Fidelity, Putnam Excessive Fee Cases Moved Forward

A federal district judge denies motions to dismiss in both cases.

U.S. District Judge William Young of the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts has denied motions to dismiss excessive fee lawsuits against Fidelity Management Trust and Putnam Investments. 

In a combined order, Young said that in factually complex Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) cases such as the ones against Fidelity and Putnam, dismissal is often inappropriate. He added, “At the current stage of litigation, when the Court must draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the non-moving party, the Plaintiffs’ complaints in these two actions allege facts sufficient to state plausible claims.” 

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The case against Fidelity involves a  stable  value  fund,  the  Fidelity  Group  Employee  Benefit  Plan  Managed Income Portfolio Commingled Pool (MIP), which, the complaint says, at all relevant times had such low investment returns and high fees that it was an imprudent retirement investment. The poor performance and high fees of the MIP were the result of the intentional actions and omissions of the trustee and fiduciary for the MIP, Fidelity Management Trust Co. The complaint was filed on behalf of all retirement plans that invested in the MIP.

The complaint says that prior to 2009, Fidelity engaged in an imprudent investment strategy for the MIP that caused substantial losses to the fund and accordingly exposed itself and the MIP’s wrap providers to such losses. Faced with a serious decline in the MIP’s market value, and with resulting pressure from the wrap providers—which were exposed to liability in the event of significant MIP fund withdrawals—Fidelity responded by adopting an unduly conservative investment strategy that was contrary to the purposes of stable value fund investing. Specifically, the company allowed the wrap providers to charge excessive fees, as well as charging excessive fees for its own account, the complaint alleges.

Putnam is accused of self-dealing in its own retirement plan for employees to promote that firm’s mutual fund business and maximize profits at the expense of the plan and its participants. The complaint says Putnam loaded the plan exclusively with its own mutual funds, without investigating whether plan participants would be better served by investments managed by unaffiliated companies.

The court’s order denying motions to dismiss in both cases is here.

(b)lines Ask the Experts – LLC Subsidiary Participation in 403(b)

“May the employees of the wholly owned LLC subsidiary of a 501(c)(3) corporation participate in the 501(c)(3) corporation’s 403(b) plan?”

Michael A. Webb, vice president, Cammack Retirement Group, answers:       

This is a good question, as individuals often confuse entities that may be required to be aggregated for testing and other purposes with organizations that may sponsor the same type of plan. To get to the answer to this question, let’s review the types of organizations/individuals that may sponsor a 403(b) plan under the Code. They are, as follows:

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1)       501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations,

2)       public education organizations (Internal Revenue Code Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)),

3)       ministers (defined by IRC Section 414(e)(5)(A)), and

4)       a state, including a political subdivision of a state, or any agency or instrumentality of a state for its public school employees (IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)). (An Indian tribal government is treated as a state (IRC Section 7871(a)(6)(B)).

A Limited Liability Company, or LLC, is a private company that contains elements of both a partnership and a corporation. Though an LLC does not need to be organized as a for-profit entity, an LLC clearly does not fit into one of the four categories above of organizations that are eligible to sponsor a 403(b) plan. Thus, even though the entity in question is OWNED by a 501(c)(3), unless it is a 501(c)(3) itself, or is another type of organization listed above, it may not be able to participate in a 403(b) plan.

However, the IRS has issued a number Private Letter Rulings (PLRs), most recently PLR 201538020 and PLR 201539031, which appear to make an exception. A 501(c)(3) that owns the membership interest of a single-member LLC, where the single-member LLC has not elected to be recognized as a separate entity for federal tax purposes, can treat that entity a merely a branch or division of the 501(c)(3); the separate entity is disregarded for 403(b) eligibility purposes, and employees of the LLC may indeed participate in the 403(b) plan as if the LLC were a 501(c)(3) itself. However, PLRs only apply to the organizations who requested such a ruling, so you should consult with counsel well-versed in such matters before attempting to cover LLC employees in your 403(b) plan.

Having said that, even if it turns out that employees of an LLC are not eligible to participate in a 403(b) plan, the LLC and it’s 501(c)(3) owner may be considered to be a single employer for other purposes under the Code, such an for retirement plan nondiscrimination testing purposes.


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