HMO Reform Driving Fewer Voters To The Polls

November 18, 2002 ( - Amidst concerns over the economy and national security, fewer American voters were concerned about Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) reform during the 2002 Congressional elections than in previous election years.

HMO reform fell to 12 th out of 13 election issues in 2002, from 5 th out of 12 in 1998 and 9 th out of 12 in 2000, according to The American Association of Health Plans (AAHP), a HMO trade group.

Among health care concerns this year, overall costs (3% of total) was the leading issue, followed by prescription drug benefits (2% of total).   HMO reform fell to 1% of the overall voting issue, down from 2% in 2000.  

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When asked about satisfaction with their current health care plans, 42% of those surveyed report being “Very Satisfied”, down from 46% in 2000.   Additionally, 39% are “Somewhat Satisfied”, up from 34% in 2000.

Voters were asked, “Which of the following types of issues had the greatest effect in your vote on the election for Congress this year”.   The issues driving voters to the polls in 2002 were:

  • 29% – Jobs/Economy
  • 20% – Terrorism / National Security
  • 16% – Education

Health care concerns drew 9% of the total.

The 2000 post-election survey showed the top three issues were education (24%), jobs/economy (20%), and health care concerns (19%).   Health care issues drew 19% in 2000 with prescription drug benefits (6%) and overall costs (4%) as the top concerns.

Terrorism/national security was not polled in previous election cycles.

The National Post Election survey polled 1000 voters regarding health care issues on November 6 th   & 7 th .   Results are based on 917 responses with a margin of error of 3.16%.   The complete report can be found at .
