HSA Conference: Flexible Tax Advantages Abound

Experts point out the many similarities between HSA contributions and 401(k) plan contributions at the PLANSPONSOR conference.

Tax advantages and other key benefits of health savings accounts share many similarities with those of defined contribution retirement plans, according to experts speaking at PLANSPONSOR’s 2023 HSA Conference.

If the most basic benefit of a defined contribution retirement plan is to gain a tax advantage on long-term investments, then health savings accounts can serve a very similar purpose, according to Jake Spiegel, a research associate at the Employee Benefit Research Institute, said on a conference webinar titled, “Understanding HSAs.”

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“An HSA is an incredibly flexible, tax-advantaged account relative to a 401(k),” Spiegel said. “Contributions are made on a pre-tax basis like a traditional 401(k). Distributions for qualified medical expenditures are also tax-free, sort of like a Roth 401(k).”

However, investments within HSAs grow tax-free, and contributions made through payroll deductions are not subject to FICA taxes, Spiegel said. “You get an additional 7.65% tax break in contributions if you’re subject to FICA tax,” he noted.

Spiegel said a noteworthy benefit of HSAs is that users can be reimbursed for an expense incurred in a previous year, provided the HSA already existed and the user still has documentation. One wealth-maximizing strategy is to pay for medical expenditures out of pocket as they are incurred, then submit for reimbursements for previously incurred medical expenditures when retirement spending needs arise.

“Health care spending for couples in retirement can be pretty substantial,” said Spiegel. “We’ve done some modelling that suggests for couples that have very high prescription drug expenditures, couples that are facing relatively high health care cost in retirement may need as much as about $380,000 to cover all of their medical expenses in retirement. HSAs can go a long way to offset that pretty significant health care cost burden in retirement.”

Steve Durso, associate director of benefits accounts at Willis Towers Watson, noted that some employers also contribute to HSAs just like 401(k)s. He said it is very common for an employer to contribute an HSA seed, and some companies offer a 401(k)-like match.

Durso pointed out other similarities, including catch-up contribution capability. “I think a lot of people know that 401(k)s and 403(b)s allow catch-up contributions starting at age 50,” he said. “For HSAs, it’s age 55, and if you’re 55 or older, you can actually contribute an extra $1,000 toward your HSA for the year.”

Saghi Fattahian, a partner in Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, said the tax advantages of HSAs are true for any type of contribution, whether it is made by the employee, the employer or as a catch-up. The tax implications are the same, as long as a participant is being reimbursed for medical expenses, which are 213(d) expenses under the Internal Revenue Code.

“If you do reimburse yourself for an expense that is not a medical expense, it would be subject to income taxation,” Fattahian said. “It would be input as income, and you may have potential penalties to pay associated with that reimbursement. But you can also invest the dollars you have in your HSA so those dollars can grow like they would in a 401(k) plan.”

Overall, if used correctly, there are a lot of “similarities with regards to HSA contribution and how it works on the defined contribution side with 401(k) plans,” Saghi said.

Forced Retirement Doesn’t Make Sense Today, Experts Say

The current economy needs older workers, according to speakers at a Thursday panel discussion.

Ageism is driving older individuals out of the workforce just when the current economy needs people to work longer, according to the experts at Thursday’s Founders Summit, an event hosted by AgeTech Collaborative and Primetime Partners.

In a panel discussion led by Ariana Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post and Thrive Global’s founder and CEO, experts said there is a disconnect between firms forcing workers out in a time when there may not be the talent to replace them, and they may need to income to support longer lives. Huffington told an audience at the Founders Summit that companies should evaluate the age limits set on their employees’ work lifespan.

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“Definitely now that we are living longer and working into old age, those companies that have arbitrary age limits have to reconsider that. They don’t make sense in the world we’re living in now,” Huffington said.

Huffington noted that she launched the Post at 55, and Thrive Global at 66, saying that age is “sort of a construct” assuming one is healthy.

That hasn’t kept some firms from seeking to get older workers out, according Alan Patricof, chairperson and co-founder of Primetime Partners.

“I’ve heard so many companies that had forced retirement at 60,” Patricof said. “If you believe me that I’ll live until 114, then at 60, I’ve just lived past the halfway mark, and they’re telling me to go after sunset. More and more companies have these rules, where at 60 or 65 you are going into forced retirement.”

Please Don’t Go

Recent research from retirement provider Smart shows that one in five American workers plan to keep working in retirement to fund what may be longer lives. The firm noted that retirement is becoming more of a “transition” state in which people may continue working.

If companies manage that transition correctly, it may fit the current economy better, according to panelist Donna Shalala, former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.

“Companies are begging people to stay on and hiring older people,” said Shalala. “You can’t walk into a grocery store in this country without seeing someone that’s older. Those are new hires or relatively new hires.”

There are cases of people rejoining the work force out of retirement, said Patricof. “A lot of companies are looking around, and they don’t have any COBOL [programming language] people, so they have to go back to retirees to find them to bring back tech expertise.”

Stay Flexible

Shalala said that many jobs are finding ways to accommodate older workers. Companies, particularly with the combination of remote learning, remote working and the hybrid system, can work out flexible schedules to accommodate older people in the economy.

“I actually think we’re fundamentally rethinking people’s roles,” said Shalala. “Now that means that we have to do a lot more with a health care system to keep people healthy so that they can work. The economy is driving it, and COVID drove it.”

She said a specific program providing extra support for older individuals is Medicare Advantage Plans, which have to provide emergency coverage outside of the plan’s service area. “I would describe it as a Chevrolet plan and turning it into closer to the Cadillac plan. Those services allow us to support older people in a way that we have not before,” said Shalala.

Anti-ageism advocate Ashton Applewhite, author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism, told panelists that ageism will only hinder leveraging human longevity.

“Ageism, structural age discrimination and internalized biases are the biggest obstacles to making the most of longer lives, the business that you are all engaged in,” said Applewhite. “So I urge you to make it central to your thinking and your efforts.”
