Initial Comp Policy Risk Disclosures Found Lacking

August 9, 2010 ( – While 67% of the companies studied by Buck Consultants reported a compensation risk assessment according to new requirements, no adverse risks were disclosed.

A Buck news release about its study of proxy statements filed after February 28, 2010 that included the compensation risk assessment mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said the companies did not explain the rationale for their judgment.

The study also found that disclosures and coverage lacked consistency and that Board and Compensation Committee role was limited to oversight.

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“Corporate boards and their compensation committees have almost universally left day-to-day risk management in the hands of management,” Buck commented in the news release.

Buck researchers posed two questions based on their results:

  • If companies do not apply a consistent approach towards risk assessment and disclosures, can investors truly benefit from the SEC’s requirement to provide narrative disclosures where compensation practices and policies create risks that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect?
  • Is the lack of overall consistency within proxy disclosures creating confusion and thus achieving the opposite effect of what had been intended by the SEC?

Buck asserted that additional corporate disclosure would be consistent with the SEC and other stakeholders’ intent with the new rule.

“Over time,” Buck concluded, “we would expect to see a greater degree of disclosure about plan design, as well as processes that have helped companies and their boards determine that there are no material adverse risks within their compensation plans. Although this level of disclosure is not technically required, it would be consistent with the SEC’s comment letters and requests for additional information and with the continuous scrutiny and media attention being placed on executive pay.” 

Longevity Concerns High Among Retirement Savers

August 9, 2010 ( – Half of employees (52%) believe they are behind in their retirement savings and a nearly equal number of workers (53%) are very concerned about outliving their retirement money, according to MetLife’s 8th Annual Employee Benefits Trends Study.

A MetLife news release said 51% are also very worried about having to work full or part-time in retirement. Likewise, according to the study, 53% of employees of all ages are very concerned about being able to maintain insurance benefits received through their employers in retirement, while nearly six in ten indicate that they are very concerned with being able to afford healthcare in retirement – even those who assess their overall health as good or better.

The study found that 61% of workers have planned for 20 years or fewer in retirement even though, with a median retirement age of 65, half of the study’s respondents will likely live beyond 20 years, and some well beyond age 85.

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According to the study, 49% of those who have a retirement nest egg are interested in learning about how to protect their retirement income. Four in ten (40%) are interested in learning more about how they could use annuities as part of their DC plan, and 44% would like their employer to offer an annuity option in their 401(k), 403(b) and/or 457 plan.

When they retire, 55% of workers say that they’ll prefer to receive part of their nest egg for as long as they live rather than taking all of it in a lump sum, where only 9% strongly disagree with that statement (likely indicating that they prefer the lump sum), MetLife said.

According to the study, 70% prefer guarantees that offer stable but somewhat lower returns, compared to the 30% who prefer a higher degree of risk because the returns could be greater.

Based on MetLife’s latest study findings, very few companies currently offer annuities as either a defined contribution distribution option (16%) or as an IRA rollover option (13%).

The 8th Annual MetLife Study of Employee Benefits Trends was conducted during the fourth quarter of 2009 and consisted of two distinct studies fielded by GfK Custom Research North America. The employer survey comprised 1,503 interviews with benefits decisionmakers at companies with staff sizes of at least two employees. The employee sample comprised 1,305 interviews with full-time employees age 21 and over, at companies with a minimum of two employees.

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