Getting Auto-Enrollment Implementation Right

Implementing automatic enrollment without thinking through plan design can result in compliance and administrative issues.

“When a retirement plan sponsor tells me they want to implement automatic enrollment, I always ask them why,” says Scott M. Dufek, a partner with Dufek & Co. Certified Public Accountants in Chicago, which provides auditing services for retirement plans.

Dufek notes that he often gets blank looks when he asks that question; or maybe the sponsor attended an event and heard that it was a good thing to do. “Some plan sponsors jump into it without thinking it through, and they often do not meet their goals or they create administrative headaches,” he says.

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“Each plan sponsor has independent reasons to auto-enroll or not,” adds Dennis Sain, senior vice president of retirement services at The Newport Group, in Chicago. He gives the example of a client with only 60% participation in its 401(k) plan, for which Newport has suggested automatic enrollment. The client offers a very rich plan, with 100% match of employee deferrals up to 6%, as well as a profit-sharing contribution that all eligible employees receive. The company balked at the additional cost auto-enrolling employees would create. It was free of problems with nondiscrimination testing and felt the richness of its plan was accomplishing the goal of attracting physicians to its group, so it decided against auto-enrollment.

However, a plan sponsor more concerned about the relatively low participation rate or one having problems with nondiscrimination testing may have decided to implement automatic enrollment. Dufek says that if a client worries about increasing its costs by auto-enrolling employees, he sometimes suggests the company amend its match formula at the same time. For example, a company matching 50% of up to 6% of employee deferrals may decide to instead match 25% of up to 12% of deferrals. This could also accomplish the goal of encouraging employees to save more.

When plan sponsors have a goal of increasing participation or helping more employees save for retirement, they may consider implementing auto-enrollment for all employees, not just new hires. The plan sponsor’s goal can determine how conservative or aggressive the sponsor will be with automatic enrollment, says Sain. An example of a conservative approach, he says, is a client that implemented auto-enrollment to all participants at only a 2% default deferral, without also implementing automatic deferral increases. An aggressive approach was implemented by another client that automatically enrolled all participants at a 6% default deferral and also implemented a 2% per year automatic deferral increase up to 10%.

According to Dufek, many times, companies do have nondiscrimination testing issues and want to implement auto-enrollment so highly compensated employees can defer what they want and not have deferrals returned due to failed nondiscrimination tests. However, if a plan sponsor sets the auto-enrollment deferral rate too low, the average deferral rate may still be too low to help highly compensated employees contribute more. Dufek says companies wanting to solve this issue should auto-enroll at higher deferral rates.

Immediate eligibility for defined contribution retirement plans is increasingly being used as plan sponsors try to improve employees’ retirement outcomes. However, this can be an issue if implementing automatic enrollment. “If there is no service requirement, plan sponsors can end up missing someone, or more likely, auto-enrollment is inconsistent; some employees may be enrolled with their first paycheck, some with the second, some with the third,” Dufek points out.

He recommends plan sponsors change to a service requirement of 60 days and provide for an entry date as of the first of the month coinciding with or following the service requirement. “This gives time for paperwork to be processed and for participants to opt out. It also establishes only one payroll period per month for new enrollments, instead of each pay period,” Dufek says. He adds that this mitigates compliance issues, and it can also solve the issue of having small plan balances for employees who opted out of auto-enrollment after payroll started deferrals, which can add more costs for the sponsor.

According to Sain, a 30-day service requirement offers enough time for payroll and the plan provider to be notified of the enrollment. He notes that the plan can be amended to allow for a distribution of small plan balances caused by employees opting out of auto-enrollment. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) allows plan sponsors to provide participants with a period of up to 90 days to opt out of auto-enrollment and receive a permissible distribution of those balances with no tax consequences. Sain admits this will add a further layer of communication and administration for plan sponsors, but it can be helpful in ensuring auto-enrollment goes smoothly.

Some plan sponsors adopt automatic deferral increases along with auto-enrollment, and some provide that the deferral increase is made on a participant’s plan anniversary date. “I can’t think of an instance where this didn’t cause problems,” he says. He always recommends that the increase be effective every January 1 or every January 1 and July 1. “To have to monitor this each payroll date is an administrative nightmare.”

Dufek concludes: “As auditors, we see a lot of failures due to automatic enrollment, either breaking the law or operational failures, so plan sponsors should put language in their plan document that is easy to follow and not burdensome to live with.”

Helping Participants Save More, Invest Better

Saving enough and investing appropriately are key to improving outcomes for retirement plan participants.

The current average 401(k) participant deferral rate is 7.2%, and that is simply too low, according to Joe Ready, director of institutional retirement and trust at Wells Fargo.

Average deferral rates have been flat over the past three years, according to an analysis of data from 3.9 million 401(k)-eligible employees at companies for which Wells Fargo provides 401(k) plans. The number of participants contributing at least 10% (including company match) has increased by less than 3%, from 34.6% in the fourth quarter of 2011 to 37% in the fourth quarter of 2014.

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The stagnant contribution rates could be improved with automatic deferral increases for participant contributions to their 401(k)s, but the data suggests participants should be automatically enrolled in an auto-increase feature and not required to sign up for it. When assigned an automatic increase, only 31% of participants opt out, however, when participants are required to sign up for an auto-increase on their own, a mere 2% opt in, according to Wells Fargo.

“Of all the behaviors 401(k) participants can do to improve their retirement outcome, this is the area with the least improvement but with potentially the greatest impact,” says Ready.

He adds that it is important to educate participants about the need for diversification of the 401(k) investments, an area in which Wells Fargo has seen an increase in the number of participants who meet the minimum level—two equities and a fixed-income fund or a managed investment product, and less than 20% in employer stock. “Appropriate diversification is an essential strategy for weathering the ups and downs of the stock market,” Ready says.

According to Wells Fargo, participants are moving out of fixed-income investments and into managed investment products, mostly target-date funds (TDFs). Nearly three-quarters (74.9%) have money in some sort of managed product, and 61.3% have money in a target-date fund, specifically. Among currently active participants who use the funds, 40% have only part of their money in those products.

“There are two big ways plan sponsors are helping participants diversity at present,” Ready tells PLANSPONSOR. “The first is to use a diversified investment, such as a target-date fund, as the default investment [for the plan].” The rising diversification of participants over the past few years has been primarily fueled by this tactic, as many people are willing to go with whatever defaults are set up in a plan, he notes.

The second strategy for helping participants diversify 401(k) investments is to offer an investment advice product. “That way, participants who did not get defaulted into a managed investment product, or those who want asset allocation more closely tailored to their needs and risk tolerance, can get guidance on how to use a plan’s funds to meet their investment needs,” Ready says.

Wells Fargo released data from its participant base in anticipation of America Saves Week, February 23 through 28.

