Guidance Issued for Allocating After-Tax Amounts to Rollovers
September 19, 2014 ( – The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has provided rules for allocating pre-tax and after-tax amounts among distributions that are made to multiple destinations from a qualified plan described in Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
to Notice 2014-54, the rules also apply to distributions from a Section 403(b)
plan or a Section 457(b) plan maintained by a governmental employer.
conjunction with the guidance, the IRS issued proposed regulations that would limit the applicability of the rule regarding the allocation of
after-tax amounts when distributions are made to multiple destinations so the
allocation rule applies only to distributions made before the earlier of
January 1, 2015, or on or after September 19, 2014. Currently, the rules state
if a participant takes a distribution of retirement account assets and wants
the assets to go to different destinations—for example, a portion to the
participant as cash and a portion rolled over into a new account—then each portion would be counted
as a separate distribution and each would include a pro-rata share of pre-tax
and after-tax assets. In addition, the current rules say the maximum portion of
an eligible rollover distribution cannot exceed the portion of the distribution
that is otherwise includible in gross income (pre-tax).
According to Notice
2014-54, for purposes of determining the portion of a distribution from a plan
to a participant, beneficiary, or alternate payee that is not includible in
gross income, all distributions of benefits from the plan to the recipient that
are scheduled to be made at the same time are treated as a single distribution
without regard to whether the recipient has directed that the distributions be
made to a single destination or multiple destinations.
the pre-tax amount of the distribution is less than the amount of the
distribution that is directly rolled over to one or more eligible retirement
plans, the entire pre-tax amount is assigned to the amount of the distribution
that is directly rolled over. In such a case, if the direct rollover is to two
or more plans, then the recipient can select how the pre-tax amount is
allocated among these plans. The remaining amount rolled over is considered
after-tax money.
the pre-tax amount equals or exceeds the amount of the distribution that is
directly rolled over to one or more eligible retirement plans, the pre-tax
amount is assigned to the portion of the distribution that is directly rolled
over up to the amount of the direct rollover (so that each direct rollover
consists entirely of pre-tax amounts). Any remaining pre-tax amount is next
assigned to any 60-day rollovers (that is, rollovers that are not direct
rollovers) up to the amount of the 60-day rollovers. If the remaining pre-tax
amount is less than the amount rolled over in 60-day rollovers, the recipient
can select how the pre-tax amount is allocated among the plans that receive 60-day
after the assignment of the pre-tax amount to direct rollovers and 60-day
rollovers, there is a remaining pre-tax amount, that amount is includible in
the participant’s gross income. But, if the amount rolled over to an eligible
retirement plan exceeds the portion of the pre-tax amount assigned or allocated
to the plan, the excess is an after-tax amount.
Retirement Plan Considerations in Mergers and Acquisitions
September 19, 2014 ( – The complexity of retirement plan laws and the volume of plan assets demand that more attention be given to retirement plans in company mergers and acquisitions (M&As), says Richard P. McHugh, an attorney with Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP.
plan issues should be looked at early in the transaction, McHugh said during
the 2014 Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA) Annual Conference. “Far too
often they come up later in the transaction, at times after the contract is
drafted—considerations of whether assets will be transferred or whether plans
will be terminated. A review of retirement plan issues can lead to significant
contract provisions.” He added that if buyers and sellers do not solve issues
early, it can lead to more costs later.
the transaction is a stock purchase transaction, the buyer gets all of the retirement
plans and all the problems that may go with them, McHugh said. In an asset
transaction, the buyer may not get the retirement plans, and traditionally, it was
believed the buyer would not get any problems related to the plans, but that is
no longer true, he noted. The nature of considerations in the deal is affected
by each party’s goals and the type of retirement plans involved.
plan-related contract provisions include seller’s representations, affirmative
covenants, negative covenants and, perhaps, indemnification. McHugh said it is becoming
increasingly important to add provisions by which the buyer is indemnified by the
seller if anything goes wrong. His experience has been that, if asked, sellers are willing to give first dollar indemnification for benefit plans, but buyers often will not get that if they do not ask.
Sellers’ representations include a listing of retirement plans and their type. McHugh
advised plan sponsors to ensure disclosure is not limited to benefit plans as
defined by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA); it should
include plans that are not governed by ERISA—non-ERISA retirement plans,
incentive plans and independent employment agreement obligations. A seller’s representation should affirm that the plan is in compliance with applicable federal
and state laws and is currently funded, or it should identify any problems. McHugh said he includes in contracts a listing of operational codes and reporting obligations of the
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and ERISA for the representation by the seller that
it is in operational compliance.
The seller should be
asked to provide copies of all plans and related documents. The seller’s representations
should include statements about continuing or potential termination of
liability, including pension plan underfunding and multiemployer plan
withdrawal liability. McHugh also suggested including representations of the
disposition of welfare plan liability, including COBRA coverage, and the
existence of any retiree obligations. “COBRA is especially important in a stock
deal because the buyer may end up responsible for benefits for people the buyer
never employed,” he noted.
to McHugh, it is important to get these representations in the contract, but the
buyer still has to do its due diligence. “For some companies, employee benefits
are not a major focus, and some of the things they say are not true.”
covenants are things people want to have happen after the transaction is completed,
McHugh explained. These are the provisions that deal with what can be done with
the benefit plans, as well as what should be done. This is the place where human resources (HR) or
benefits staff have the most to contribute to deals, he said, because lawyers do not always
understand retirement law. "The buyer may say, ‘I want you to transfer assets
from your plan to my plans,’ or the seller may want employees protected and
say, ‘You have to put our employees into your plans, you have to give them
credit for past service, you have to offer them health care,’" McHugh explained.
