Decline in Assumed Returns Increased Public Pension Plan Costs

Researchers found a decline in assumed rates of return due to lower assumed inflation combined with a change in asset allocations, resulting in a higher expected real return, has increased costs for public pensions, but the increase is much smaller than if the decline in the assumed return was due to a lower assumed real return.

In the wake of the 2008-09 financial crisis, global interest rates and inflation have remained low by historic standards, and these low interest rates, along with low rates of projected global economic growth, have led to reductions in projected returns for most asset classes, which, in turn, have resulted in an unprecedented number of reductions in the investment return assumption used by public pension plans.

Among the 127 plans the National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA) measured in 2017, nearly three-fourths reduced their investment return assumption since fiscal year 2010.

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A brief from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College says such a change is generally viewed as a positive development for pension funding discipline, bringing assumptions more in line with market expectations and forcing plan sponsors to increase annual required contributions. 

However, the researchers say the decline in assumed rates of return is actually due to lower assumed inflation, not a lower assumed real return (that is, the return net of inflation). In a fully-indexed system where benefits fully adjust with inflation, a lower inflation assumption should actually have no impact on costs; however, public pension plans have also changed their asset allocations, resulting in a higher expected real return, which lowers costs. “Therefore, a quick assessment of these underlying assumption changes suggests that plans may have actually lowered their costs with the decline in the assumed return,” the brief says. “But, public plan benefits are not fully indexed, so the real value of benefits increases as the inflation expectation drops, which increases plan costs.”

The researchers explain that for a hypothetical plan, where benefits fully adjust with inflation, lower inflation will have no impact on the required contribution because the lower revenue produced by lower nominal returns will be offset by a decrease in initial benefits (through lower wage growth) and the cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) paid after retirement. However, the actual situation for public plans differs in two ways: 1) Benefits before and after retirement are not fully linked to inflation, so they do not decline one-to-one with lower inflation, therefore increasing the real value of benefits and increasing plan costs; and 2) public plans have shifted into riskier assets, which increases their expected real return and reduces costs.

“Public plans may seem like fully indexed systems, because they provide benefits based on final earnings and offer post-retirement COLAs,” the brief says. “But, in reality, not all benefits are based on final earnings, and most COLAs are not designed to fully compensate for inflation.”

It further explains that if all public-sector workers remained with their employer until they retired, their final earnings would reflect inflation and real wage growth over their work lives, and their initial benefits based on final earnings would be fully indexed; however, 35% of employees who vest in a pension benefit do not retire as public-sector employees, so they receive much lower benefits for their time in the public sector than employees who finish their career in the public sector.

The only way for a worker who leaves public-sector employment before retirement to avoid a loss in benefits would be for the plan to base pension benefits on projected age-60 earnings—that is, index earnings for inflation and real wage growth. Without such indexing, benefits erode in real terms, and the higher the rate of inflation, the larger the erosion. With a lower rate of inflation the cost to the employer increases by making the deferred benefits relatively more expensive. In addition, the researchers say, most COLAs are deliberately designed not to fully match inflation, and some plans provide no COLA or only ad hoc adjustments—meaning the benefits of many retirees erode in value over time with rising inflation.

When the inflation rate declines, since the drop in benefit payouts does not fully reflect the drop in inflation, costs rise. “At the extreme, for plans without a COLA, a 1-percentage-point reduction in assumed inflation produces a 1-percentage-point increase in real post-retirement benefits. The lack of complete indexing of both initial benefits and benefits after retirement means that a change in inflation is not a wash. Instead, as inflation declines, real costs increase,” the brief explains.

At the same time public pension plans have also shifted their investment mix out of fixed income and into riskier asset classes with higher expected real returns, which –all else equal—leads to lower costs, as fewer contributions are required to meet future benefit obligations.

Using data reported under the new Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) statements, the researchers calculated the net effect on plan costs due to the lower inflation assumption and higher expected real return, assuming a 1-percentage-point decrease in inflation and a 0.4-percentage-point increase in the real return. They found a 2.6% change in accrued liabilities and a roughly 3.6% increase in employee liabilities and the associated normal costs. In addition, using these assumptions, a plan’s required contribution would increase by 0.9% of payroll.

However, lowering assumed rates of return due to lower assumed inflation was actually better for plans than if they did so due to a lower assumed real return because the researchers found that under a hypothetical scenario in which lower assumed returns are driven by a reduction in the assumed real return, the increase in the required contribution would be over three times as high, at 3.4% of payroll.

Driving Financial Wellness at Work

Wes Collins, senior manager of participant advice services at CAPTRUST, discusses financial wellness areas of focus, broken out by career stage.

