CSFB/Tremont: Hedge Funds 0.76% Better in August

September 15, 2003 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - Emerging Markets led the way to the CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index's 0.76% August gain.

The Emerging Markets Index’s 2.98% gain was enough to prop up the composite, now up 8.85% year-to-date.  In July, the aggregate was up a scant 0.08%, according to data released by CSFB/Tremont Index.

Overall, results among the Index components were heavily tilted toward the gainers. After Emerging Markets, now up 17.07% YTD, was the Global Macro Index with a 1.3% gain (11.71% YTD).  Among the other monthly winners:

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  • Event Driven Risk Arbitrage – 1.16%
  • Managed Futures – 1.06%
  • Long/Short Equity – 1.04%
  • Event Driven Distressed – 1.02%

Conversely, once again Dedicated Short Bias and Convertible Arbitrage led the way down, off by 1.44% and 0.91%, respectively for the month.   For the year, the results are mixed, with Convertible Arbitrage managing a 6.79% gain, compared to a 22.27% loss in the Dedicated Short Bias Index.

Performance for the CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index and the ten style-based sector indices is calculated monthly.   August, July and year-to-date returns for all categories are listed at  www.hedgeindex.com.
