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A Little Friday File Fun
In Tampa, Florida, a woman returned to a hotel room she was sharing with her boyfriend after a run to McDonald’s. However, she apparently ordered the wrong food, and the boyfriend became angry. He started pelting her with containers of McDonald’s Sweet ‘N Sour dipping sauce. Investigators responding to a 911 call noted that the woman had “marks consistent with her statements,” according to The Smoking Gun. The boyfriend fled the motel, but was subsequently arrested and booked into the Pasco County jail on a felony battery charge.
In Missoula, Montana, a black bear cub accidently locked himself inside a mudroom after entering a residence. It initially ripped “the room apart” after discovering he was trapped, the Missoula County Sheriff’s Office wrote on Facebook, the Huffington Post reports. But he then clambered into a closet for a nap, where he remained until deputies arrived to remove him. The bear apparently didn’t want to be disturbed from his nap because police knocks on the door resulted in a stretch and yawn. Officers were able to unlock the door, hoping the bear would leave, but all it did was yawn more. Eventually, the bear was able to enjoy a deep sleep when officials from the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks were called in to tranquilize the bear, and they relocated him to the Mission Mountains.
In San Antonio, Texas, a woman called 911 from inside Government Canyon State Park saying that she had climbed a tree to get away from an animal that had been growling and following her. She was ultimately put in touch with a park police officer, and “urged him to please hurry because an animal she believed to be a wild pig was nearby and growling,” according to the Huffington Post. In reality, the sound that the woman and her hiking buddy mistook for vicious grunting and snorting was actually nearby cars going over a rumble strip on the road, according to a news release from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Near Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, a man learned the hard way to make sure his parking brake is on when he makes a roadside pit stop. Video shows footage of the man emerging from a port-a-potty to see his truck roll backwards off a cliff.
In Las Vegas, Nevada, the state highway patrol sent a message that people can only use the carpool lanes if the other passengers are living. They did so after pulling over a man driving a hearse in an HOV lane. The driver told a trooper he assumed that the body he was transporting to a funeral brought him in compliance with the HOV lane requirement of two or more occupants per vehicle, according to The Associated Press. He was given a warning.Ever wish you could ride in your Little Red Wagon again?
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Children’s ice cream and Popsicle fails.
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Save those Popsicle sticks this summer to make decorative items for your home.
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