First SAVER Summit a Success

The first National Summit on Retirement Savings
produced a remarkable display of bipartisanship, and a raft
of suggestions for change. But it left some delegates

Table of Contents |July 1998

Chicago Pension Reform

Enhanced retirement benefits sweeten an embattled plan to reduce contributions to two Chicago pension funds
Table of Contents |July 1998

Q&A with David J. Hsieh, Duke University

In some of the first systematic research on hedge fund performance, an academic shows they can be used to provide downside protection or replicate bond funds
Table of Contents |July 1998

Promoting Portability

The product of many mergers, Rhone-Poulenc's US sub has a new pension equity plan that helps employees who may not want to make their whole career at one...
Table of Contents |July 1998

Survey of Technology Solutions and Service Providers

Pension officers want better risk management tools, and closer links with their money managers via the internet. Technology vendors are busily creating and upgrading their products to fill...
Table of Contents |July 1998

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Round Table

Executives from Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Investment Management interviewed for the Round Table include (left to right): Ruth Hughes-Guden, head of defined contribution; Marna C. Whittington, chief operating...
Table of Contents |July 1998

European Pension Reform

Huge moves may be in store as the euro takes hold, from new equity benchmarks and allocations to, possibly, an EMU-wide annuity rate
Table of Contents |July 1998

Who Is A Fiduciary?

The lines of fiduciary responsibility blur as employers move benefits administration to outside vendors. Here's how to protect yourself
Table of Contents |July 1998

Sued for Negligence?

Two court cases determine when an actuary can be sued for negligence-and why a plan sponsor cannot be sued over a benefits decision
Table of Contents |July 1998

Are Safe Harbors Too Expensive?

Safe harbors from ADP/ACP testing are coming soon. Small firms with many high earners, and multiemployer plans, are most likely to benefit
Table of Contents |July 1998

Gerard P Kaufhold

Retired training and development manager, AT&T, 54