Exchange Data International (EDI) announced the expansion of
its equity analytics data service for investment professionals.
EDI bills
itself as a securities and corporate actions reference data specialist. The firm
says it has added new capabilities to its comprehensive securities data
offering, Worldwide Equity Analytics.
The service
now enables clients to better identify the sources of risk and returns in their
portfolios and project their volatility. It comprises a customizable set of
more than 60 equity-derived data fields, such as average daily volume, simple moving
averages, alpha, beta and R-squared.
In addition
to the analytics data, the service contains “key reference and pricing data
providing clients with a comprehensive overview of the global equity market,”
according to EDI.
“In the
wake of the financial crisis, governance, compliance and risk management have
become prime factors affecting financial services,” says EDI chief executive officer Jonathan Bloch. “As a data provider, it is important for us to ensure we
supply clients with data that enables them to make informed decisions and
allows them to comply with their risk management criteria. The Worldwide Equity
Analytics service was the logical next step after the launch last year of our
bond analytics dataset.”
Worldwide Equity Analytics service is available as an end-of-day feed via file
transfer protocol. The file can be customized as regards data fields, exchanges
or countries covered.
Most employers do not facilitate after-tax contributions to health savings accounts (HSAs), but they should consider it as a potential strategy to avoid the ACA excise tax on high-cost health plans.
plan costs that may trigger the excise tax on high-cost plans under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)
do not just include the basic cost of coverage, notes Tracy Watts, Washington,
D.C.-based U.S. leader for health care reform for Mercer. They include the cost
of onsite clinics, as well as pre-tax contributions made to health
reimbursement accounts (HRAs), flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health
savings accounts (HSAs).
to attendees of a Mercer webcast, Watts shared that a recent survey by Mercer
found, if employers made no changes to their plans, considering basic plan
costs only, 31% will trigger the excise tax in 2018, and 51% will trigger it by
2022. “This is before you add other components,” she said.
date, the most popular strategies employers have been using to try to avoid
triggering the 40% tax are adding or increasing enrollment in consumer-driven
health plans (CDHPs) and changing plan design to shift costs to employees.
Kra, a Mercer actuary based in New York, said there are several things to
consider to reduce basic health plan costs, including revisiting actuarial
methodologies such as plan pooling and tier ratios; changing plan design, for
example, covered benefits, copays and deductibles; using health management or
efficient provider networks; and reconsidering the tax treatment or limits of
account contributions.
NEXT: Using after-tax accounts
Badalamenti, an actuary based in Chicago who leads consulting engagement for
Mercer, explained that offering an FSA with a non-high-deductible health plan
(non-HDHP) or an HSA with an HDHP, both funded with pre-tax contributions,
increases employers’ exposure to triggering the excise tax. The underlying plan
costs would have to be lowered to avoid doing so.
could reduce contributions to or eliminate these accounts, convert pre-tax
contributions to after-tax, have employees independently fund a tax-preferred HSA,
or convert the FSA to a dental and vision-only FSA. Employers with non-HDHP
health benefits could also switch to an HDHP and use the after-tax HSA
the after-tax HSA strategy and increasing employee compensation can result in
offering the same value to employees, Badalamenti added. For example, if an
employee makes $50,000 per year and contributes $2,000 pre-tax to an HSA, the
employee’s taxable compensation is $48,000 per year. If the employee
contributes $2,000 after-tax to an HSA, his taxable compensation is $50,000,
but he gets and above-the-line tax deduction of $2,000.
further explained that if an employer offers a preferred-provider organization
(PPO) plan that costs $12,000, it could switch to an HDHP that costs $10,000,
adjust employee compensation by $2,000 and allow post-tax HSA contributions of $2,000
outside of the plan. “Net, employees are still getting $12,000 worth of value, with
no taxable income,” he said.
NEXT: Considerations when using the post-tax HSA
noted that compensation changes aren’t so simple; if employers give additional
compensation to employees participating in the plan and to those not
participating, employers overall costs go up, but if they don’t give it to those
not participating, it doesn’t seem right. Also, will the employer give more to
those with families? “It will require a number of iterations to find a path
that may work,” he said.
Savan, a Mercer consultant in Atlanta, added that participants will need to
become mindful of how to maximize their benefits as employers change their
offerings, so a new strategy will require more education effort. “Today, most
employers do not facilitate post-tax contributions to HSAs. It will require not
only an operational switch, but they will need to help employees understand
what it means,” he said.
addition, employers that make HSA contributions (seed, wellness incentive, etc.)
may be subject to rigid HSA comparability rules, according to Savan.
he noted that overall, a post-tax HSA strategy can really be advantageous to
employees who save in the accounts up to the time of retirement and do not spend them all.
told webcast attendees that there will come a point where even a minimum value
plan will exceed the threshold for triggering the ACA excise tax, even without
some kind of account added on because health plan costs increase at a greater
rate than the indexing on the threshold for triggering the tax. “But, there is
nothing to stop an employer from offering a plan that is not minimum value with
a post-tax HSA,” he said.
Watts said private exchanges provide a platform to efficiently execute the post-HSA
strategy discussed. In addition, Mercer has found with its Mercer Marketplace private exchange that given choice and decision support, most employees buy
down on health insurance.
“Employers want to
think about their total rewards strategy, and want to adjust benefits in a way
that will still deliver value to participants. If they reduce medical benefits,
it will affect their employment value proposition and the ability to attract
and retain workers,” she concluded.