He added, “If the seller doesn’t offer health care benefits, the buyer’s employees
may be able to elect COBRA on the seller’s plans, and this is expensive, so the
seller will want to offer coverage.”
covenants are usually limited, but include such things as a statement that the
buyer does not want the seller to adopt any more plans before the transaction
is complete and also cannot make any amendments to the plans before the
transaction is complete. “The seller can’t do anything to make the plans more
expensive or complicated,” McHugh said. “If you don’t have those provisions,
you could end up taking on more than you want.” The negative covenants should
say the seller can amend the plans to the extent the law says it has to, but
otherwise the plans should be in the same condition as when the buyer did due
there is also an agreement at the closing of the transaction that everything
attested about the plans in the beginning is still true at closing, he added.
to Do with Retirement Plans
are a number of ways to handle retirement plans in a merger or acquisition. If
the buyer does not want the retirement plans, it can negotiate for a plan termination.
McHugh said it is extremely important to remember to negotiate with the seller
for it to terminate the plan prior to closing of the transaction. For defined
contribution (DC) plans with a deferral feature, if the buyer inherits the
plan, it cannot terminate it. It’s not required that termination be completed
prior to closing, just that the termination process has started.
The plans of the
seller can be merged with the plans of the buyer. The important things to
remember in this situation is that plan benefits for participants cannot be cut back
under ERISA, and if there is a compliance problem with the seller’s plan, it is
now the buyer’s problem.
plan-to-plan transfer of assets from the seller’s plan to the buyer’s plan
often happens if the buyer is not taking the seller’s whole company. In this
situation, ERISA’s anti-cutback rule also applies.
agreement can offer the seller’s participants a chance to get a distribution of
plan assets immediately after the close of the transaction. It may also offer
participants the opportunity to roll their assets into the buyer’s plan. “That
way, the buyer won’t get any problems of the seller’s plan; clean money is coming
in,” McHugh noted. The issue is companies cannot control what participants will
do; they may keep all their assets.
buyer can continue the retirement plans of the seller. McHugh noted there is a
special rule in the IRC that, in this situation, plan sponsors have a free pass
on employee coverage rules until the end of the year following the year of the deal.
He said this option works well in a situation where the buyer is not sure what they
want to do with the plans. It can continue the plans for a period of time until
it decides.
the buyer can take the seller’s plans and freeze them. “To me, this is the
worst option because you’re adding administration and costs,” McHugh said. He
noted, however, that some companies choose this option because they feel
strongly that they do not want participants to take their retirement savings.
said buyers must be very proactive in their due diligence—get copies of plans,
examine plans and look at Form 5500s. “In a stock sale scenario, every problem
is yours after the close of the transaction, and case law is also now putting
more liability on asset buyers.” He noted that lawsuits have looked at two
issues: Did the purchaser have notice of problems or should it have known about
them, and is there sufficient continuity between the buyer and seller? Under
these two conditions, a court may find an asset buyer liable for problems of the
seller. “Asset buyers can no longer walk away from a deal and not worry about the
liabilities of the seller,” he warned.
One issue to consider
is what to do with participant loans. Traditionally, if the seller’s
participants had loans, the transaction would create a loan distribution and incur
taxes on the participants. McHugh said buyers could allow participants to pay
back the loan, but now the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has made it clear loans
can be transferred from the plan of the seller to that of the buyer. The buyer
has to agree to assume the loan and administer the loan. A conference attendee
said when her company acquired another, it paid the prior plan recordkeeper for
the loans, transferred the assets, then set up loans under its recordkeeping
noted that upon a plan termination, all participants must be fully vested in
all retirement accounts. Also, ERISA says if 20% or more of participants are
leaving a plan, it is a partial termination and those participants have to be
fully vested, so sellers may have a partial termination.
must coordinate salary deferral limits for each person that may move from the seller’s
plan to the buyer’s plan. They also have to consider prior plan activity for
coverage and nondiscrimination testing. Buyers should ask for partial-year
deferral and compensation information from the seller, and for coverage rules, look
at the features of the plan and who gets the benefit of it for coverage rules.
must understand liability for multiemployer pension plans. McHugh recommended
they make sure they get an estimate from the sponsor of the plan as to unfunded
liability and contribution requirements. There may also be collective
bargaining concerns. If a seller is inheriting a collective bargaining
agreement, it cannot just do whatever it wants to do, he said. Buyers should
review agreements and understand their bargaining obligations.
noted the law permits a seller to ask a buyer to keep employees, and buyers
often contract the employees until they decide what to do with the employees. Buyers
must also decide what to do with plans for those employees. McHugh said he is
seeing a greater frequency of sellers asking buyers to keep employees in their
plans until a decision is made.
a seller inherits a plan with operational defects, the parties have to
determine who will pay for fixes. McHugh said the best thing to do is for the buyer
to go to the IRS to fix the problem, but ask the seller to pay for it.
Finally, McHugh said, buyers need to understand where the assets of sellers’ retirement plans are
invested. For example, if the buyer offers company stock in its plan, and the
seller does not want that in its plan, the contract should provide for the
company stock to be disposed of.