Institutional Investors Boast 11.58% 2004 Showing

February 15, 2005 ( - Institutional investors turned in a 7.92% fourth-quarter performance last year as part of an overall 11.58% showing over 12 months, according to new data.

news release  from Wilshire Analytics, the investment technology unit of Wilshire Associates, reported the 2004 data for the Trust Universe Comparison Service (TUCS) – a cooperative effort between Wilshire Analytics and custodians. TUCS includes 350 plan participants representing approximately $2 trillion in assets and measures the performance of corporate and public plans as well as endowments and foundations.

According to the TUCS data, master trusts with assets greater than $1 billion performed slightly better with median gains of 8.05% during the fourth quarter and 12.02% for the year. Public funds’ median performance was up 8.05% for the quarter and 11.63% for the year while corporate funds showed median gains of 7.98% for the quarter and 11.79% for the year.

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For those with assets greater than $1 billion, public funds median performance increased 8.05 % for the quarter and 11.78% for the year while corporate funds showed median gains of 8.05% for the quarter and 12.23% for the year.

In terms of US equities, the fourth quarter of 2004 turned a year of mixed results into a second year of double-digit returns. During the fourth quarter, the Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 gained 8.3%, for an increase of approximately $1.1 trillion in market value. While TUCS showed a median performance gain for all master trusts in 2004 of 11.58%, those with an equity allocation of greater than 60% gained 11.82% and those with an equity allocation less than 40% gained 5.85%.
