Small “Call”: The Best Managers You Haven’t Heard of—Yet

The consultants that guide sponsors in choosing the investment managers to run their pension portfolios look kindly on small, new firms, or at least are willing to give them a fighting chance against the megaliths. “We like smaller equity managers because the whole organization often is focused on one approach, both on investment philosophy and incentives to the owners and employees,” observes Roger Fenningdorf, Head of Manager Research at Rocaton Investment Advisors, consultants based in Stamford, Connecticut.

War Stories |August 2011

War Stories – August 2011

We all have them: Those front-line experiences that are inevitable when one deals with the variety—and sensitivity—of issues associated with human beings and critical life events. Sometimes those...
Survey Says |August 2011

Will 408(b) (2) Matter?

Now that the Department of Labor has made its decision to push back the effective date of the 408(b)(2) fee disclosures official, in early June we asked readers...
Bells & Whistles |August 2011

Bells & Whistles – August 2011

Each month, Bells & Whistles highlights recent product introductions that plan sponsors­ may find of interest. More information on these announcements can be found on If you...
Head of the Class |August 2011

Growth Patterns

Over shorter periods, growth indexes outperformed their value counterparts—and by significant amounts
Case Sensitive |August 2011

Designated “Drivers”

Cajun Industries, LLC 401(k) Plan v. Kidder, et al., No. 09-267-BAJ-SCR
Voice |August 2011

“Multiple” Choice

Multiple Employer Plans—an enticing alternative for plan sponsors
Saxon Angle |August 2011

“Covered” Calls

Are you ready for DoL service provider disclosure requirements?
Second Opinions |August 2011

Rescind Developments

There have been quite a few questions on the new rescission rule under PPACA and how the rule applies in many practical situations, such as a plan terminating...