Helping Workers Struggling With Student Loan Debt

With education and new tools, plan sponsors can help employees get student loan debt under control.

While a pestering task, paying off student loans requires fulfillment and consistency, says Matt Sommers, vice president and retirement strategy group leader at Janus Henderson.

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A survey from IonTuition found 57.8% of employees said it would be helpful if employers provided information and online tools, including a hotline for repayment education and one-on-one student loan counseling. Additionally, 35.6% of respondents are unaware of their student loan repayment options.

Providing access to an adviser who can offer tailored solutions—including refinance, auto-debit programs and alternative restructuring—can provide employees with relief from overwhelming payments or disband uncoordinated payment planning, according to Sommers.

He says advisers can recommend employees with multiple loans consolidate or refinance into one loan with a private lender, in an effort to reduce their interest rate.

Similarly, an alternative payment plan may suit individuals who are drowning in a large monthly payment. Rather than failing to recompense, advisers can mention restructuring the loan and tying a specific percentage to the worker’s income, about 10% to 15%. Whereas the downside requires spending more interest over time due to smaller payments, Sommers notes it’s the manageability that turns this into a benefit.

In addition, for a way to check off their payments on time, Sommers says employees can use auto-debit.

Repayment Tools


A new program at Fidelity allows workers to gain counseling and education about federal repayment plans and private refinancing, while employers may choose to make payments on employees’ loans—a solution that can provide great relief to those delayed in their retirement savings.

“The whole goal is to help people think through what loans they have, understanding those loans across different interest rates, providers, etcetera, and then also empower them with information on what are the choices they have in front of them,” says Akhil Nigam, managing director of Fidelity. “It’s not generic information, it works with your numbers and your personal situation.”

With Fidelity’s Employer Contribution program, employers can pay down their employees’ student loans, through the utilization of a new recordkeeping service, similar to those for 401(k) and 403(b) plans.

“Employers can say who’s eligible for their program and how much they get, and we’ll administer the backend—all the payments, routing, operations, down to the loan services on behalf of their employees,” Nigam says.

Similarly, IonTuition offers a program with which employees can have a clearer picture of their student loans, federal and private, all in one place, along with access to repayment planning tools that simplify complex repayment options and make it easy to work out which repayment plan best suits each user’s unique situation. Additionally, IonTuition has a team of expert student loan counselors standing by to assist with any questions employees might have, and the program allows employers to accelerate employees’ student loan payments by making contributions.

Jovan Hackley, director of marketing and PR at Student Loan Genius, also a provider of student loan repayment benefits, says data shows $100 in matching can help save up to $74,708 off employees’ student loan repayment, and $100 in matching can help cut repayment time by up to 10 years and 10 months in the most extreme cases.

Scott Francis, CEO of BP-3, which offers Student Loan Genius to its employees, says, “It reflects to employees how valuable they are to us; we want to help them pay down debts that may be holding them back from investing in future. My suspicion is, this will become a more used benefit in the future because the student loan debt problem will be a bigger and bigger concern with each generation.”

Policy Changes Matter More Than Manager Personnel Shifts

Often a fund manager personnel change serves as a trigger to put a fund on a watch list, but recent Morningstar research provides evidence this might not be necessary.

recent analysis published by Morningstar shows that, on average, there is generally speaking no appreciable change in future performance expectations following a fund-management change; yet, investors commonly overreact and pull money from these funds.

The findings suggest that the fund industry “handles succession planning far better than investors react to such changes.” When it comes to defined contribution plans, the analysis finds, this phenomenon is partly driven by the fact that plan sponsor decisionmaking is often tightly controlled by an investment policy statement (IPS) prescribing certain actions that must be taken when specific triggers are met.

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As demonstrated by the latest PLANSPONSOR DC Plan Benchmarking Survey, 65% of all plans manage their investment exposures according to a formal, written investment policy statement. This figure jumps to 88% for plans with more than $100 million invested, showing that the significant majority of DC retirement plan assets are invested according to the tenants of an IPS. While investment policy statements are far from standardized, the research shows many mention in some capacity the plan’s general objectives and investment structure/criteria. Further outlined will be the ongoing investment monitoring and evaluation processes, and often a fund manager personnel change serves as a trigger, leading the plan sponsor to put a fund with a recent manager change onto a watch list. Once on a watch list, it may only take one or two quarters of slightly below-benchmark returns to lead to a funds’ potentially disruptive dismissal. 

