DeMint Introduces Senate HCR Repeal Bill

January 27, 2011 ( – With a companion U.S. House bill already having been approved, a U.S. senator has introduced a health care reform repeal measure in that chamber.

A news release by bill sponsor U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) said his bill has 34 other Republicans signed on as co-sponsors.

“Republicans are standing with the American people who are demanding we repeal this government takeover of health care,” said DeMint, in the news release. “Repealing ObamaCare is vital to the future of our nation and the health of our people. ObamaCare will raise health costs, reduce choices, ration care, hike taxes, cut jobs, increase the national debt, and put bureaucrats between patients and their doctors. It’s time to start over and implement commonsense solutions that allow Americans to choose affordable plans across state lines, end frivolous lawsuits that drive up costs, and gives equitable tax treatment to those who don’t get insurance from their employer.”

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DeMint added: “Economists have described ObamaCare as ‘fiscally dangerous,’ warning it will create barriers to job growth and increase costs at a time of great economic uncertainty. American families and businesses are struggling and it’s our duty to respond quickly to their calls to repeal this bill and push for solutions that will make health care more affordable.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) has said he will not bring a repeal bill to the Senate floor, despite it having been approved by the other chamber (see GOP Announces Plans to Repeal Health Care Law). Earlier this month House lawmakers formally instructed House committees to write a new bill to replace the reform law. (see House Lawmakers Order HCR Replacement Bill).
