UpFront |May 2008

May 2008 news articles that also appeared in the Upfront section of the May issue.
War Stories |May 2008

May 2008

We all have them: those front-line experiences that are inevitable when one deals with the variety—and sensitivity—of issues associated with human beings and critical life events.
Survey Says |May 2008

Are Fees Transparent Enough?

It's been a hot issue for some time—a topic of interest for Congress—and the Department of Labor (DoL) has laid out a three-pronged effort to help deal with...
Bells & Whistles |May 2008

May 2008

Each month, Bells & Whistles ­highlights recent product ­introductions that plan ­sponsors may find of interest.
Head of the Class |May 2008

Over Valued

After seven years of dominating the U.S. markets, value stocks trailed behind growth companies in 2007, and by a considerable margin.
Asset Mix |May 2008

The Quest for Alpha

"Buy some good stock, and hold it till it goes up," said American humorist Will Rogers, "and if it don't go up, don't buy it."
The Bottom Line |May 2008

Moving the Goal Posts

When they faced the "perfect storm" earlier this decade, with equity markets declining at the same time interest rates dropped, many sponsors opted to stick with aggressive equity...
Case Sensitive |May 2008

Oral Argument

Marian Thompson Robinson v. New Orleans Employers ILA AFL-CIO Pension Welfare Vacation & Holiday Funds.
Rules/Regs |May 2008

Wellness Plans

Media reports have spun a tale implying that recent Department of Labor guidelines will squash employers' ability to motivate workers to kick unhealthy habits.
Barry's Pickings |May 2008

Compared with What?

On the whole, I believe the movement from participant choice to target-maturity funds—a movement that is right now at the "inching forward" stage—is good.
Voice |May 2008

Why PPA’s Autopilot Fails on Takeoff

While the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA) is a decidedly 21st century addendum to the landmark Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974, it more closely...
Saxon Angle |May 2008

Not the Last Word

Not unexpectedly, the Supreme Court recently ruled that an individual participant in a 401(k) defined contribution plan can maintain a breach of fiduciary duty claim under ERISA, even...
Just out of Reish |May 2008

Corporate Governance: ERISA-Style

The class-action litigation against Enron directors and committee members is a lesson about the need for corporate governance procedures for a company's ERISA plans.