Leveling the Playing Field for Participant Fees

Making participant plan fees more equitable.

The concept of fee levelization is garnering attention from defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors and advisers, commencing from such sources as the increased volume of litigation over plan costs and the Department of Labor’s Employee Benefit Security Administration’s (EBSA’s) focus on fee disclosures.

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Michael Volo, senior partner at Cammack Retirement, explains, “With fee levelization the recordkeeper applies their recordkeeping fee as a percentage of assets, to each individual investment option. If revenue sharing in the investment option exceeds the recordkeeper’s required revenue, the recordkeeper credits each participant who has assets in the fund with the amount of the excess. If the investment provides less than the required revenue amount, the recordkeeper adds an additional fee, in the amount of the shortfall, to the accounts of each participant using the investment. A participant with several different investments might experience multiple credits and debits based on the revenue sharing in each investment, relative to the required revenue.”

Some plan sponsors and retirement plan providers remain perplexed by fee levelization. A 2017 Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA) report on non-profit employers found almost half of survey respondents were unaware of fee levelization, while only one in four plan sponsors could verify if their plan employed revenue-sharing to pay costs. 

Still, 33% of sponsors say they have already taken steps to ensure that fees are assessed to participants in a more equitable manner, according to Aon Hewitt’s “2016 Hot Topics in Retirement and Financial Well-Being.”

Michael Sasso, partner and co-founder of Portfolio Evaluation, stressed that it is a plan sponsor’s duty to consider fee levelization, even more now as firms face an upsurge in lawsuits. As companies are sued left and right over fees, plan sponsors must consider not if, but when, potential litigation can occur should certain plan costs be deemed too high or inconsistent, he says.

“In order to better protect yourself and get ahead of it, it would be wise for companies to really look at this, study it, and do what’s best for them. Have a process in place and make sure it’s well-documented,” he says.

Plan sponsors need to question how revenue sharing payments are applied towards each participant, Sasso says. The practice of revenue-sharing occurs when an investment company or manager pays a portion of funds to the recordkeeper, to decrease administrative service costs instead of paying a brokerage cash expense. Because revenue sharing differs with certain investments, participants invested in certain funds could end up subsidizing costs for participants in other funds, Sasso points out. The unparticipating workers, he says, end up “riding on the coattails of participants in funds generating revenue sharing.”

Volo believes the trend in fee levelization tackles this revenue sharing gap, and improves the situation participants, plan sponsors and recordkeepers are put in when remunerating these costs.

“It addresses that disparity and allows for revenue sharing to go back to participants, allows the plan sponsor to select the funds with the lowest net investment fees, and again, it’s a progressive fee, consistent with how investment fees are charged,” he says.

How participants are charged for these fees, from fee levelization to revenue sharing, can depend on the recordkeeper as well. Recordkeepers levelize fees differently from one another, and since it is a complicated process, not all recordkeepers offer the service.  

Other fees

Other fees can be levelized as well. Plan sponsors and advisers should consider whether participants should be charged at a ‘pro rata’ or ‘per capita’ model, Sasso says. “Pro rata means participants will pay a percent on their account balance, while with ‘per capita’ expenses, participants are charged equal dollar amounts. For example, if a sponsor were to charge each participant an annual per capita fee, say $75, a participant with a $5,000 account balance would be paying 1.5% of their assets, whereas a person with a $500,000 account balance would be paying a mere 0.02%. A ‘pro rata’ 10 basis-point fee for a participant with a $500,000 balance would result in $500 in plan fees, whereas a participant with a $5,000 balance would only pay $5. According to Volo, most advisers would suggest a per capita approach, or apply pro rata fees along with revenue sharing fee leveling.

“When that fee methodology is adopted, it lifts constraints off of selecting funds to provide certain revenue sharing to pay for the recordkeeping expenses, because there’s an explicit fee for recordkeeping,” he says. “So, often it allows plan sponsors and advisers to choose low or no revenue sharing funds, to reduce investment expenses to participants.”

Volo say plan advisers can help plan sponsors with fee decisions by requesting both pro rata and per capita prices from recordkeepers.

Participant reaction to fee levelization

For those DC plan sponsors worrisome over participant reaction—and education—concerning fee levelization, Volo explains how incorporating a questions and answers (Q&A) forum or a frequently asked questions (FAQ) portal could mitigate confusion. Some participants may not give the subject any attention, but most, he says, will address the resource should distresses arise. It’s the plan sponsors making an emphasis on fee levelization, he says, that typically generates the need for educational materials.

“Those who are interested have strong communication material provided during the rollout of fee leveling, including FAQs to address any concerns that participants have,” he says.

Meaningful Education Needed Before Open Enrollment

Education about benefits should be simple and personalized, and with the recent focus on HSAs as a way to save for retirement health care costs, special attention should be paid to education about them.

