Factors Included in Fee Decisions

Litigation has increased retirement plan sponsors' focus on plan fees, and they need to know all their choices to make the best decisions.

Retirement plan fee litigation has heightened plan sponsors’ interest in their fiduciary responsibilities regarding fees, noted Michael Sasso, partner and co-founder of Portfolio Evaluations, Inc.

So far, the litigation has targeted large-market plan sponsors, but Sasso feels it will naturally trickle down to smaller plans, he told attendees of the Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA) 69th Annual Conference.

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Michael Olah, managing principal at Michael J. Olah & Associates LLC, added that he has heard a lot of talk that retirement plan sponsors are not going to settle lawsuits anymore and will force trial. “The risk to the industry is that opinions will come down as judgements which will become precedent,” he said.

Olah expects litigation may be coming about why large plans pay less than small plans—why providers are not leveraging technology to reduce administrative fees. He also said the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) fiduciary rule may spark litigation about adviser fees, especially if plan participants share in the cost. And, Olah anticipates more target-date fund (TDF) legislation coming out of the fee focus, especially about the use of recordkeeper’s proprietary TDFs or TDFs that use only one fund family.

Retirement plan sponsors need to know what choices they have in pricing models and how to pay for plan fees in order to make the best decisions. Jean Martone, director of the Retirement Plans Group at Portfolio Evaluations, Inc., explains there is a “bundled” pricing model in which the retirement plan provider collects all revenue sharing from the plan’s investment options, and a targeted required revenue for it to keep to pay for costs may be recommended to the plan sponsor. She said the pros of this model is the provider will assume the risk in down markets and not charge the plan sponsor, and the plan sponsor will not incur hard dollar fees if the revenue target is not met due to participant behavior.

However, Martone noted that there is a move away from this pricing model to other models. With a “basis point” model, the plan provider sets a revenue requirement as a percentage of plan assets. With a “per participant” model, the provider sets a per participant fee. With these models, the plan sponsor gets any excess revenue generated and has the option to use this to create an account to help with eligible plan expenses or to rebate the excess to plan participants. “This is the shift in the industry,” she said.

NEXT: Paying for plan administration, and fee equalization

Once a pricing model is selected or determined, the plan sponsor must consider how to pay for plan administration costs. Still the most common method, according to Martone is to use revenue sharing, but there is a movement to try to eliminate revenue sharing now because historically, the cost to participants has been unequal—some are invested in higher expense funds and some in lower or no expense funds. “Plan sponsors are trying to find funds with no revenue sharing, but that is difficult to do, so there may be some combination of revenue sharing and a charge to participants to pay for plan costs.

If they are able to eliminate revenue sharing, plan sponsors can charge participants a basis point or flat fee, or the plan sponsor can pay all plan costs itself. The latter option is not very common, but it is being discussed more, according to Martone.

Martone noted that DOL rules require that fees be reasonable for services provided. Some plan sponsors use databases to benchmark their fees, but if they do, they should understand the methodology and make sure the database is updated regularly, Martone said. Another way to benchmark fees is to issue a request for information (RFI). “Look at all fees—loan origination, loan maintenance, mailing of notices, etc.,” she added. Best practice is to perform periodic reviews that are properly documented.

Investment fees are the largest component of 401(k) costs, so plan sponsors should make sure the fees are reasonable given the size of assets in the investments.

Martone pointed out that the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) contains no provisions specifically addressing how plan fees may be allocated across plan participants; however, the DOL says the decision is a fiduciary duty and plan sponsors must react prudently.

There has been a move to fee equalization, which Martone said is defined differently by different providers. “If you want everyone to pay the same fee, the best way is to eliminate revenue sharing and use basis points or a per-participant fee,” she told conference attendees. “But, the plan may have a great fund that still uses revenue sharing.”

Plan sponsors should make sure fee transparency provided by service providers deliver the necessary information to determine the starting point; discuss what equalization methods are available from the recordkeeper; work with the recordkeeper and/or a consultant to frame the communication to plan participants; and document every decision.

Context Is Important for DC Plan Research

Defined contribution retirement plans are a constant subject of research and analysis, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to describe with real accuracy.

Anyone who has worked for a significant length of time in the retirement planning industry is probably familiar with the risk of being distracted or even misled by overly simplistic “snapshots” of data.

Sitting down for a recent interview with PLANSPONSOR, Drew Carrington, senior vice president at Franklin Templeton Investments and leader of the firm’s defined contribution business (DC) within the U.S. institutional large market segment, explained how even the most knowledgeable DC industry experts now and again get bogged down by data.  

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“Part of the issue is the sheer volume of data and commentary that is published every day in this industry,” Carrington says. Even if one just focuses on the widely known, established providers of financial industry research they already know and trust, there are easily dozens of new reports, articles and opinions being broadcasted every week. If one doesn’t dig deeper into the data and really take time to understand what they are reading, it can even seem like a lot of the research out there is outright contradictory, Carrington warns.

“This is what I mean by the risk of having a ‘snapshot’ mentality,” Carrington adds. “I have made the argument frequently in recent years that a lot of the snapshot data we see coming out of the retirement planning industry presents an overly simplistic and pessimistic view of what’s really going on with individuals’ retirement prospects.”

For example, he suggests a great number of reports are published year in and year out that rate retirement readiness according to the balance people carry in their current employer’s DC plan at a given instant of time. “Researchers do not take into account the fact that the individual may hold an individual retirement account (IRA), complemented by a pension from a previous employer, along with anticipated Social Security and potentially very significant home equity. And then there are the assets of the spouse or partner to consider, or even their children’s and parent’s assets.”

This is far from saying snapshot research has no value, Carrington adds. “This research begins to show us that there are still a lot of people that need to save a lot more than they currently are for retirement, but we should keep in mind that the real retirement readiness of a given set of people is not a conclusion you can easily draw from putting together one stand-alone report.”

NEXT: Accuracy matters as much as ever 

Apart from the simple interest in promoting accurate research, Carrington stressed that these issues “take on more importance every day in that lawmakers in practically every state are starting to take retirement system reform more seriously.” As they do so, “we need to make sure they have a good understanding of this very complex and multi-tiered retirement system we have in the U.S.”

Speaking specifically to state lawmakers, Carrington warned against just reading the headlines of reports and coming to the conclusion that massive changes need to be made overnight to the retirement system.

“When you dig deeper, what you find more often than not is that the retirement system is actually working quite well for a lot of people, especially those who have had consistent access to plans and who have a good understanding of things like rollovers and how to avoid leakage—people in plans with a lot of automation,” Carrington says. “Another way to say this is that the Pension Protection Act has been very successful and should be built upon moving forward.”

Taking all this together, Carrington says he’s actually pretty skeptical that the various state-driven efforts to create new ways for workers to access tax-advantaged savings will lead to a big boost in positive retirement outcomes.

“Those of us who have worked in this industry for a long time realize there are no silver bullets,” he warns. State lawmakers should take the time to consider how their programs will be impacted by things like job tenure, leakage, salary stagnation, novice investors’ behavioral tendencies, fees, etc.

“We know, for instance, that if a person doesn’t get past the $10,000 hurdle in their retirement account before it comes time to switch jobs again, they’re far likelier to just cash it out,” Carrington concludes. “Will these state-run plans be able to get people to save enough to really commit for the long term?  It’s going to take a while to get to $10,000 at a 3% auto-enroll with no auto-deferral escalation.” 
