Economy Taking a Toll on Vacations

May 12, 2009 ( - The latest poll from AP-Gfk finds that 56% of individuals surveyed are not planning to take a vacation trip this summer.

One-third of Americans surveyed said they have canceled a trip this year because of financial concerns. In addition, 11% said they decided to vacation closer to home this year due to financial concerns, according to the survey results.

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Not surprisingly, the less money you make, the less likely you are to take a vacation. More than two-thirds of those in the $100,000-plus bracket will take some type of leisure trip this summer, compared to 48% of those earning $50,000-$100,000 and just one-third of those with family incomes under $50,000, the AP said.

In terms of destinations, 12% of those planning a trip said they would stay in their home state, 67% will go to another state, and 19% will travel outside the U.S. Twenty-three percent of respondents said they will save money by staying with friends or family instead of in a hotel.

However, travel bargains are tempting a small number of people – mostly upper-income – to take bigger and better trips, the AP found. Seven percent of all Americans and 18% of those earning more than $100,000 said they would take more elaborate trips than usual because of lower prices.

By age, 30-49-year-olds were most likely to travel, with 48% planning a trip. Among those ages 18-29, 43% said they would travel, and among those ages 50-64, 41% plan a trip. Just 34% of those 65 or older plan to travel this summer.

The poll was conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media from April 16-20 by landline and cell telephone interviews with a nationally representative random sample of 1,000 adults.

Complete poll results are here .