The Morningstar research shows this widespread approach is probably not necessary and in fact may be counterproductive from the standpoint of maximizing returns. The research finds “no relationship between any type of management change and future returns.” In fact, the highest-performing funds are those “given the benefit of the doubt by investors” when there is a management change or another transitory issue. Interestingly, it seems to be only the largest brand-name funds which experience substantial outflows when there is a manager change, but the loss of the fund manager’s industry experience seems to have no effect on either returns or growth rates in the longer term.

For context, readers may recall the situation in 2014 when Bill Gross unceremoniously exited PIMCO. At that time sources told PLANSPONSOR the subsequent months of moderate outflows from PIMCO in no way resembled a true threat to the sustainability of the business or the ability of the management teams to continue to meet performance goals. Yet many plan sponsors put their PIMCO funds on watch, including funds that both were and were not directly managed by Gross. It is true that $23 billion flooded out of the flagship Total Return Fund Gross managed within a month of his departure, but over the longer term there proved to be no protracted mass exodus impacting other funds sold by the firm. In fact, many advisers attributed some of the subsequent challenges faced by the firm more to the fact that former CEO and co-CIO Mohamed El-Erian left the business, and to Gross’s own behavior in that unique situation—described by some at the time as vengeful and even erratic.

Indeed, Gross was listed as lead portfolio manager on 18 funds, but there were also strong day-to-day portfolio management teams in place on all of the funds. Thus, little likely changed in the real management effort of those funds—a fact borne out by the performance profile of PIMCO investments today compared with earlier times when Gross remained at the helm.

And so it is only natural that plan sponsors should reconsider to what extent their IPS includes specific requirements around a manager change. Offering some thoughts on the proper role of an investment policy statement, Jim Phillips, president of Retirement Resources, and Patrick McGinn, vice president of Retirement Resources, suggest as a rule of thumb, sponsors should be very careful about the use of “shall,” “must,” and “will” statements. These types of statements in the IPS, whether applying to situations involving manager changes or anything else, paint the sponsor into a corner and unnecessarily increase liabilities. The better approach is to “include just enough structure to be able to demonstrate you actually have a prudent process by which the plan’s investment menu will be managed.”

The Morningstar research is candid that the firm “has had a history of being skeptical of management changes, putting funds on watch lists.”

“From our study, we find that we do not need to downgrade a fund every time there is a management change if we feel confident in the parent, the fund’s process, and finally the cost,” the analysis states. “However, we do need to identify the cases when there is a policy change in the fund’s strategy versus simply a management change, and alert investors of such cases. We need to do this because we find on average, most management change cases result in business as usual at the fund.”

The analysis suggests that it is much more sensible to adopt an approach for monitoring manager changes (whether or not formalized in an IPS) that strives first and foremost to identify if the change represents a true policy modification or simply a shift in transitory personnel. Changes in the former camp likely do warrant a fund being placed on a watch list, given the Morningstar findings on performance and flow stability, while those in the latter camp probably do not warrant watch-list consideration.

Fred Reish, chair of the Financial Services ERISA team at the law firm of Drinker, Biddle and Reath, urges plan sponsors to remember the IPS “is the committee’s document; you own it.”

“Make sure it’s what you want. There aren’t any required provisions. It is there to help you, not hurt you,” he warns. If plan sponsors have doubts about their IPS and what it may force them to do in a situation such as a manager change, they can change the IPS to say that its provisions are intended to provide guidance and to help with consistency for committee decisions but are not binding on the committee.

“Review the IPS once a year, and go through it item by item, to make sure the committee is following its terms and that it covers all the investment decisions that need to be made. Committees are most often sued for the decisions they do not make—or, in other words, the issues they do not pay attention to,” Reish concludes. “Make sure the agendas for your meetings list the decisions your IPS says the committee must make. And make sure that all of the necessary investment decisions are in the IPS—such as expenses, share classes, revenue sharing, quality of investment management, asset classes, company stock, brokerage accounts and so on.”
