DOL Announces Fiduciary Responsibilities Seminar in San Diego

In addition, the agency has announced a “Getting It Right – Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities” three-day webcast series.

The Department of Labor (DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) announced its next “Getting It Right – Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities” seminar will be held in San Diego, California, on March 5.

The compliance assistance program will increase awareness and understanding about basic fiduciary responsibilities when operating a retirement plan.

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Topics to be covered in the seminar include:

  • Understanding your plan and your responsibilities;
  • Carefully selecting and monitoring service providers;
  • Making contributions on time;
  • Avoiding prohibited transactions; and
  • Making appropriate disclosures to plan participants and filing annual reports to the government on time.

More information and a link to register are here.

In addition, the EBSA has announced a “Getting It Right – Know Your Fiduciary Responsibilities” webcast series will be held March 12 through March 14. Day 1 will discuss basic fiduciary responsibilities when operating an employer-sponsored retirement plan and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) prohibited transaction provisions and exemptions. Day 2 will discuss ERISA’s reporting and disclosure provisions for employer-sponsored retirement plans and the DOL’s voluntary correction programs for retirement plans. Day 3 will discuss basic fiduciary responsibilities when operating an employer-sponsored group health plan, ERISA’s reporting and disclosure provisions, and Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSOs).