Vendor Technology: Fair To Middling

Our readers have spoken, and their message is loud
and clear: Defined contribution vendors are not delivering
adequate technology to their plan sponsor

Table of Contents |November 1998

LTCM: One bad apple?

Why many institutional investors were unbruised by the hedge fund brouhaha
Table of Contents |November 1998

Public Fund Salaries Remain Skimpy

Pay levels are inching up, but most government salaries make it tough to hire top investment people for internally-run funds
Table of Contents |November 1998

Do It By The Book

CALPERS' broad resolutions against pay-to-play were struck down by a superior court judge who ruled that the pensions giant did not go through proper channels
Table of Contents |November 1998

Cash Balance Circa 1948

TMRS depends upon technology to run a staggering 712 hybrid plans
Table of Contents |November 1998

Thanks But No Thanks

A group of public pension funds opposes mandatory Social Security coverage of state and local government employees
Table of Contents |November 1998

Taking An Active Role

An overweighting of large cap superstars in equity indexes has soured some on passive investing. Will more funds follow?
Table of Contents |November 1998

The Manager Switch

Liquidating a portfolio is always a headache, but planning ahead can help
Table of Contents |November 1998

Easier Route For Small Business

Will tax breaks and regulatory relief tempt small employers to set up new retirement plans?
Table of Contents |November 1998

401(k) Fees: The Secret Recipe

How do vendors cook up those fees? New tools are helping plan sponsors to get beyond the hype
Table of Contents |November 1998

Rating Risk Questionnaires

Tools designed to measure participants' risk tolerance may be misleading
Table of Contents |November 1998

When HMOs Skip Out

Employer premiums are expected to rise as managed Medicare HMOs quit insuring retirees in rural areas and other parts of the US
Table of Contents |November 1998

Not Just For Traders Anymore

Plan sponsors require better technology and a more standardized methodology to help them thoughly embrace risk measurement and risk management
Table of Contents |November 1998

Jane Davis

Waitress, former supermarket manager, 57