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Investment in Stock and Bond Funds Strong in November
Strategic Insight, an Asset International company, revealed net new investment in stock and bond funds was robust in November, with inflows totaling $52.7 billion.
Led by a 1.9% return in the U.S. equity category, average one-month returns of stock and bond funds were positive across broad asset classes. International equity strategies returned an average 0.9% in November, while bond funds were slightly higher, at 0.3%, by month’s end.
Net intake for equity products totaled $34 billion in November, led by a $23 billion inflow to U.S. equity. There was strong demand for exchange-traded products, which attracted a net $36 billion. Inflows to bond funds totaled $18.7 billion, led by demand for the corporate bond general (up $8.2 billion), corporate high quality ($3.8 billion), and corporate high yield (+3.5 billion) fund categories.
With fund net deposits totaling $20 billion, money market funds helped to lift monthly fund industry net intake to $73.4 billion. November recorded the highest monthly aggregate net inflows for the fund industry in 2014, Strategic Insight says.
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