Help-Wanted Index Plummets Since Last Year

December 27, 2001 ( - The number of help-wanted advertisements across the country dipped by 2%, from 46 to 45 between October and November, according to the Conference Board's Help Wanted Advertising Index.

The index has fallen by 40%, pummeled by the US recession, since it stood at 75 in November 2000, according to the private research group.

By region

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According to the Help-Wanted Index, between October and November this year, job advertising:

  • was down by 7% in the South Atlantic area
  • fell by 6% in the Northeast
  • dropped by 5% in the East North Central, the West North Central region, and the mountain regions
  • dipped by 1% in both the West South Central and the West North Central areas
  • remained level in the Pacific region
  • gained 1% in the East South Central area.

The Conference Board surveys 51 major newspapers across the country about their patterns of help-wanted ads every month.
