COVID-19 Had Little Effect on Multiemployer Plan Funding

The percentage of plans in the healthy ‘green’ zone increased slightly; however, the pandemic had an effect on certain industries’ short- and long-term assumptions.

Despite the turmoil of the past year and future economic uncertainty, most calendar-year multiemployer pension plans saw little change in their funding levels, according to a survey from human resources (HR) and benefits consulting firm Segal.

The average funded percentage for all calendar-year plans increased to 89% in 2021, up from 87% in 2020. Segal notes that markets rebounded from crashes early in the year. It found that the median net investment return for plans in 2020 was 11%. Half of plans had a 2020 investment return in the range of 9.1% to 12.7%.

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The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA) established three categories, or zones, for multiemployer plans: healthy plans are in the “green” zone; endangered plans are in the “yellow” zone and critical plans are in the “red” zone. The Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014 (MPRA) added a “critical and declining” zone, which applies if the plan is in critical status for the current plan year and is projected to become insolvent in the current year or any of the succeeding 14 plan years.

Segal found that, on average, the percentage of calendar-year plans in the green zone increased to 72% in 2021, up from 70% in 2020. However, for plans in critical and declining status in both years, the average funded percentage declined to 31% in 2021, from 35% in 2020.

While zone status varies by industry, in all industries, the majority of plans are in the green zone. The survey shows that the manufacturing and transportation industries have the highest percentage of plans in critical and declining status, with 43% and 29% of plans in that status, respectively. Nearly one-third (31%) of plans in the retail, trade and food industry are in the red zone, or are considered critical.

While COVID-19 had a minimal effect on funded status, it did affect industry activity assumptions. As part of the annual zone-status certification, plan trustees must provide input on their expectations for future industry activity and contribution levels. Overall, trustees of most plans had slightly lower expectations for short-term industry activity, but the same or similar expectations over the long term. But the majority of plans in the entertainment, manufacturing and retail, and trade and food industries reduced both short-term and long-term workforce expectations.

The survey includes nearly 200 calendar-year plans—approximately half of all plans for which Segal is the actuary. As a group, these plans have more than $125 billion in assets, provide benefits to nearly 2.5 million participants and represent approximately 25% of all participants in multiemployer plans.

The survey report, “The Pandemic’s Impact on Multiemployer Pension Plans,” may be downloaded from here.

403(b) Plan Sponsor Sued Over Excessive Fees and Underperforming Investments

The lawsuit calls out the use of the active suite of the Fidelity Freedom target-date funds, among other things.

Bronson Healthcare Group Inc. and its board of directors are facing an Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) lawsuit alleging they allowed participants of the organization’s 403(b) Tax Sheltered Matching Plan to be subjected to excessive administrative and investment fees, resulting in lower account balances.

The complaint says the defendants breached their ERISA fiduciary duties by, among other things, authorizing the plan to pay unreasonably high fees for retirement plan services (RPS) and maintaining certain funds in the plan despite the availability of identical or similar investment options with lower costs and better performance. Bronson Healthcare Group has not yet responded to a request for comment.

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Saying that “prudent fiduciaries of 401(k) plans continuously monitor fees against the market rates, applicable benchmarks and peer groups to identify objectively unreasonable and unjustifiable fees,” the lawsuit claims the defendants “did not engage in a prudent decisionmaking process, as there is no other explanation for why the plan paid these objectively unreasonable fees for RPS and investment management.”

Certain statements in the complaint stand out as hypotheses for the plaintiffs’ claims. The lawsuit says, “There is no material difference between services needed or required by 403(b) plans and 401(k) plans. Virtually all RPS [providers] provide services to both 401(k) plans and 403(b) plans. The service offerings for these two different defined contribution [DC] plan types do not differ in any material way. Prudent fiduciaries of 403(b) plans can achieve the same reasonable prices for RPS from RPS [providers] as prudent fiduciaries of 401(k) plans.”

In addition, it says, “The underlying cost to a RPS [provider] of providing the RPS to a defined contribution plan is primarily dependent on the number of participant accounts in the plan rather than the amount of assets in the plan. The incremental cost for a RPS [provider] to provide RPS for a participant’s account does not materially differ from one participant to another and is not dependent on the balance of the participant’s account.”

The lawsuit covers a period from 2015 to 2019 and alleges that during that time, the plan’s fees were excessive when compared with other 403(b) and 401(k) plans offered by sponsors that had similar numbers of plan participants and similar amounts of money under management.

“The fees were also excessive relative to the RPS services received, since such services were largely identical,” the complaint says, adding that the excessive fees led to lower net returns than those experienced by participants in comparable 403(b) and 401(k) plans.

The plaintiffs allege that the defendants failed to regularly monitor the plan’s RPS fees and that they failed to regularly solicit quotes and/or competitive bids from covered service providers to avoid paying unreasonable fees for RPS.

The complaint notes that according to the plan’s Forms 5500, from at least December 31, 2009, through at least December 31, 2019, the plan offered Fidelity Freedom target-date funds (TDFs). The plaintiffs allege that the defendants failed to compare the active and index suites of the Fidelity TDFs and consider their respective merits and features.

“A simple weighing of the benefits of the two suites indicates that the index suite is and has been a far superior option, and consequently the more appropriate choice for the plan,” the complaint states. “The active suite is dramatically more expensive than the index suite, and riskier in both its underlying holdings and its asset allocation strategy.” The lawsuit says the defendants’ failures regarding the Fidelity Freedom Funds were exacerbated by their choice to add and retain the active suite as the plan’s qualified default investment alternative (QDIA).

According to the lawsuit, there was a strategy overhaul to the TDFs in 2013 and 2014, and, since then, the active suite’s higher levels of risk have failed to produce substantial outperformance when compared to the index suite.

“Since the strategic changes took effect in 2014, the index suite has outperformed the active suite in four out of six calendar years. Broadening the view to historical measures that encompass a period closer to a full market cycle, the active suite has substantially underperformed the index suite on a trailing three- and five-year annualized basis,” the complaint states.

Aside from the TDFs, the lawsuit alleges that the investment options selected by the plan fiduciaries “were 761.82% more expensive than prudent alternative and less expensive options covering the same asset category and same investment approach.”

The lawsuit says the defendants’ failure to engage in an objectively reasonable investigation process when selecting investments caused losses to plan participants’ accounts of nearly $10.5 million through 2019.
