2019 Plan Sponsors of the Year

The Plan Sponsor of the Year annual award program recognizes retirement plan sponsors that show a commitment to their participants’ financial health and retirement success. The award is given in many categories to recognize all plan types, so any plan sponsor can be eligible.Nominations are made in the fall, finalists are announced in January, and…

Survey Says |April-May 2019

HSAs for Retirement Saving

Forty-seven percent of plan sponsors that responded to the 2018 PLANSPONSOR Defined Contribution (DC) Survey offer their employees access to...
Insights |April-May 2019

Peer Review

The retirement plan industry—especially those who work in the support services (think recordkeepers, investment managers, advisers)—is a relatively small group...
Participant Analysis |April-May 2019

Advice/Savings Correlation

The retirement plan industry offers various ways to help plan participants develop good investing behaviors. The most basic way to...
Rules/Regs |April-May 2019

Tussey v. ABB Draws to a Close

The parties in the long-running case of Tussey v. ABB reached a $55 million settlement—the final result of more than...
Awards |

2019 Service Stars

Introducing the 2019 individual and team service representatives recognized for exceeding expectations in their support of plan sponsors
UpFront |April-May 2019

What Makes a Super Saver?

Starting early is a key component of Super Savers’ investment strategies. The age respondents began investing in financial markets: Investments...
UpFront |April-May 2019

ESOPs for Retirement and Succession

ESOPs can help employees amass greater retirement benefits, as well as help business owners keep control in planning for the succession of their business.
UpFront |April-May 2019

Open MEPs Could Change the Market

Over time, with passage of open MEP legislation, sponsors will see a change in service delivery, advisers will have to consider different distribution paths, and providers will experience...
UpFront |April-May 2019

Pros and Cons of ETFs in DC Plans

Despite their advantages, the purpose of defined contribution plans and ability of recordkeeping systems to handle exchange-traded funds' unique traits...
UpFront |April-May 2019

Talking Points

Living Up To Expectations African-Americans and Chinese-Americans were the most likely of six ethnic groups surveyed to plan to retire at earlier ages. Further, 74% of African-Americans and...
Investment Focus |April-May 2019

Acting on ESG Principles

Fiduciaries need more to drive selections than a wish to change the world.