Relief for Whom?

Interesting how Washington’s best efforts to enhance
the private pension system always seem to shortchange those
who need help the most.

Table of Contents |January 1998

Uniform State Law for Public Pensions

The proposed uniform law for public pension plans is now ready for the states to consider. But in some ways it is more stringent than ERISA
Table of Contents |January 1998

Challenging ERISA’s Reach

Can ERISA plans appeal local tax assessments to a federal court? A recent case involving the IBM plan and Chase, its trustee, complicates the issue
Table of Contents |January 1998

A New Way to Trade

Plan sponsors, money managers expand their use of off-exchange trading networks
Table of Contents |January 1998

Pulling Down The Walls

An EU green paper suggests ways for Europe to reduce barriers for multinational pensions
Table of Contents |January 1998

Advice For Sale

Advisory letter to TCW opens the door for plan providers to offer investment advice
Table of Contents |January 1998

403(b) Crackdown By The IRS

IRS voluntary compliance program pushes non-profits to take a new look at their pros and cons
Table of Contents |January 1998

Hitting Their Stride

Money managers in most categories beat their benchmarks in the third quarter. But knowing how much risk they incurred to do so requires a closer look