Generation X Most at Risk Financially

Mid-career workers in Generation X appear to be facing the most significant financial challenges to a successful retirement. 

A review of Northwestern Mutual’s 2015 Planning and Progress Study data shows Generation X has the poorest financial habits of all generations in the survey.

The study suggests Gen X, ages 35 to 49, is facing serious financial hardship and relatively poor financial decisionmaking more so than either their older or younger working peers. 

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In addition to comprising the majority of “informal” planners, Gen X has more “spenders” than “savers” compared to other generations and is the least likely to have more savings than debt. Other findings show nearly four in 10 (37%) Gen Xers “do not at all feel financially secure.” This is more than any other generation, even Millennials, Northwestern Mutual notes. Not surprisingly, almost a quarter (23%) are “not at all confident” that they will achieve their financial goals later in life.

Northwestern Mutual finds a strong majority (66%) of Gen X expects to work past traditional retirement age due to necessity, with two in 10 (18%) believing they will never retire. The vast majority (82%) of Gen Xers who anticipate needing to work past the age of 65 feel they will need to do so because they will have insufficient retirement savings. Like other studies, this one seems to highlight a troubling disparity between workers’ hopes to stay in the workforce longer as a means to make up for a lack of retirement savings, and their limited ability to do so. Put simply, many people are driven out of the workforce earlier than they would like due to health reasons or employability problems.

“It is not easy being X,” says Rebekah Barsch, vice president, financial planning, Northwestern Mutual.

She points to the long list of challenges that have persisted for Gen Xers in the workforce: “From weathering a number of economic cycles, this group is juggling home mortgages, educational debt and lifestyle needs. Figuring out how to plan for the future can be daunting when faced with multiple demands that require real-time attention.”

Next: Gen X is facing a myriad of financial pressures.

While a lack of discipline is clearly a substantial factor, the financial pressures impacting Gen X may also be a function of life stage, Northwestern Mutual says. A significant portion of this segment is squarely in the "sandwich” generation—as more than 4 in 10 (44%) live with children under 18 and over a quarter have a parent or other older relative in the household.

“Balancing personal financial priorities with the added demands of dependent care is likely to have implications on decision-making,” Barsch says.

Notably, Gen X is not blind to the realities of its financial condition. Two thirds (66%) of Gen X respondents acknowledge that their financial planning needs improvement and less than 1 in 10 (9%) consider their generation "very financially responsible." Moreover, when asked how they would allocate a $10,000 windfall, Gen X, more than other generations, opted for debt repayment—suggesting an interest in tackling financial challenges.

But interest in tackling a problem doesn’t always mean success, the study concludes. Despite citing “insufficient savings to retire comfortably” as a leading financial fear, one third of Gen Xers (34%) do not know how much income they need to retire and nearly half (47%) have not discussed retirement planning with anyone. Gen X is also less likely than any other generation, even Millennials, to have sought guidance from an adviser.   

“The good news is that Gen X is in its earning prime and has a relatively long runway to retirement,” Barsch adds. “Overcoming perceived barriers and inertia in order to develop a strategy today can vastly improve the outlook for tomorrow.”

Education Key to Prompting Participants to Save

Educated participants have higher levels of trust, higher savings rates and greater use of retirement planning tools, NARPP finds in a report.

When retirement plan providers take the time to educate participants about the importance of saving for retirement, this builds a level of trust that results in higher savings rates and the use of retirement planning tools. This is the key finding of the National Association of Retirement Plan Participants’ (NARPP) second annual Retirement Plan Participant Financial Empowerment, Literacy and Trust (FELT) Study.

The data shows that a provider’s education program and levels of trust are closely intertwined, says Laurie Rowley, NARPP’s co-founder and president. Education can create the necessary trust that encourages people to participate in the plan, increase their deferral rates, and use retirement planning tools and calculators, she says.

However, participants’ level of trust in their financial institutions is low, the FELT study found. A mere 13% trust financial institutions, and only 38% are satisfied with providers’ education programs. Surprisingly, though, 63% of participants answered the questions in a financial literacy questionnaire correctly.

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Recordkeepers and advisers need to do a better job of educating participants, Rowley says. “Current education materials are generally jargon-filled and complicated, and they often include a healthy dose of thinly veiled sales information,” she says. “People react negatively to these messages, especially Millennials. It’s the 21st century; people expect—and should demand—simple, customized messages that are relevant and engaging.”

Education is critical, since “employers and their employees and relying on service providers in helping to secure a financially stable future,” she says. “We need to start measuring success not just in terms of assets under management, but in more human-centric metrics, like the factors that contribute to retirement readiness. Obviously, the provider is not entirely responsible for participants’ savings behavior, but they can have a huge influence in helping people achieve retirement security.”

Next: Education Needs a Reboot 

Auto Can’t Stand Alone

Auto features alone are not enough to improve savings, Rowley contends. Participants need effective communication to help them make better decisions, and advisers and plan sponsors need to press their service providers to start innovating in education. Rowley notes that both plan sponsors and advisers have historically given low ratings in satisfaction to education programs.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch ranked as the top provider in the FELT rankings. David Tyrie, head of retirement and personal wealth solutions at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, attributes this to the bank’s “range of financial education resources across several channels, including in-person, phone, online and via mobile devices, so employees can choose the avenues that fit their needs and preferences.” Tyrie says Bank of America Merrill Lynch is focused on “helping people make more informed decisions, achieve better outcomes and improve their overall financial wellness” and notes that “there’s work to be done across the industry to further improve participant programs and confidence.”

Sylvie Feist, director of financial guidance services at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, says that while the bank has “been communicating the importance of saving,” it has gone beyond to “meet them where their needs are.” That has led to the development of seven life priorities that the bank works with employees on: work, home, health, family, leisure, giving and finance.

Feist says the study should underscore for advisers and plan sponsors the importance of working with them to achieve what is important to them.

The top 10 FELT Score recordkeepers are:

1.) Bank of America Merrill Lynch
2.) Fidelity
3.) Vanguard and Nationwide (tied)
4.) Empower and Wells Fargo (tied)
5.) Charles Schwab
6.) Hewitt
7.) T. Rowe Price
8.) Voya
9.) Prudential
10.) Valic

The findings mirror NARPP’s 2014 FELT Study that revealed only one in four (26%) of participants believe they can “always trust” their recordkeeper to do what is right, and only 37% said information that their recordkeeper presents to them is always in their best interest.

