Entering College Freshmen Always Saw a Clinton or Bush Vying for Office

This fall’s entering college students, the class of 2020, were generally born in 1998 and cannot remember a time when they had to wait for anything.

They also can’t recall a time when the United States was not at war, or when someone named Bush or Clinton was not vying for a political office.

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Each August since 1998, Beloit College has released the Beloit College Mindset List, providing a look at the cultural touchstones that shape the lives of students about to enter college.

For this year’s entering college freshmen, in their lifetimes they have always had eBay and iMacs, and India and Pakistan have always been nuclear powers. The Sopranos and SpongeBob SquarePants have always been part of popular culture, Gretzky and Elway have always been retired, and Vladimir Putin has always been in charge in the Kremlin.

More interesting items on the list include:

  • There have always been Cadillac Escalades, but these entering college freshmen just don’t seem to be all that into cars.
  • West Nile has always been a virus found in the U.S.
  • he Ali/Frazier boxing match for their generation was between the daughters of Muhammad and Joe.
  • They have never had to watch or listen to programs at a scheduled time.
  • Each year they’ve been alive the U.S. population has grown by more than one million Latinos.
  • Laws against on-the-job harassment have always applied to parties of the same sex.
  • If you want to reach them, you’d better send a text—emails are oft ignored.
  • They disagree with their parents about which was the “first” Star Wars episode.
  • Books have always been read to them on audible.com.
  • They have never seen billboard ads for cigarettes.
  • Airline tickets have always been purchased online.
  • Instant, tray-less ice cube makers have never been a novelty.
You can find the complete list and other tools here.

Cause for Optimism and Concern in DC Stats

The majority of participants are confident their savings via DC plans will be sufficient to last throughout retirement, a LIMRA SRI survey finds—but it’s a fairly weak majority.

While the decline of the defined benefit (DB) pension paradigm is often maligned, new LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute (LIMRA SRI) research shows the defined contribution (DC) system, at least for the for-profit private sector, is doing a decent job of picking up the slack.  

Overall, 84% of workers in this market participate in their DC plan, with 79% having access to an employer match, according to the 2016 LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute Survey of For-Profit Sector Employees. The majority of participants are confident their savings via DC plans will be sufficient to last throughout retirement, but it’s a fairly weak majority, at 54%, LIMRA SRI finds. The finding is also tempered by the fact that more than 25% of workers “plan to work part-time in retirement.”

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“More than one-third of workers report not being knowledgeable about financial products or investments,” researchers highlight, suggesting the finding is cause for some concern, given how much more choice is placed on DC plan participants compared with pensioners.

Other findings are more positive about the success of DC. For example, the average current DC plan tenure across all for-profit private-sector plan sizes is an impressive nine years. The median DC salary deferral rate is 8% for plans with fewer than 100 employees, 7% for mid-sized employers (100 to 2,499 employees), and 6% for the largest employers with more than 2,500 workers.

Highlighting the ongoing interplay of DB and DC, the LIMRA research shows participants in private-sector DC plans have access to a DB plan 10% of the time in the greater than 100 employees market, 17% of the time in the 100-to-2,499 employees market, and 23% of the time in the largest employer category. As LIMRA researchers note, this over-representation of pensions for mega employers shines a somewhat more positive light on the relatively low 6% average salary deferral figure.

Looking across the entire private-sector DC participant group, the average balance stands around $135,245. More than seven in 10 (71%) expect future income to be significantly supplemented, if not outstripped, by Social Security benefits. Nearly one-third will also spend from traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and a one-fifth will draw income from Roth IRAs.

Additional survey results are reported here
