DOL Guidance About Swap Clearing and ERISA Plans

March 14, 2013 ( - The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) requires that swap transactions go through a clearing process.

Due to a lack of clarity regarding whether certain parties involved in the clearing process were acting as fiduciaries for purposes of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), swap dealers and other market participants were reluctant to begin working on compliance with these and other requirements. On February 7, 2013, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued Advisory Opinion 2013-01A (Opinion) in which it provided some clarification. Therefore, plan sponsors and their advisers should begin reviewing their portfolios to determine whether their plans invest in swaps and what needs to be done to comply with Dodd-Frank, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) regulations, and ERISA.    

A swap is a contractual agreement between two counterparties, such as an ERISA-governed plan or an ERISA-governed “plan asset” entity and another party, often a dealer in swaps. The parties agree to exchange or “swap” cash flows or other rights. Swaps are commonly used by plans to extend duration in liability driven investing (LDI) strategies or to hedge against the risks of fluctuations in interest rates or currency valuations. They are used by both defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plans.  These plans typically enter into swaps through their investment advisers, pursuant to an investment management agreement, who in turn enter into umbrella agreements with swap dealers.   

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Dodd-Frank and regulations issued by the CFTC require that swaps be “cleared.” This means that the plan and swap dealer submit the swap contract to a clearing member (CM) and a central counterparty (CCP). The swap counterparties also give cash or liquid securities to the CM as margin. The CM acts as a guarantor to the swap. In the event one of the swap counterparties fails to meet its obligations, the CM is contractually obligated to the CCP to provide remedies to the CCP, and the CCP in turn is obligated to provide remedies to the non-defaulting counterparty. For example, the CM can use margin deposits to make the non-defaulting party whole or to otherwise engage in close-out and/or risk reducing transactions.

In the Opinion, the DOL concluded that the CM and CCP were not fiduciaries under ERISA and that the margin deposits were not “plan assets.” The DOL recognized that to determine otherwise would defeat the intent of Congress to reduce risk present in the over-the-counter swap marketplace by requiring most swaps to be cleared. In fact, the swaps clearing process established by Dodd-Frank and the CFTC regulations would not function if parties involved in the clearing process were acting as ERISA fiduciaries.    

While the DOL’s position was not all that surprising with regard to fiduciary and plan asset status, the Opinion did raise an issue under ERISA’s prohibited transaction provisions. The DOL opined that the CM, but not the CCP, is a “party in interest,” which means that a statutory or class exemption must be used to prevent non-exempt prohibited transactions with the CM. While the Opinion went through great lengths to explain why the qualified professional asset manager or “QPAM” exemption would work, the DOL mentioned no other exemption. The absence of such discussion begs the question whether any other exemptions may be used from the DOL’s perspective.    

In reviewing the DOL’s analysis of application of the QPAM exemption, certain other exemptions, such as those for an n-house asset manager (INHAM), bank collective trusts, and insurance company separate accounts should work. However, the availability of the widely used “service provider” statutory exemption in section 408(b)(17) of ERISA is far from clear. This can be problematic for plans and funds whose advisers do not qualify as QPAMs or for plan sponsor fiduciaries that are not QPAMs or INHAMs that wish to enter into swaps.        

So, the next logical question is what plan sponsors and their advisers should do now. The Opinion should remove a significant impediment to Dodd-Frank, CFTC and ERISA compliance efforts by swap dealers, CMs, and CCPs. So, advisers who manage ERISA plan assets should expect amendments to their umbrella agreements. The CMs will likely want representations as to QPAM status or the applicability of other exemptions, while the advisers will want to make sure agreements with the CMs contain information outlined in the Opinion to assure the QPAM exemption disclosure requirements are met.    

Advisers, in turn, should ask plan sponsors and their fiduciaries to make corresponding representations via amendments to management agreements. That language should be carefully reviewed by plan sponsor fiduciaries, who should make sure their advisers are taking steps to comply with Dodd-Frank and ERISA with respect to swaps. Applicable compliance deadlines will be here sooner than you think. An ERISA-governed plan must comply with the clearing requirements by September 9, 2013. Entities such as private investment funds that use swaps must comply by June 10, 2013.  


David C. Kaleda, principal, Groom Law Group, Chartered  

NOTE: This feature is to provide general information only, does not constitute legal advice, and cannot be used or substituted for legal or tax advice.

Retirement Unknowns Causing Anxiety

March 14, 2013 ( – Nearly three-quarters (73%) of Americans surveyed find thinking about retirement saving and investing to be a source of stress and anxiety.

According to the findings of the 2013 Franklin Templeton Retirement Income Strategies and Expectations (RISE) survey, retirement stress is on the rise, with more than one-third (37%) of respondents indicating they are more concerned today than 12 months ago about outliving their assets or having to make major sacrifices to their retirement plans. In response to this stress, two-thirds (67%) of preretirees indicated they are willing to make financial sacrifices now in order to live better in retirement. 

However, three in 10 American adults have not started saving for retirement. And it is not just young adults that lack adequate savings; 68% of those ages 45 to 54 and half of those ages 55 to 64 have $100,000 or less in retirement savings. 

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Respondents have an understanding of their expected expenses in retirement, indicating that the expenses they are most concerned about paying are health care (48%), followed by living (24% housing, 3% food) and lifestyle (12%). Ninety-three percent of preretirees expect their retirement expenses to be similar or less than preretirement spending, and only 15% of those retired indicated their actual retirement spending was more than expected. 

An examination of retirement income sources revealed nearly half (47%) of respondents do not know with a high degree of confidence how much of their current income will be replaced by Social Security, and a comparable number (44%) are similarly unsure concerning their employer-sponsored (defined contribution) retirement plan (i.e., 401(k), 403(b)). More than three in five preretirees (62%) do not know how much they can expect to withdraw from their savings annually during retirement.

Working with an adviser appears to help; 58% of those who have worked with an adviser to develop a written retirement income strategy are confident about how much of their income will be replaced by Social Security, and 55% are confident about how much of their income will be replaced by their employer-sponsored retirement plan. 

The survey revealed two retirement misconceptions that might have serious implications on retirees' retirement income. When asked what adjustment they would make if they were unable to retire as planned due to insufficient income, the top two responses were to delay retirement (62%) and to increase sources of income in ways such as working part-time (45%). However, one-third of today's retirees surveyed were forced into retirement due to circumstances beyond their control, such as health issues and company downsizing, indicating that working longer may not be a realistic option for many people. 

Secondly, the majority (74%) of preretirees anticipates taking Social Security benefits at their "full" retirement age (between ages 66 to 67) or later. However, the majority (63%) of today's retirees were forced to tap Social Security benefits early, sacrificing their benefit amount by as much as 25%. 

"Assuming you can just stay on the job longer could cost you," said Michael Doshier, vice president of Retirement Marketing for Franklin Templeton Investments. "But taking just a little time to write down a plan, with an adviser, can not only help you understand your true options better, it might also reduce your feelings of stress."

The 2013 Franklin Templeton Retirement Income Strategies and Expectations (RISE) survey was conducted online during January among a sample of 1,001 men and 1,001 women, who were 18 years of age or older. 
