Health Care Costs Affect Employees’ Financial Future

Seventy-nine percent of employees indicate they have experienced an increase in health care costs, and of those, 63% say they are reducing the amount they are saving for retirement, a survey finds.

In Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s 2017 Workplace Benefits Report, employees indicated that managing their finances—including health care costs such as premiums and out-of-pocket expenses—is a source of stress.

In a supplement to the report, the firm took a closer look at the topic of health care and the role employers can play in helping employees manage their finances, and found two-thirds of respondents rate planning for out-of-pocket cost as the most challenging and stressful aspect of managing their health care. Three-quarters feel fear regarding their health care finances, and half don’t know how to predict current or future out-of-pocket health care costs or determine the appropriate savings vehicle or rate.

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Seventy-nine percent of employees indicate they have experienced an increase in health care costs, and of those, 63% say they are reducing the amount they are saving for retirement. Nearly four-in-10 (39%) are contributing less to investment accounts.

Health care costs today are only part of the equation; concerns about future needs also have an impact. Only 14% of respondents say they feel they have a trusted resource to help them understand Medicare options, and only 12% report they feel they have a trusted resource or adviser for information regarding long-term care insurance. Eleven percent indicated they feel they know where to turn to figure out how to cover health care costs in retirement.

At least 40% of respondents would like their employers to provide access to a financial professional; education tailored to their age or the financial issues they are facing; and/or expert-delivered financial training and education. Specifically, health care topics they say they would most value advice and help with include choices regarding Medicare and supplemental plans (50%), how to pay for long-term care if needed (49%) and how much to save to pay for health care throughout retirement (38%).

Bank of America Merrill Lynch says employers should consider enhancing the financial education they provide employees to ensure that it includes content about understanding health care options and maximizing the benefits provided to ensure health care coverage is appropriate. The firm also suggests employers expand their benefits package to offer additional health care management tools, including health savings accounts (HSAs); and offer education and support beyond health care to help employees address their full range of financial needs from retirement planning to general savings habits and debt management.

The supplement report is here.

SURVEY SAYS: Favorite Season

I love Fall. At first, I think it was because that was back-to-school time, and I loved going back to school. But now, I think it is more for the weather and the colors.

Last week, I asked NewsDash readers, “Which season is your favorite?”


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Many responding readers agreed with me, as 45.6% identified Fall as their favorite season. One-quarter selected Spring, while 23.5% selected Summer and 5.9% chose Winter.


In Verbatim comments, respondents shared what exactly they like about their favorite season. For Fall, other than what I mentioned, the start of football was a big reason, and everyone seems to like sweaters. Spring is popular for everything’s emergence and growth after Winter, and of course, Summer is for swimming and vacation time. One reader chose Summer, saying, “I live in New England and Summer is only 2-3 months long. Other seasons are Winter, Winter, and Winter. I hate wearing 4 layers of clothes for 9 months. I’ll take a hot & humid summer any day. Can’t wait to move South when I retire!” There weren’t many reasons given for liking Winter, although one reader likes a cold, and snowy, Christmas. Editor’s Choice goes to the reader who said: “I wonder if you would get more ‘spring’ responses if you did this same survey in the spring.” How did that person know Spring would not be the top response?


Thanks to all who participated in the survey!



Being in the Midwest, all seasons have their pros and cons. I like winter, if it is not too severe: spring it if is not too wet; summer if it is not too hot; and fall is always too short! It sounds like I should move to San Diego where I hear the weather is perfect year-round!

The colors & cooling temps!

Football season!

Spring in the south is glorious. A thousand shades of green and everything is in bloom.

Even though I love to shovel snow…..summer is my favorite season. It stays lighter outside longer and I love the hot weather!

I love spring because it says winter is over. Love the colors, smells and newness of the earth.

Fall is an excellent time to mountain bike, hike, and trail run for the cooler temps and the changing colors. Also, it’s football season!!

rich colors, beautiful weather & cozy blankets!

Spring is my favorite as we come out of winter in the upper Midwest.

Changing leaves, crisp air, back to school, football, halloween – I love the feeling!


Everything is so fresh; it’s a new start for the year, with hopes for the future.

Spring is the season of rebirth. And self-congratulations on making it through another Minnesota winter!

I love to see the spring flowers in bloom

Fall is by far my favorite season (minus raking leaves :)). Football, coffee, warm sweaters, crisp clean air!

I love something about all the seasons, but if I have to pick a favorite, I go with Spring for all that it carries with it – hope renewed, promises carried.

I love Fall. We finally get a break from the heat and humidity (New Orleans) of Summer. Hurricane season is just about over. College football has begun, Christmas is right around the corner and I can look online for fall foliage pictures since we don’t get much of it down here.

I love the changing colors, cooler weather and football.

Fall brings the best weather at California beaches!

Cooler weather/sweater weather, football, fall colors, end of the mowing season!

I want snow and cold weather, especially around Christmas

Snow, being cozy inside with the smells of hearty food wafting nearby. What more could you ask for?

Spring is the start of gardening season.

Fall leaves, football, sweatshirts, and pumpkin everything make fall the best season!

Even with the heat, summer is boating season and the kids come home, too. Love the kids.

The snow melts, the plants begin to push through the soil, the days get longer and warmer…it’s a happy time of renewal. What could be better!

I love the cool crispness of the night air of fall.

Fall can be very colorful but the weather is great for hiking. The smells inside and out are wonderful. Let’s not forget Pumpkin Spice everything followed by Thanksgiving which is special this year because it is also my birthday.

The crispness in the air, the changing color of the leaves, football tailgates, and an extra hour of sleep when we fall back, what could be better!

I wonder if you would get more “spring” responses if you did this same survey in the spring…

We live in New England and all seasons are beautiful.

Vacation time!

I love the colors and the cooler weather. There is just something comforting about putting on a warm sweater and stepping outside and just feeling the cooler air surround you.

Oh the flowers! The green trees, bushes, crops in the fields! Everything is coming alive from the cold winter! Green is everywhere! Ahhhhh!

Back to school, football, fall colors. The best!

Spring to me is a time for new beginnings and getting out of the cold, dark winter.

Summer because I love the hot weather, daylight until 9 pm, kids playing outside, swimming, grilling, etc. etc.

It helps that my birthday is in the fall, although now that I’m over 50, maybe it shouldn’t.

I actually like late Summer, early Fall (day temperatures in the 60s/70s and nights in the 40s/50s) better than later Fall, which is often cloudy, cold, damp and/or rainy (southern Wisconsin). We often have ideal weather (in my opinion as described above) before Summer ends and Fall officially begins. This is when dew points and humidity typically start going down in my location.

I live in New England, so the whole environment changes before your eyes, the weather becomes cooler and more comfortable… and for a short time there is the perfect sports storm of baseball playoffs, hockey, basketball and football!

So much to look forward to: the colors, Halloween, Thanksgiving, cooler weather, crisp mornings, pumpkins, apple cider and white powdered doughnuts–Just love everything about this season!

I race sailboats. In New England, the season is very short – May through September if spring arrives on time and fall is a little late.

I live in New England and Summer is only 2-3 months long. Other seasons are Winter, Winter, and Winter. I hate wearing 4 layers of clothes for 9 months. I’ll take a hot & humid summer any day. Can’t wait to move South when I retire!

Though I fine things I like about all the seasons, summer is my favorite. However there is nothing like the first warm (relative term) of spring. Temps hit 50s and everyone is in shorts and tee shirts. The first seasonal day of each season is always awesome. (winter not so much in Wisconsin)

Football!!! Along with fall colors, cooler weather and holidays.