According to the 2015 Aflac Open Enrollment Survey, more than half (56%) of employees say they spend less than 30 minutes researching their benefits, and more than one-third (34%) say they spend less than 15 minutes.

In addition, a survey by DirectPath finds that 71% of employers opt for passive enrollment in their health plans—meaning employers provide open enrollment materials to their employee population, may host a webinar or presentation of benefits and options, then direct employees to a website for self-service enrollment. Because there is no meaningful education, employees may just keep the same benefit choices they had in the previous year.

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Anna Phalen, VP of Customer Insights/Account Management at Jellyvision, a provider of interactive software to help employees with benefits and financial decisions, based in Chicago, says the timing of education is important. Jellyvision recommends starting six to eight weeks before open enrollment. “If a plan sponsor starts three months in advance, employers will forget some information; if it starts a week in advance, employees won’t have a chance to review all their options,” she says.

Phalen suggests sending an email first, then a post card the next week, then a text message or mention in manager meetings three week later. “Not only are you hitting the best timing for communications, but you are also using different channels to engage different people in different ways. The more diverse plan sponsors are with touchpoints—email, mailings, Intranet, meetings, etc.—the more they can ensure employees are paying attention,” she says.

Communications can be personalized to generational difference or individuals’ potential specific situations. For example, Phalen says, Millennials may be suited to certain health plans. Since they are generally healthy, a high-deductible health plan with a low premium may be best for them. However, Millennials and other generations may be saddled with credit card and student loan debt, so student loan repayment benefits or financial wellness programs may be important to them.

For those closer to retirement, a message that can resonate would be, “Did you know you can make catch up contributions to your retirement plan?” Phalen says Jellyvision promotes using the word “you” to make communications more personal.

She also notes that communications should be easy to understand and offer a clear call to action. Communications should not include industry jargon. “Those crafting communications may be experts but employees are not, so they should put themselves in employees’ shoes to drive traffic to active enrollment,” Phalen says.

Communicating about HSAs

Phalen notes that presenting health savings accounts (HSAs) as a vehicle for retirement savings has become a very powerful message recently. “In the past, the focus was on getting employees comfortable with high deductible health plans [HDHPs], but it is important for employees to know what a great benefit HSAs are to them. They could set them up for financial success in the future. Highlight it year after year, and employees will eventually get it,” she says.

She adds that Jellyvision has seen a trend lately of plan sponsors including HSA communication when talking about retirement planning; it was a focus of a recent rendition of Jellyvision’s ALEX software.

Alana Elias Kornfeld, VP of brand strategy and content at FSAstore.com/HSAstore.com in New York City, says the company started looking at lifestyle based personas of its website users. It found for Millennials, health care is not a top priority on their budget. She agrees with Phalen that HDHPs may be the best health benefit choice for them, but also HSAs can be promoted as a path to save for retirement since they usually do not have a lot of health care spend.

As employees get older; however, having children or developing chronic health issues can increase employees health care spend, and plan sponsors need to educate employees about the benefit of HSAs in decreasing their financial burdens.

Simple language with no industry jargon is also important when educating employees about the benefits of HSAs. Elias Kornfeld says her firm has an ongoing brand effort to help educate employees about what is eligible to paid for from HSAs. In addition, hsastore.com/learn offers simple education using animations and interactions that are brief on text. It includes inspiration for how plan sponsors should be sharing information and getting employees to make new elections, and a guide to HSA investments is forthcoming.

She says explaining the triple tax benefit of HSAs and how that creates a compound effect can be communicated via a metaphor—diet, exercise and great sleep contribute to a better health result. “This is something employees are familiar with and that plan sponsors can use to communicate about HSAs,” she says.

According to Elias Kornfeld, open enrollment communications is a year-long process. She suggests employers use ongoing messaging, support and tips. “Use time throughout the year to bolster your employees’ benefits education so at the time of open enrollment, it’s an easy win,” she says.

Rachel Rouleau, compliance director for FSAstore.com/HSAstore.com, says the firm offers a calculator to illustrate the potential retirement savings that can be created from investing in HSAs. Employees input their HSA balance and what they expect to spend, and the calculator uses a rate of interest and years to retirement to show the balance employees could have by the time they retire.

Sean Hanft, content manager for FSAstore.com/HSAstore.com in New York City, adds that while it seems Millennials are in the best position to use HSAs as a vehicle for saving for retirement, his firm advocates for educating all demographic groups about rolling over HSA assets year after year to be used for unexpected health care expenses as well as retirement income.

According to Elias Kornfeld, FSAstore.com/HSAstore.com provides communication materials for free. The web page hsastore.com/open-enrollment offers help with decoding health plan acronyms, communications about understanding voluntary benefits and whether they are worth it, plus links to different calculators. Plan administrators can partner with FSAstore.com/HSAstore.com and it will provide communications directly, or they can download what they find on the site.
