blessed to have the other in our life. Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who said: “I only wish the bands from the 80’s and 90’s that are still touring would start their concerts at 6 pm instead of 8 pm. These late shows interfere with my bedtime and when I’m supposed to take my prescription medication.”

A big thank you to all who participated in the survey!


prefer the music of the 70s

I just celebrated (yes, celebrated) a birthday so although the mirror confirmed that my body is feeling all of its 56 years, my mind sometimes makes me feel like I'm still 16.

Sometimes I feel older than my age, sometimes I feel younger. It varies with how my day is going and how much sleep I got the night before.

Everyone I know seems older than I. My family, my friends, my neighbors. They've all lost their openness and ability to laugh and have FUN!! I may need to change my friends.

My boss is stuck with a marketing mentality in the 1980s. Does not bode well for us worker-bees.

While I am not "stuck" in a prior decade, I am also not willing to be "stuck" in THIS one -- filling my head and heart with only content created since 2010. I prefer to enjoy the cream of all prior decades -- books, music, movies. TV, art, history, philosophy, etc. -- rather than reject stuff simply because it isn't "new.'' I prefer the timeless over the trendy. -- Gary Theroux

Young is only a word, it's thoughts, actions and reactions and staying current. One needs to be young in mind, body, trends, habits. It will serve you well going forward and keep you touch with our rapidly ever changing world.

I am forever 27 (not in a vampire-y way)

I'm terribly sorry but why on earth do you care what decade of pop culture this person prefers? I am so absolutely tired of people being so judgmental over every.little.thing people do. How is this person's choice of entertainment and apparel any of your concern? I feel sorry for this person that they have judgmental and non-supportive people like you in their life. Live and let live. Rant over.

The thought of shortly becoming a senior citizen doesn't seem possible; then I look in the mirror....

Verbatim (cont.) 

Could be because I work with many folks who are in their early to mid 20's, while I am in my late 30's.

Some attitudes or habits are stuck. Picky things like using correct grammar (even in text messages) and not publicly displaying undergarments may make me appear older to some people. I prefer to think of them as good manners and education.

Some days I feel older, some days younger and some days I just feel. At 55 years of age, what is old? What is young? Been told by many I meet that I look to be in my late 30s or my 40s. Since I was born in 1960 I can say that yesterday was never all that much better than today and who knows what tomorrow will bring. I know I would never want to go back and relive my past to try to change it. As Popeye would say "I yam what I yam". I watch very limited TV produced today. But, I enjoy many of today's PC Games where I can play single player. Reflexes are not great as I learned multiplying against my son. I'm too easy a target. LOL

My kids keep me young and up to date, but not as to infringe on their decade.

Just turned 56, going to ride 400+ miles on my bike for a vacation next week. My kids shake their heads and ask that I check in daily cause there's no way they're going with.

My brain feels like I am a lot younger than my 52 years. My bones beg to differ.

I am not stuck in a prior decade except when it comes to manners. I am still in the 70's when Excuse me was something you said when you accidently bumped into someone . Today Excuse Me is said as a person practically knocks you over trying to get by you and it means get out of my way. I also love my smart phone but I prefer the 70's where people did not use their phone in the water closet, who wants to hear that? I have a few other rants when it comes to manners

I do NOT feel 40... until the 22 year old new hires walk in.

Sometimes it is nice to go back thinking about the 1970s and 1980s. The music was better, people were friendlier, life was at a slower pace and everyone you loved was still alive.

Only stuck in the 80s for the music

Verbatim (cont.) 

I'm only stuck when it comes to music - I still like the 50's, 60's and 70's music best!

Most of my '80s fixation is via the music from that decade. The fashion I can leave behind, but the music, especially New Wave, has stuck with me for 30 years. I still listen to it weekly, if not daily. I also keep up with the new stuff, but that decade will never leave me.

I feel younger because I stay active and take care of my body. I don't, however, have the time or patience to keep up on current trends.

I run marathons with guys who are 10 to 20 years younger than I am, so I guess I feel younger than my age. And I'm still working.

I wasn't born in the 50s but I'm far more traditional than most and thoroughly enjoyed being at home with my children, sharing a cup of sugar with my neighbors, and taking part in my children's education. When they aged, however, I entered the workforce and as a result of a divorce, never have to cook my "husband" dinner again!

I only wish the bands from the 80's and 90's that are still touring would start their concerts at 6 pm instead of 8 pm. These late shows interfere with my bedtime and when I'm supposed to take my prescription medication.

The 70's were a simpler time for me and I don't want to give that up. It was before technology (phones and computers), political correctness, and government took our freedoms away.

While I try to stay in the here and now, I think I am stuck (a bit) in each decade that I've lived in

Young people are always will to change so I try to remain flexible. I get tired of listening to people my age (60) complain about how they don't like changes. Life means changes, adjust or step aside. When you're dead you won't have to worry about changes.

It's a strange phenomenon that I just don't understand. I guess it is likely tied to the feeling that high school truly was the "glory days" and people want to hold onto that. I will be 50 this year and see people my age still drinking in bars like they did in high school - getting loud and stupid and disliking any music made after 1982.

In the 80s, when I was in my 30s, I made a number of good choices (personal, political, religious) that have lasted me ever since. While I believe in daily progress, I also believe in major leaps of faith. These happened for me in the 80s and I have never looked back.

Verbatim (cont.) 

It's amazing how kids can make you feel both younger and older. I feel young when my teens tell me to slow down because they can't keep up, but feel old when they have to show me how to use my phone.

Although born in the 80s, I prefer music from the 70s!

I'm not stuck, as much as I am nostalgic. I feel much younger than my age and try to avoid mirrors as much as possible.

I'm much more active than my peers, still like old time rock n roll and hippies.

My brain suggests I'm still twenty-something but my body is confused. It's showing signs of aging - wrinkles, graying, aches and pains, and so on. Wish it would wise up and agree with my brain!

I often think the 90s was just ten years ago and it boggles my mind that it was double that.

Stuck on music from the '80s, television from the '80s and '90s and too many of my clothes are likely from the '90s and '00s - but only because my clothes from the '80s don't fit very well

I am in my early 30's so it's not too far of a stretch, but I feel like I'm in my late 20's. Although I did catch myself telling someone I was a year older than I actually was the other day...

While I am subject to the technology challenges that only my kids can resolve, I'm mainly stuck in the 80's (and 70's) when it comes to music. Hearing the classics is what keeps me young. Plus, the family knows when dad has been driving the vehicle with XM radio, nicely set on Classic Rewind or Classic Vinyl!

I don't know that I feel younger, but I try to ACT younger....

While I wouldn't say I'm stuck in the 80s, I love the music from that time, and have a number of classic films from that time that I'll watch again and again.


NOTE: Responses reflect the opinions of individual readers and not necessarily the stance of Asset International or its affiliates.



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