EBRI Data Offers Insights on Older American Income

October 16, 2007 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - We're increasingly concerned about the sufficiency of retirement income, and with good reason.

Those looking for insights for the future might well take a look at how today’s retirees (and near retirees) are faring – and how that compares with recent history. And, thanks to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), we now have a convenient means to do so.

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EBRI has just completed all of its Income of the Population Age 55 and Over tabulations – all freely available on their web site. So, if you’re looking for information about where those who are retired (or nearly retired) are drawing income, the Databook on Employee Benefits Chapters 6, 7, and 8 is the place for you. Below is a brief description of the chapters – each contains spread sheets showing data for each year from 1975-2006. Dollar amounts are shown in current dollars and adjusted to 2006 dollars.

The Data

Chapter 6

Income Statistics of the Population Ages 55 and Over – Data is presented here on the following: percentage of the older population in poverty; real median income of the older population by gender; median and mean income of the population by education, marital status and race; real median income by age and source of income; comparison of the measurement of retirement income between the Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic (March) Supplement and the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States. The end of the chapter contains a reference section to other EBRI research on income statistics of the population ages 55 and over in a question and answer format.

MORE at http://www.ebri.org/pdf/publications/books/databook/DB.Chapter%2006.pdf

Chapter 7

Sources of Income for Persons Ages 55 and Over – Data is presented here on the following: percentage distribution of population and income by detailed income source, mean income, and median income; aged income from private sector and public sector defined benefit plans; private sector and public sector defined benefit plans by age of recipient; median income from major sources, married couples and unmarried individuals aged 65 and over; percentage of individuals aged 55 and over with income from specified sources and percentage distribution of income from all sources by age; percentage of individuals aged 65 and over with income from specified sources and percentage distribution of income from all sources by income quintile. The end of the chapter contains a reference section to other EBRI research on sources of income for persons ages 55 and over in a question and answer format.

MORE at http://www.ebri.org/pdf/publications/books/databook/DB.Chapter%2007.pdf

Chapter 8

Retirement Annuity and Employment-Based Pension Income – Data is presented here on the following: percentage receiving, median, and mean amount of retirement annuity and/or employment-based pension income recipiency. The data is presented for the following demographics: age, sex, industry, education, marital status, and income quintile. The end of the chapter contains a reference section to other EBRI research on retirement annuity and employment-based pension income in a question and answer format.

MORE at http://www.ebri.org/pdf/publications/books/databook/DB.Chapter%2008.pdf

Meeting Deadlines Ranks as Top Team Player Characteristic

October 15, 2007 (PLANSPONSOR.com) - Forty percent of executives polled said meeting deadlines is the most important characteristic of a team player, up slightly from 37% in a similar poll conducted a decade ago.

According to the poll by staffing service Accountemps, not getting tangled up in politics is the second most important characteristic of being a team player (25%) behind meeting deadlines.

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Twenty percent of executives said it was important that a team players was pleasant to work with, followed by 13% who said it was important that a team player support his or her manager.

The national poll included responses from 150 senior executives — including those from human resources, finance and marketing departments — with the nation’s 1,000 largest companies.
