ERISA Advisory Council Offers Recommendations for Simplifying Mandated Disclosures

For example, the Council proposes to develop an alternative means of compliance by which the introductory portion of the SPD–referred to as the “Quick Reference Guide”–would be delivered annually to participants automatically, and the entire SPD or any full part of the SPD would be made available upon request.

The 2017 ERISA [Employee Retirement Income Security Act] Advisory Council examined how to streamline the content and to make the delivery and availability of mandatory retirement disclosures more practical and effective.

Based upon testimony received during two sets of hearings supplemented by submissions of written material from interested stakeholders, the Council has provided recommendations for design and delivery improvements with respect to the Summary Plan Description (SPD), the Annual Funding Notice (AFN) and the Summary Annual Report (SAR), and observations regarding best practices for efficient and effective participant communications.

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In a report to Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary R. Alexander Acosta, the Council notes that the general theme of its findings was the need to make retirement disclosures more understandable and useful for participants and to organize information within the required disclosures to reflect life events so that information is available as the need arises. In addition, witnesses highlighted the additional need to strike a balance between providing too little information for participants to gain an adequate understanding of what the disclosure is trying to convey and providing too much information, which can become overwhelming and confusing.  

For example, the Council says, the intended purpose of the SPD is to provide summarized, accessible and reliable information to participants about their plan. However, several witnesses testified that the SPD, in its current form, contains far too much detail for a summary document. The Council proposes to address these objectives through the development of an alternative means of compliance by which the introductory portion of the SPD–referred to as the “Quick Reference Guide”–would be delivered annually to participants automatically, and the entire SPD or any full part of the SPD would be made available upon request. The Quick Reference Guide would be tailored around life event triggers, and would provide answers to basic questions about the plan.

With respect to defined benefit (DB) plan disclosures, the Council focused specifically on the single-employer AFN, a complex multi-page disclosure containing detailed technical information about a defined benefit plan’s funded status. Based on witness testimony, the Council drafted a modified model single-employer AFN that reduces the overall size of the document and reorganizes the content with key information and a brief summary upfront and all other remaining information contained in an appendix.

While the AFN replaced the SAR disclosure requirement for DB plans, the SAR is still required for defined contribution (DC) plans. The Council heard from most witnesses that the SAR does not provide DC plan participants with helpful information about their own benefits. The Council recommends creating an alternative means for compliance by allowing plan administrators to provide a simple notification to participants about the availability of the annual Form 5500, including instructions for how to access that filing, either as a stand-alone notification, or included as a part of other mandatory disclosure(s), such as the SPD “Quick Reference Guide.”

“With these changes, the Council believes that these disclosures will be simplified and streamlined for plan participants, sponsors and administrators without sacrificing the quality of information that participants and other users of these mandatory disclosures receive,” the report says.

QSEHRAs Help Small Employers Offer Health Benefits

In 2017, small business employees used an average of 78% of their QSEHRA allowance, and 52% used 100% of their allowance.

Seventy-one percent of small businesses that offered the new qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement (QSEHRA) in 2017 had not offered health benefits previously, according to “The QSEHRA: Annual Report,” from PeopleKeep, a provider of benefits for small businesses. Only 6% previously offered traditional group health benefits, and nearly 20% gave employees a taxable stipend for health care.

Created through the 21st Century Cures Act, QSEHRAs make it possible for small businesses to offer personalized health benefits by giving employees a tax-free monthly allowance that they can then use to purchase health care. Businesses granted employees an average of $391 a month for health care, which is between 38% and 47% cheaper than what they would have paid for group health insurance premiums.

In addition, QSEHRAs permit employees to use their allowances for both premium and non-premium expenses, which is not possible under a group health benefit.

The allowance that employers gave to singles in 2016 averaged $280.20. For employees with a family, that was $476.56. Twenty-two percent of singles received the federal maximum monthly allowance of $412.50, and 22% of those with a family received the maximum allowance of $833.33.

Companies comprised of only one person gave $387.50 to employees; for those with families, that was $645.58. For companies with between 31 and 50 employees, that decreased to $246.07 per self-only employee and $309.85 for employees with a family.

In 2017, 40% of employees submitted at least one premium expense for reimbursement. That was slightly higher for individuals (41%), and slightly less (39%) for those with a family.

When employees received a monthly stipend of $100 or less, only 25% submitted a premium for reimbursement. When the stipend was between $301 and $412.50 a month, 48% submitted a premium for reimbursement.

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Seventy-three percent of employees who submitted at least one premium expense for reimbursement did not submit a non-premium expense. Among those who did submit a non-premium expense, the average number was eight, with an average total sum of $1,298.59.

In 2017, employees used an average of 78% of their QSEHRA allowance. This rose slightly to 79% for individuals and dipped to 77% for those with a family. Fifty-two percent used 100% of their QSEHRA allowance, including 24% of those who received the maximum allowance.

PeopleKeep’s full report can be downloaded here.

