HSAs Offer Improved Investment Options

However, Morningstar found fees remain elevated and transparency remains poor.

Morningstar found that the quality of investment options has improved across health savings accounts (HSAs), but high fees and low transparency remain hurdles.

In its second annual study assessing plans from 10 of the largest HSA plan providers, Morningstar assessed each plan as both an investing vehicle and spending vehicle. When evaluating HSAs as a spending vehicle, Morningstar considered three main components: maintenance fees, additional fees and the interest rates offered on investors’ checking accounts. When assessing the merits as investment vehicles, it considered investment menu design; quality of investments; price; investment threshold, or the amount investors must keep in the account before investing; and performance.

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Morningstar found that the quality of investments across the 10 largest HSA plans remains strong and has improved since last year, with at least half of each plan’s investment options earning Morningstar Analyst Ratings of Gold, Silver or Bronze. Investment menu designs have also gotten better, with several plans taking steps to reduce menu overlap or add core investment options. Still, a number of plans haven’t made the same improvements to their investment choices and many suffer from high fees, explaining why only three receive Positive assessments as an investing vehicle, and just one earns a Positive assessment as a spending vehicle.

Fees vary significantly across plans, and most require individuals to keep money in the account before they can invest. Fees remain elevated. Across the 10 plans, the average cost for passive funds ranges from roughly 0.30% to 0.75% per year, and the average for active funds from about 0.80% to 1.20%. Eight of the 10 plans require investors to keep $1,000 or $2,000 in the account before they can invest, which can create an opportunity cost.

Transparency remains poor, according to the analysis. Only four of the 10 plans evaluated disclose relevant fees, interest rates and investment lineups on their websites, and call centers often struggle to provide this basic information.

From its analysis, Morningstar offered tips for best practices. HSAs as spending vehicles should avoid account maintenance fees, limit additional fees, offer reasonable interest on deposits and provide FDIC insurance. HSAs as investing vehicles should charge low fees for both active and passive exposure, offer strong investment strategies in all core asset classes while limiting overlap among options and allow first dollar investing (by not requiring money to remain in the account before investing).

“Thanks to increased use of high-deductible health insurance plans, which are often paired with an HSA, and unrivaled tax advantages, HSA plans are more popular than ever,” says Leo Acheson, associate director of multi-asset and alternative strategies team at Morningstar. “We’re encouraged by the improvement in the quality of HSA investment options since last year, but the industry can raise its game by providing greater transparency on fees, investment options, and interest rates and further reducing high plan expenses.”

Morningstar’s report on its analysis may be downloaded from here.

IRS Proposes Amendments to Hardship Withdrawal Regulations

If the proposed rules are finalized, there would be no more suspension of deferrals after a hardship withdrawal or requirement to take a loan before one.

The IRS has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking related to hardship distributions from 401(k) plans.

The proposed regulatory amendments reflect statutory changes affecting 401(k) plans, including recent changes made by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018.

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The proposed regulations modify the safe harbor list of expenses in current Internal Revenue Code Section 1.401(k)-1(d)(3)(iii)(B) for which distributions are deemed to be made on account of an immediate and heavy financial need by:

  • adding “primary beneficiary under the plan” as an individual for whom qualifying medical, educational, and funeral expenses may be incurred;
  • damage to a principal residence that would qualify for a casualty deduction under Section 165 does not have to be in a federally declared disaster area; and
  • adding a new type of expense to the list, relating to expenses incurred as a result of certain disasters.

The IRS says the latter is “intended to eliminate any delay or uncertainty concerning access to plan funds following a disaster that occurs in an area designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for individual assistance.”

Separately, in the notice, the IRS extended relief relating to Hurricane Maria and California wildfires provided in Announcement 2017-15 to similarly situated victims of Hurricanes Florence and Michael, except that the “Incident Dates” (as defined in that announcement) are as specified by FEMA for these 2018 hurricanes. Relief is provided through March 15, 2019.

No more suspension of deferrals or requirement to take a loan

The proposed regulations modify the rules for determining whether a distribution is necessary to satisfy an immediate and heavy financial need by eliminating any requirement that an employee be prohibited from making elective contributions (this prohibition would only apply for a distribution that is made on or after January 1, 2020) and employee contributions after receipt of a hardship distribution and any requirement to take plan loans prior to obtaining a hardship distribution.  

In addition, the proposed regulations eliminate the rules under which the determination of whether a distribution is necessary to satisfy a financial need is based on all the relevant facts and circumstances and provide one general standard for determining whether a distribution is necessary. Under this general standard, a hardship distribution may not exceed the amount of an employee’s need (including any amounts necessary to pay any federal, state, or local income taxes or penalties reasonably anticipated to result from the distribution), the employee must have obtained other available distributions under the employer’s plans, and the employee must represent that he or she has insufficient cash or other liquid assets to satisfy the financial need.

The IRS says a plan administrator may rely on such a representation unless the plan administrator has actual knowledge to the contrary. The requirement to obtain this representation would only apply for a distribution that is made on or after January 1, 2020. 

More available sources of money (if the plan sponsor chooses)

The proposed regulations permit hardship distributions from 401(k) plans of elective contributions, qualified nonelective contributions (QNECs), qualified matching contributions (QMACs), and earnings on these amounts, regardless of when contributed or earned. However, plans may limit the type of contributions available for hardship distributions and whether earnings on those contributions are included. Safe harbor contributions made to a plan described in Section 401(k)(13) may also be distributed on account of an employee’s hardship(because these contributions are subject to the same distribution limitations applicable to QNECs and QMACs).

Some rules do not apply to 403(b) plans

The IRS explains that Section 1.403(b)-6(d)(2) provides that a hardship distribution of 403(b) elective deferrals is subject to the rules and restrictions set forth in §1.401(k)-1(d)(3); thus, the proposed new rules relating to a hardship distribution of elective contributions from a Section 401(k) plan generally apply to Section 403(b) plans. However, Code Section 403(b)(11) was not amended by Section 41114 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018; therefore, income attributable to 403(b) elective deferrals continues to be ineligible for distribution on account of hardship.  

Amounts attributable to QNECs and QMACs may be distributed from a 403(b) plan on account of hardship only to the extent that hardship is a permitted distributable event for amounts that are not attributable to 403(b) elective deferrals. Thus, QNECs and QMACs in a 403(b) plan that are not in a custodial account may be distributed on account of hardship, but QNECs and QMACs in a 403(b) plan that are in a custodial account continue to be ineligible for distribution on account of hardship.

Plan amendments

The Treasury Department and the IRS expect that, if these regulations are finalized as they have been proposed, plan sponsors will need to amend their plans’ hardship distribution provisions. The deadline for amending a disqualifying provision is set forth in Revenue Procedure 2016-37. For example, with respect to an individually designed plan that is not a governmental plan, the deadline for amending the plan to reflect a change in qualification requirements is the end of the second calendar year that begins after the issuance of the Required Amendments List that includes the change.

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on November 14, 2018, and comments are due within 60 days of that date. Text of the notice is here.