Plan participant demand for workplace advice and education is at an all-time high. More than half of employees would like workplace education that will help them improve their financial well-being, and 35% would welcome their employer pushing them to save more.[1]


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Financial wellness directly affects productivity on the job, and it isn’t only individuals who lose out when financial well-being is lacking. Employers also feel the strain of a workforce that has trouble making ends meet. A recent PwC survey found the top financial concern for Millennials (62%) and Gen Xers (55%) is not having enough money to cover unexpected expenses. For 52% of Baby Boomers, it is not being able to retire when they want to. Less than half of each generation says their compensation is keeping up with the cost of their living expenses, with this being true for only 26% of Millennials, 36% of Gen Xers and 42% of Boomers.


Personal financial challenges such as credit card debt, the cost of education, and the need to save for retirement have a meaningful impact on overall employee performance. This stress can lead to employee absenteeism, lost productivity and health issues.


What should plan sponsors do to address this situation?


Sponsors should consider rolling out a program that helps their workers understand what financial wellness looks like at different ages and career stages. Providing financial knowledge and personalized advice is often the first and easiest step. The more custom information employees have, the better.


Plan sponsors should explore and invest in age-appropriate advice and financial wellness for employees, and integrate these programs into corporate benefits. It’s critical that the advice be customized. What is suitable financial advice for someone in their 20s is different from the advice appropriate for someone in their 50s.


Plan sponsors can start this process by understanding the various sets of needs among the participant population being served. Let’s take a look at financial wellness areas of focus, broken out by career stage.


Early career. Entering the workforce, paying back student loans, buying a home, navigating debt issues and advancing a career are all financially challenging. There is so much to juggle for this generation, especially money. Sixty percent of Millennials spend more than three hours a week at work dealing with personal financial matters, according to Bank of America’s 2017 report, “Workplace Benefits Report Supplement: A Closer Look at Millennials.”


Younger workers just starting in the workforce or in their early careers are primarily working toward establishing building blocks for long-term financial wellness. Debt management and budgeting are the first steps in that process. If these primarily Millennial workers can become secure in those two areas, it will help them create the capacity to start saving for retirement. Plan sponsors can help them with advice focused on investment recommendations, utilization of any employer match, the basics of health savings accounts (HSAs), the importance of emergency savings, and student loan debt payoff strategies.


Mid-career. This is a time filled with new financial challenges. Plan participants will want to focus on needs such as for a will that includes guardianship provisions for any children they have and for adequate life insurance. At this stage, participants should be saving at least 15%, including the employer match, annually in a 401(k) or similar retirement account.


It’s also important that this age group maximize tax-advantaged accounts for health care—such as an HSA and flexible spending account (FSA)—and child care, respectively, if available. If participants do have children, it’s also the time to fund education accounts for them, even if only in small amounts.


Plan sponsors will want to ensure that participants periodically run retirement projections and evaluate whether they are on track to retire at their desired age. Lastly, it’s always a good idea, as employees’ careers progress and income increases, to encourage them to direct a large portion of any raises or bonuses to various savings goals rather than lifestyle enhancements.


Late career. As an employee nears the end of his career, his main financial goal should be to know when and how he is going to retire. By the time he reaches this stage in life, he will generally want to have built out a holistic plan with his adviser that provides for his lifestyle and replaces his income during retirement.


Employers should encourage their workers ages 50 and older to maximize catch-up contributions to retirement plans and take advantage of other savings opportunities. It’s also important for this group to have a solid understanding of Social Security benefits, along with their projected future health care coverage needs.


Spreading financial wellness across your workforce


Plan sponsors are stepping up to the plate and meeting the demand for financial wellness education through companywide courses, lunch-and-learns, workshops and contests. These activities educate workers and keep them accountable to their financial goals. Many offer a digital portal where employees can access a trove of financial planning information and tools, such as calculators that help them gauge their own financial fitness, as well as give them access to third-party advisers.


Lastly, most companies are not in the business of providing financial wellness education to their employees; they’re in the business of something else. This is where independent, third-party advice can help employees understand where their retirement income will come from. Working with a recordkeeper or an outside firm is one way to show your employees you take a serious interest in their financial health.



Wes Collins, senior manager of participant advice services at CAPTRUST, heads a team that promotes participant advice services and that strategizes with clients on the best ways to effectively help their participants. He also is responsible for many of the training initiatives of the team. Prior to joining the firm in 2010, he worked as a fixed-income trader and brokerage representative for The Vanguard Group. He has worked in the industry since 2006.


This feature is to provide general information only, does not constitute legal or tax advice, and cannot be used or substituted for legal or tax advice. Any opinions of the author do not necessarily reflect the stance of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) or its affiliates.

[1]Is Your Retirement Plan Working?,” Principal, 2018.
