DOL Says Protection and Flexibility the Themes of New Fiduciary Proposal

Recognizing that the fiduciary standard applies to a myriad of highly specific circumstances, the DOL tried with its new proposal not to disrupt relationships between retirement plan advisers and clients.

Retirement industry experts finally got to see DOL’s revised fiduciary standard proposal, and some are worried the new fiduciary rule could prove too unwieldy to function efficiently.

As explained during a conference call with Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary Thomas Perez and other top Obama Administration officials, the DOL appears to be taking an exemptions-based approach to a stronger fiduciary standard. The DOL expects its rule proposal, if made final in current form, to significantly expand the number of advisers and brokers who will be considered fiduciaries in the context of investment advice. However, Perez was quick to add the wider application of the fiduciary standard would also come along with a new set of prohibited transaction exemptions designed to allow fiduciary advisers to continue to receive commissions, 12b(1) fees and other widely practiced forms of compensation—so long as proper disclosures are made.

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While the industry is still absorbing the proposal and the form of the prohibited transaction exemptions (PTEs) contained therein, some concern has emerged that enforcing and interpreting the PTEs will be a herculean task—both for compliance teams at covered industry service providers and for DOL investigators themselves.

Like others in the industry, the Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) is still reviewing the latest proposal. However in a January conversation with PLANSPONSOR, Lee Covington, senior vice president and general counsel for the IRI, questioned the logic behind such an approach.

“We don’t think the approach of making a strict rule and then issuing a long list of exceptions is the best approach,” he said. “Why make somebody a fiduciary and then immediately turn around and issue a prohibited transaction exemption for them? What does that accomplish beyond complicating the system even further? Many ERISA experts that we are in touch with say that it would be next to impossible to effectively craft this kind of a rule in that way—relying on a list of complicated, detail prohibited transaction exemptions. We don’t believe it’s a tenable approach.”

Perez seemed to reject these concerns outright during the conference call announcing the new rule language. He said the proposal includes “broad, flexible exemptions from certain obligations associated with a fiduciary standard that will help streamline compliance while still requiring advisers to serve the best interest of their clients.”

The explanation continues in a DOL fact sheet supplied alongside the new rule language: “Being a fiduciary simply means that the adviser must provide impartial advice in their client’s best interest and cannot accept any payments creating conflicts of interest unless they qualify for an exemption intended to assure that the customer is adequately protected.”

Perez said this determination will be straightforward and facts-based for advisers. Citing President Obama’s own comments on the rule: “It’s a very simple principle: You want to give financial advice, you’ve got to put your client’s interests first.”

Perez explained that, at present, individuals providing fiduciary investment advice to employer-based plan sponsors and plan participants are required to act impartially and provide advice that is in their clients’ best interest. Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Internal Revenue Code, individuals providing fiduciary investment advice to plan sponsors, plan participants, and individual retirement account (IRA) owners are not permitted to receive payments creating conflicts of interest without a prohibited transaction exemption (PTE).

This basic scheme continues under the new rule, Perez noted.

“Drawing comments received and in order to minimize compliance costs, the proposed rule creates a new type of PTE that is broad, principles-based and adaptable to changing business practices,” he said. “This new approach contrasts with existing PTEs, which tend to be limited to much narrower categories of specific transactions under more prescriptive and less flexible conditions.”

Perhaps the most important PTE under the new rule is referred to as the “best interest contract exemption,” which will allow advisory firms to continue to set their own compensation practices so long as they, among other things, commit to putting their client’s best interest first in a written contract and agree to disclose any conflicts that may prevent them from doing so.

“Common forms of compensation in use today in the financial services industry, such as commissions and revenue sharing, will be permitted under this exemption, whether paid by the client or a third-party such as a mutual fund,” Perez said. To qualify for the new best interest contract exemption, the company and individual adviser providing retirement investment advice must enter into a contract with its clients that:

  • Formally commits the firm and adviser to providing advice in the client’s best interest. Committing to a best interest standard requires the adviser and the company to act with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence that a prudent person would exercise based on the current circumstances, Perez noted. In addition, both the firm and the adviser must avoid misleading statements about fees and conflicts of interest. These are well-established standards in the law, Perez said. 
  • Warrants that the firm has adopted policies and procedures designed to actively mitigate conflicts of interest. Specifically, the firm must provide evidence to the DOL that it has identified material conflicts of interest and compensation structures that would encourage individual advisers to make recommendations that are not in clients’ best interests and has adopted measures to mitigate any harmful impact on savers from those conflicts of interest. While firms don't need prior approval from the DOL to use the exemption, the agency may later determine a prohibited transaction occurred if errors or improprieties are found in an advisory's disclosures to the DOL.
  • Clearly and prominently discloses any conflicts of interest. Perez said some types of advisory or investment fees frequently get buried in the fine print, which might prevent the adviser from providing advice in the client’s best interest. To this end, the contracts must also direct the customer to a webpage clearly disclosing the compensation arrangements entered into by the adviser and firm and make customers aware of their right to complete information about the fees charged.

In addition to the new 'best interest' contract exemption, the proposal raises a new, principles-based exemption for principal transactions and “maintains or revises many existing administrative exemptions,” Perez said.

