Fidelity Workplace Giving Pairs Charity and Retirement

The new program allows employers to integrate charitable giving into their current benefits program.

Fidelity Investments announced the introduction of the Fidelity Workplace Giving program, created to allow employers to integrate charitable giving into their current benefits program while offering employees a way to manage philanthropic activities.

Explaining the firm’s thinking in launching this new solution, Kevin Barry, president of workplace investing at Fidelity Investments, points to data showing employees are increasingly interested in working for organizations that are socially responsible and offer benefits such as volunteer opportunities or charitable giving programs.

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“Employers increasingly recognize the importance of offering benefits that contribute to the total well-being of their workforce, especially charitable giving programs,” Barry says. “However, it’s often difficult for employers to easily integrate these programs into their benefits platform.”

According to Barry, Fidelity Workplace Giving enables companies to provide access to a charitable giving option alongside other company benefits, increasing employee engagement and helping employees better understand how charitable giving fits into their overall financial picture. He adds that Fidelity Workplace Giving streamlines charitable giving activities for employees by allowing them to give directly through their workplace.

Employers offering the program gain a centralized administrative process and a clearer way to measure employee engagement and impact, Fidelity says. The Workplace Giving platform gives employees access to hundreds of thousands of charities aggregated into a single view that can be sorted by name, industry or cause, and workers can pre-set or select the amount they want to donate. Employee donations can be one-time or recurring, and delivered by the employee’s preferred method (e.g., credit card, bank transfer).

And since Workplace Giving is part of an employee’s benefits platform, they can weave charitable giving into their overall financial wellness strategy, alongside other financial vehicles such as their 401(k), health savings account or 529 plan, Barry says. 

“When charitable giving is made easier and more transparent, employees are more likely to engage, which will ultimately contribute to greater corporate responsibility and a more positive impact on the community,” Barry adds.

Fourth Quarter Volatility Wipes Out DB Plans’ Funding Status Gains

Pension plans’ funding rose a mere 70 basis points last year, according to Goldman Sachs Asset Management.

Despite higher interest rates and significant contributions by pension plans, their funding status rose only 70 basis points last year, according to a new report from Goldman Sachs, “2018 Pension Review ‘First Take:’ Groundhog Day.”

While some plans notably increased fixed-income allocations, likely linked to significant contribution activity and the intra-year rise in funded levels last year, other pension plans may not have been able to act before the volatility of the fourth quarter erased gains. Goldman Sachs’ report, written by Senior Pension Strategist Mike Moran, says, “In some ways, it feels like the 1993 movie ‘Groundhog Day,’ as we relive the same scenario over and over again. For corporate pensions, that may mean seeing funded levels rise, missing the opportunity to lock in those gains, and then watching those gains dissipate, especially in light of an aging bull market and expectations of a potential slowdown.”

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Goldman’s report is based on the 50 largest pension plans in the S&P 500. These companies’ funding levels rose during 2018 to their highest level since the 2008 financial crisis, but gave back most of their increases in the fourth quarter. “This is, unfortunately, a scenario that has played out before for U.S. corporate defined benefit [DB] plans and is contributing to a sense of déjà vu.”

Allocations to fixed income rose to 48% by the end of 2018, the highest level Goldman Sachs has ever tracked in DB plans. In 2017 and 2018, the majority of DB plans were cash flow negative, meaning that some of their contributions were used to fund benefit payments and never made their way into asset allocations. Furthermore, Goldman Sachs says, another reason why allocations to fixed income rose last year could well have been because pension plans withdrew allocations from other asset classes in order to pay benefits.

“Also, recall that the end of 2018 was quite volatile,” Goldman’s report says. “The S&P 500 lost around 9% in December, while fixed income had low single digit returns as interest rates fell. Some plans may not have been able to effectuate rebalancing actions before the end of the year, resulting in higher fixed-income allocations than anticipated.”

Over the past 10 years, there have been times when pension plans could have de-risked through better asset liability matching but some did not, Goldman Sachs says, resulting in many plans having to repeat their contributions. By the end of 2017, plans were collectively underfunded by $245 billion for a funded ratio of 86%.

For 2019, Goldman Sachs expects fixed-income allocations to rise and it recommends that pension plans take a “more customized approach in managing these assets,” the report says. “Unless the fixed-income allocation is tailored to the actual liability profile of the plan, the hedging assets may not perform as contemplated and funded status may decline unexpectedly.” To accomplish this, Goldman Sachs recommends that pension plans hire a strategic partner to use overlays and derivatives to fine tune hedges and position the portfolio for an annuitization in-kind transfer.

Goldman Sachs also notes that pensions are increasingly turning to outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) services and that this movement could help them improve their funded status.

Goldman Sachs’ full report can be downloaded here.