The principal transactions exemption would allow advisers to recommend certain fixed-income securities and sell them to the investor directly from the adviser’s own inventory, as long as the adviser adhered to the exemption’s consumer-protective conditions, Perez said. Finally, the proposal asks for comment about whether the final exemptions should include a new “low-fee exemption” that would allow firms to accept payments that would otherwise be deemed “conflicted” when recommending the lowest-fee products in a given product class, with even fewer requirements than the 'best interest' contract exemption.

Perez reiterated several times that, under these exemptions, advisers will be able to continue receiving common types of compensation. He also urged advisers and other industry insiders with strong opinions to continue sharing them with the DOL—as the rule language is still very much subject to change.

Another retirement industry expert speaking with PLANSPONSOR after the rule language was made public suggested the DOL “seems to have done a nice job listening to the concerns from the industry about potential unintended consequences of a strengthened fiduciary rule,” so he doesn't necessarily expect big changes to the proposal after the comment period. 

Craig Howell, business development specialist at Ubiquity Retirement + Savings, which focuses on advising the small retirement plan market, says the DOL seems to have directly addressed the two main concerns of the industry following the Labor’s initial introduction and withdrawal of a fiduciary redefinition effort back in 2010 and 2011.

“From our perspective the two big concerns were, will this new rule price lower account balances out of the market, and will this new rule restrict the types of compensation models advisers can use?” Howell explains. “We’re still absorbing the rule and all its nuances, but honestly they seem to have addressed these concerns pretty adequately.”

For example, Howell notes there are blanket exemptions in the rule proposal (distinct from those described above) that explicitly state call center employees offering general investment education will not become fiduciaries. And at the same time, he is highly encouraged by Perez’s apparent willingness to accept the ongoing practice of revenue sharing and other complex compensation mechanisms, as long as advisers start doing better disclosures and pledge to keep clients’ interest top of mind throughout the investment transaction process.

“Beyond these particular concerns, it’s hard to argue that placing clients’ best interest first shouldn’t be the goal for each and every adviser,” Howell concludes. “In that sense this proposed rule is certainly a step in the right direction.”

Top DB Plans Lose Ground Last Year

A new study shows the greatest funded percentage drop since 2008.

According to Towers Watson, 2014 was a bad year for private U.S. pensions.

The company’s annual analysis of the top 100 corporate defined benefit (DB) plans found that the Towers Watson Pension 100 (TW Pension 100) had lost 8% of their average funded status at the close of last year—a fall from 90.2% at year-end 2013 to 80.2%.

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Aggregate funded status numbers for DB plans overall are similar—89% to 81% for that same period—despite the fact that the value of plan assets rose, the study found. Many of the gains the plans had made in 2013 were lost, and the funding shortfall, which had shrunk that year to $128 billion, from $297 billion in 2012, ballooned back to $248 billion.

The authors of the analysis, who sifted through end-of-year 10-K filings of pension disclosures made available by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), blamed falling interest rates and “significantly increased liabilities” due to longevity recalculations for last year’s losses.

Over 2014, funded status improved for just seven of the plans in the TW Pension 100, and fell, on average, between 5% and 9% for the rest.

Not all news was bad. The study cited net gains since year-end 2008 of 4% in assets over liabilities (44% vs. 40%) and, last year, higher-than-expected investment returns—almost 10%—which may have triggered correspondingly larger contributions from plan sponsors.

Comparisons with pre-Great Recession numbers, though, still show much ground to regain. More than 50% of the study group’s pensions were fully funded in 2008 versus more than 6% in 2014.

“Plan obligations rose in 2014 mainly because of lower interest rates,” the authors say. “From 2008 through 2012, discount rates fell every year, before finally rising in 2013. Then in 2014, the average discount rate fell by 83 basis points [bps]—from 4.85% to 4.02%, thereby increasing pension liabilities by 10%. At year-end 2014, the average discount rate was 236 basis points lower than it was in 2008.”

Additionally, the Society of Actuaries’ new mortality tables, introduced last fall, “played a significant role in driving up pension liabilities,” the authors say, noting that “the vast majority of plan sponsors” in their study group accordingly adjusted their mortality assumptions at the end of the year. The result: a 4.3%—or $55 billion—increase in the study group’s aggregate pension benefit obligation (PBO) in one year.

The general poor outlook since 2009 has prompted many plan sponsors to reduce risk in the ways they can, for one by reallocating assets. The study points to a trend toward fixed-income, debt and alternative investments and away from public equities. “While many factors other than investment returns affect funded status, it is interesting that six of the seven companies whose funded status improved in 2014 had fixed-income allocations of 50% or more going into 2015,” the authors wrote. “While these plans might have missed out on the strong equity gains in 2013, their fixed-income allocations were able to offset the effects of falling discount rates in 2014.”

Likewise, nearly one-quarter of the plan sponsors studied made lump-sum offers or executed bulk annuity purchases last year to de-risk their plans, the study found. Plan sponsors also lowered their costs by reducing contributions—the largest decline in six years.

“Lower funding levels are a concern for plan sponsors,” the authors concluded. “Weaker funding positions will likely necessitate larger cash contributions in the near future, and higher pension costs will most likely drive up the charge against profits for 2015, unless equity returns are strong and/or interest rates rise.”

The complete analysis can be found here.


